Huge search underway after an empty pram is found next to a river

Divers comb the River Etherow as part of a huge police search after an empty pram was found on the bank along with a child’s belongings

  • Firefighters are combing Etherow Country Park in Stockport this afternoon 
  • Witnesses said a black buggy was seen by the water next to a changing mat
  • Emergency services said no one had been reported as being in the water  

A major search was underway today after an empty pram and a child’s belongings were found next to a river. 

Divers are combing Etherow Country Park in Stockport this afternoon after being called in by police. 

Two fire engines are involved in the search alongside a tactical rescue unit, a helicopter and a boat.  

Divers are combing Etherow Country Park in Stockport this afternoon after being called in by police

Eve Dugdale was walking in the park when emergency services arrived.

She said: ‘We’d just walked past the waterfall when three fire engines, an ambulance and the helicopter turned up.

‘We saw a pram in the water at the waterfall with all the baby paraphernalia in the water.

‘It was a grey and black buggy near the bottom and it looked like a blanket, a changing mat and other stuff were at different stages above above it.

‘They moved us off and we walked away. We’re at the entrance to the park now and there are loads of vehicles here.

‘It’s a really popular spot, especially at this time of year and there are loads of families about. Everyone seems to be a bit shocked.’ 

Two fire engines are involved in the search alongside a tactical rescue unit, a helicopter and a boat

Two fire engines are involved in the search alongside a tactical rescue unit, a helicopter and a boat

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service said: ‘Greater Manchester Police called us at 11.52am.

‘We are currently at the scene with two fire engines, a tactical rescue unit and a boat.

‘A pram and a child’s belongings were seen at the weir, but we are not aware of anyone being reported in the water and we have not found anyone in the water.’