HPV jabs will be offered to thousands of teen boys on the NHS

Hundreds of thousands of teenage boys are to be given a lifesaving vaccine – currently administered only to girls – to protect them against deadly cancers.

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt will give the go-ahead for them to be inoculated against the cancer-causing human papillomavirus (HPV), after a hard-hitting six-month campaign by The Mail on Sunday.

The dramatic move comes after experts revealed in this newspaper how HPV kills far more men than previously thought. 

Since 2008 the vaccine against the sexually transmitted virus has been given to teenage girls on the NHS – but, controversially, not to boys.

Girls have been prioritised because HPV causes cervical cancer, which kills about 1,000 women a year. Around 500 women die from other HPV-related cancers a year too. 

Hundreds of thousands of teenage boys are to be given a lifesaving vaccine – currently administered only to girls – to protect them against deadly cancers

But it is now known to cause some 2,000 male cancers annually, resulting in the deaths of about 650 men a year, mainly from mouth and throat forms of the disease.

Extending the programme will directly protect some 400,000 teenage boys a year from harbouring the virus for life. 

This will prevent thousands of cancers, say leading doctors. Last night, former throat cancer patient Jamie Rae said: ‘This will save a lot of lives and a huge amount of suffering in the future.’

Mr Rae, who founded the Throat Cancer Foundation, which has been pressing for HPV vaccination for boys, added: ‘As someone who still lives with the aftermath of an HPV cancer, I can only express relief.’

The Government’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) had previously concluded it was ‘overwhelmingly’ unlikely that vaccinating boys would be cost-effective. 

Thousands will be saved by Jeremy Hunt answering the call

Year 8 schoolgirls have been offered the HPV jab on the NHS since 2008 to protect against cervical cancer – and since then its incidence among young women has started to plummet.

But until now, boys have been left out, although HPV, which is spread by intimate contact and kissing, triggers about 2,000 cancer cases annually among men – of the throat, mouth, genitals and anus. 

Cases often develop decades after infection and about 650 sufferers will die.

The change means that men will be protected from these illnesses, and from the gruelling treatments used to tackle them.

Big rises in these HPV cancers led doctors to believe that we were heading for a pandemic.

This will now be stopped in its tracks.

Its conclusions were based in part on a flawed computer model that wrongly assumed HPV caused relatively few cancers in men. It also reasoned the vast majority of young men would be protected as a result of vaccinating girls.

But earlier this month the committee accepted new evidence that HPV causes many more cancers in men than previously thought.

In particular it causes up to five times as many mouth and throat cancers as had been estimated. 

At a meeting on June 6, the JCVI subsequently switched its advice to conclude that vaccinating boys may well be cost-effective, this newspaper has learned.

The advice is not due to be made public until mid-July, although it has been passed to Ministers.

However, Health Department sources last night said that as soon as the advice is published, Mr Hunt will announce the extension of vaccination to Year 8 boys – those aged 12 or 13. 

Now I know my pain has not been in vain 

Paul Younger, 53, (pictured with his partner Helen Powell) an NHS executive from Kent, has throat cancer caused by HPV and started chemotherapy and radiotherapy in March

Paul Younger, 53, (pictured with his partner Helen Powell) an NHS executive from Kent, has throat cancer caused by HPV and started chemotherapy and radiotherapy in March

Paul Younger, 53, an NHS executive from Kent, was diagnosed with throat cancer caused by HPV earlier this year. Two months after his chemo and radiotherapy ended, he still suffers life-changing side effects – but yesterday he responded with joy to The Mail on Sunday’s victory.

May 23, 2018

I saw my GP and it was evident that she didn’t really know what to prescribe for my pain, saying that I must ride it out. 

She told me to try a Butec [a powerful opioid painkiller] patch. Mum cooked me a chicken pie, which was painful to eat, but at least my taste is coming back.

May 29

I’m still tormented by a dry mouth, which makes me gag. I feel like I’ve got a fur ball stuck in my throat. There is pain around the site of the tumour, which causes me anguish too.

I will have to take another laxative as the bowels have packed up again, no doubt due to the Butec patch, which has had no effect.

June 4

I have always been a caring person, but at the moment I’m so tied up in my thoughts.

Will I ever work again? Will I travel again? Will I see [my children] Katie and Ben get married? Will I ever be a grandad? I still feel that my life is over and I won’t experience any of these joys. It’s a long, lonely day and I spend time watching antiques programmes on TV until Helen [my partner] comes home.

It doesn’t get any easier eating. The worst sore is at the back of my throat, just where food and drink slip down. It’s been there for more than six weeks. I try to tell myself it’s not another tumour, but the result of trauma over the past few months.

June 11

Today it’s my birthday and Helen has taken a day off. She suggests a trip to the cinema but I’m still worried about sitting through a film in a public place. It just seems too early. 

We have an evening meal of cod with breadcrumbs which I struggle with – the texture aggravates the soreness in my throat. I have to drink three pints of water to get through it.

June 13

This morning I spend 15 minutes trying to remove the dead brown skin that has formed on the top of my throat overnight. The dryness causes me to heave over the toilet. After heaving I spit out blood secretions.

Straight after dinner, my tongue starts stinging and it actually feels twisted due to the ulcers underneath. Every mouthful continues to be a challenge.

June 16

Wonderful news. David Rose from The Mail on Sunday rings to say the Government is going to fund HPV vaccination for boys. 

The newspaper’s campaign, and the lawsuit launched by the Throat Cancer Foundation, have forced them to admit the old policy was ‘vaccine apartheid’. 

My pain has not been in vain. I feel elated that by writing my diary I have played a part in securing the health of our boys in the future.

If I do succumb to this disease, I will depart happy that I played my part making the vaccine available to parents of all children. The sun is shining, I’m in a country lodge convalescing, the World Cup has started. My discomfort continues, but I’m going to fight to get my life back.

The move is likely to cost about £22 million a year but the NHS should eventually save money as it will need to treat far fewer men for HPV cancers. 

In the short term, it will also save it from not having to treat as many cases of genital warts, which the jab also protects against.

One Government source said: ‘The Mail on Sunday has made a huge contribution by raising awareness of the devastation caused by HPV, and how easily it can be prevented.

‘In the long term, this will save not only lives, but money. As you have shown, treating HPV cancers is both expensive and extremely damaging.’

Currently the only way to get boys vaccinated is to go private, costing about £300 for a course.

HPV patient Paul Younger in his 'terrifying' mask during radiotherapy

HPV patient Paul Younger in his ‘terrifying’ mask during radiotherapy

Experts last night welcomed the move. Professor Margaret Stanley, president of the International Papillomavirus Society, said: ‘This decision will virtually eliminate anal cancer and oral HPV cancer. It’s a massive step forward, and The Mail on Sunday has helped enormously.’

Prof Chris Nutting, consultant oncologist at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London, who specialises in treating throat cancer, said it was ‘truly something to celebrate’.

And Peter Baker, director of campaign group HPV Action, said: ‘The decision to vaccinate boys is long overdue but still very welcome.’

A spokeswoman for the Department of Health and Social Care last night stressed there had been no official announcement. 

She said: ‘The Government takes advice from an independent expert committee – the JCVI – when making decisions on vaccination programmes. We will carefully consider its advice on HPV once received.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk