HR McMaster claims nuclear war increases with possibility

President Trump’s national security adviser said Saturday that the war with North Korea increases in possibility every day if the nuclear program issue is not solved.

Speaking with Fox News’ Bret Baier at the Reagan National Security Forum in California, HR McMaster shared his thoughts on the increasing possibility of nuclear war.  

‘I think it’s increasing every day,’ McMaster said to Baier. 

‘It means we’re in a race. We’re in a race to be able to solve this problem.

 President Trump’s national security adviser HR McMaster said on Saturday that each missile launch from North Korea increase the possibility of war in comments to Fox News’ Bret Baier

‘There are ways to address this problem short of armed conflict, but it is a race because he’s getting closer and closer and there’s not much time left.’

North Korea fired a intercontinental ballistic missile last week, flying 1,000 miles higher than its first ICBM launch in July.

And Kim Jong Un’s nuclear ambitions are the gravest national security threat that America faces, according to McMaster.  

‘The greatest immediate threat to the United States and to the world is the threat posed by the rogue regime in North Korea and his continued efforts to develop a long range nuclear capability,’ he added.

North Korea fired a intercontinental ballistic missile last week, flying 1,000 miles higher than its first ICBM launch in July 

North Korea fired a intercontinental ballistic missile last week, flying 1,000 miles higher than its first ICBM launch in July 

‘So it’s immensely important that we work together with all of our allies, partners, everyone internationally, to convince Kim Jong Un that the continued pursuit of these capabilities is a dead end for him and his regime.’

And while the ballistic missile fired last week did not survive re-entry into the atmosphere, it did break up. 

But McMaster still thinks this ambition on the dictator’s missile program show clear improvement. 

'The greatest immediate threat to the United States and to the world is the threat posed by the rogue regime in North Korea and his continued efforts to develop a long range nuclear capability,' McMaster added

‘The greatest immediate threat to the United States and to the world is the threat posed by the rogue regime in North Korea and his continued efforts to develop a long range nuclear capability,’ McMaster added

‘What is clear is every time – every time — he conducts a missile launch, a nuclear test, he gets better,’ McMaster said. 

‘And whether it’s a success or failure isn’t as important as understanding that over the years he’s been learning from failures, improving, thereby increasing his threat to all of us.’

Also at the forum, McMaster denied that recent guilty plea from Michael Flynn had not rattled the administration.  

McMaster said: ‘I’ve seen no evidence of the investigation in any way impeding the important work we’re doing.’