How Your Car Can Help You Pay the Bills

Ways to Make Money With Your Car

If you are like most people and have to work for a living, you probably spend a significant amount of time in your car commuting to and from work. It might surprise you to know that you can actually use your car as a tool or a resource to help you make extra money.

Here are some ideas for what you can do with your car.

Make Money Driving

If you’re looking for a new way to make a little money, you should consider getting a part-time job as a driver for Uber or Lyft. In addition to the flexible schedule, you’ll also be able to make your own hours, and you can even earn extra cash by referring your friends.

Get Paid To Advertise On Your Car

In this new era, your car is no longer just a car… it’s also a moving billboard. If you don’t mind having a company wrap your car in advertisements, there are a number of companies that will pay you for doing so.

The amount of money you earn depends on the size of your car and how often you drive on the highways — so if you have a big car and a long drive to work, this might be a great opportunity for you! You can also choose from Carvertise, Nickelytics, and Wrapify.

Rent Your Car

One of the most annoying things about dedicated assets, like a home or car, is that they often “just sit there” while you’re not using them. Services like Airbnb help you take advantage of unused bedrooms and cars, respectively.

Turo is another service that lets you rent your car as if it were an Airbnb rental. To qualify as a Turo rental, the car must be from 2005 or newer, have a clean title, and have less than 130,000 miles on it.

There’s a neat calculator on the site that lets you input some estimates and find out how much you could make. Uber, for example, allows you to rent your car when you don’t need it in order to avoid parking fees and make some extra cash.

Uber takes a commission from the rental fee (40%), so you get the majority of the profit (60%). (Uber pays the profits out once a month.)

Funnily enough, if you have a clean, centrally-located car with plenty of room in the trunk, you might be able to rent it to rideshare drivers without even driving it!

Apply for a Car Title Loan

In today’s world, every day is a struggle but you can better your situation. You see, car title loans are small, short-term loans that can help you escape cash-related struggles in your life.

The best thing about these loans is that they usually last 15 to 45 minutes. I actually recommend these loans to anyone who needs the money fast. A car title loan is an option for anyone that owns a car.

Lenders only keep the car’s title until the borrower pays off the full loan amount, plus interest and fees. No credit check Title Loans can be quick to apply for because they don’t require a credit check like traditional lenders do.

Typically, borrowers have to show their photo ID, proof of auto insurance, and sometimes proof of income before they can be granted anything. The dollar amount that you get varies depending on the state regulation of vehicle value.

Personal Driver Jobs

With all this traffic these days, who wants to be stuck in those slow-moving horrid, bumper-to-bumper lines of cars?

Luckily, Uber has your back. With uberPOOL, the driver will pick up their customer, drive them to their pickup location and drop them off at their intended destination while they await their next fare.

They’ll then pick up a new customer and take him or her home or to the next location. At the end of the reservation, the driver will return the customer to the pickup location and get back on the road.


You can be a courier for Amazon by using your own car and their service, Amazon Flex. You can make about $14 to $19 an hour and schedule a block of availability.

As a courier, you pick up packages from an Amazon warehouse and the app gives you directions for delivering them. The availability of the position can change as Amazon hires employees in specific locations as they’re available.

Amazon is currently hiring in New York City, Rochester, and Pittsburgh. If you don’t live in one of those areas, be sure to enter your information and they’ll contact you when they are hiring in your area.

Moving Services

As a driver, you can negotiate and transport large objects for people who have cars too small to fit them. You can get paid for moving these items in your car. Or, you can register with a service like Uber, which will help you find these jobs all across the country.


In this new age of commerce, there are a lot of options for people who own cars and want to make back the money they may have lost when purchasing them in the first place.

Instead of waiting for a promotion at work or for the next big lottery win, take advantage of the gig economy and get paid to drive your car, or apply for a suitable Car Title Loan from the best lender to get instant financing.