Huge drop in children dying of meningitis and pneumonia

The rate of children dying from pneumonia and meningitis plummeted as much as 90 percent between 2000 and 2015 after countries with the highest rates introduced vaccines for babies, a new study reveals.  

Hemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) are bacteria that can cause meningitis, pneumonia, sepsis and other serious complications, especially in children. 

They were leading causes of death for American children before Hib and PCV vaccines were broadly rolled out in the US, and persisted in developing countries where vaccines are have not been routine.

But a new report by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health reveals huge gains have been made globally, saving around 1.35 million children’s lives in the last two decades. 

Experts say more work needs to be done – millions of children around the world still die preventable deaths every day – but the rate of improvement is something of a breakthrough.  

Since conjugate vaccines against Hib were introduced in America, Europe and other countries in the late 80s, the virus has virtually disappeared as a public health risk

Most Europeans and Americans today can barely remember the threat of hemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) to newborns.

It is a brain infection contracted from bacteria that rapidly leads to meningitis, arthritis and pneumonia.  

Since conjugate vaccines against Hib were introduced in America, Europe and other countries in the late 80s, the virus has virtually disappeared as a public health risk. 

The shift was like night to day, according to Dr Robert M Jacobson, a pediatrician and former medical director for the Population Health Science Program at Mayo Clinic.  

‘When I was in training we would do all we could to save babies from Hib but there was nothing we could do,’ he told Daily Mail Online. 

‘Twenty thousand babies a year would die. Then, with the Hib vaccine, even in the first few years, we saw far fewer deaths. 

‘Now most pediatricians in training have never seen a case of hemophilia influenza type B. You can barely even imagine it.’

The same was true for pneumococcal disease. 

‘These are diseases for which herd immunity won’t protect you – if you get pneumococcal disease or lock jaw, it’s everyone for themselves, you’re on your own,’ Dr Jacobson said. 

The recent drop is largely to do with gains made in Africa and parts of Asia.

Streptococcus pneumoniae deaths have dropped 51 percent, from 600,000 in 2000 to 294,000 in 2015.

Hib deaths dropped 90 percent, from 299,000 in 2000 to 29,500 in 2015.   

Part of this drop was to do with better hygiene and access to health care in remote regions.  

‘In 2015 compared to 2000 fewer children died from all causes, not just Hib and pneumococcus,’ lead author Brian Wahl, PhD, an assistant scientist at the school’s International Vaccine Access Center, said.

But the bulk of the decline, the researchers concluded, was due to broader vaccinations – particularly in terms of mortality.

‘The estimated average annual decline in child deaths from pneumococcus jumped from three percent during 2000-2010 to eight percent after 2010 when many high-burden countries began widespread immunizations with PCV,’ Wahl says. 

In America, the CDC advises that babies get their first round of vaccines at two months old, unless they are ill, have a chronic illness, or have suffered allergic reactions, in which case their doctor will plan a different approach or delay vaccinating.

Generally, this involves getting five:

  1. DTaP
  2. Hib
  3. Hepatitis B
  4. Polio
  5. PCV13

These protect against seven diseases:

  1. diphtheria (which can cause heart failure)
  2. tetanus (or ‘lockjaw’)
  3. pertussis (‘whooping cough’)
  4. Hib (a type of flu that leads to meningitis)
  5. hepatitis B
  6. polio
  7. pneumococcal disease

The study comes just days after Mexican-American makeup entrepreneur Kat Von D sparked controversy by revealing she won’t vaccinate her first child because she has concluded vaccines are ‘unsafe’.

Her comment, part of a lengthy post about her plan to raise her child vegan, prompted a wave of Google searches about vaccines, and a storm of Twitter reactions. 

Dr Jacobson insisted the anti-vaxxer movement is not as strong as it may seem in a social media vortex – fewer than one percent of American children reach two years old unvaccinated – but urged parents with concerns to speak to their clinician. 

‘Vaccines are much safer than any other prescription drug,’ Dr Jacobson said.  

‘We recognize that maybe up to a third of parents have questions, but we have found that when we discuss these concerns, they usually go ahead and vaccinate. 

‘Our studies on vaccines are done in tens of thousands of people, whereas most of our prescription drugs are studied in hundreds or thousands. 

‘We know far more about vaccines that antibiotics, for example, because we know we are going to be recommending them for everyone. It’s not ‘just in case’; this is being rolled out to millions of people, so they need to be right. You can’t have a risk that 30 percent could get diarrhea or 10 percent could get a rash. The side effects need to be lower than any other drug.

‘We have a much higher standard for safety and non-reactivity than we do for other drugs. We accept that there is a rate of allergic reaction with our prescription medications. We don’t accept that with vaccines.’