Hugh Sheridan reveals he was ‘offered a ticket’ to deadly Israeli music festival targeted by Palestinian terrorists as event’s death toll reaches 260

Hugh Sheridan revealed he was almost caught up in the Hamas terrorist attacks after being invited to a music festival that was targeted by militants.

The Packed To The Rafters actor, 38, shared footage of terrifying scenes from the music festival, which were first posted by the New York Times.

The video was accompanied by news that Palestinian militants viciously ‘gunned down more than 100 ravers and abducted others’, with the number of dead now reportedly over 260.   

The clip ends with a woman’s terrified screams as she is abducted on the back of a motorbike while her boyfriend is frog-marched off by militants. 

Hugh revealed he attended a peace barbecue for the festival and was offered a ticket to attend, but declined the offer. 

Hugh Sheridan, 38, has shared his heartbreak for Israel as he revealed he was ‘offered a ticket’ to a music festival targeted by Palestinian militants: ‘These are kind and loving souls’

‘I attended the (pre) sunset beach PEACE bbq (barbecue) for this, they offered me a ticket to this too,’ Hugh began, referring to the music festival. 

Hugh said it was to raise money for Israeli ‘Burning Man’ to be held in six weeks time, speaking of the ‘kind’ and ‘loving’ nature of the festival-goers. 

‘These are kind and loving souls who just want the best for the planet and just wanted to have a break and dance with nature for a minute,’ he wrote. 

‘The latest report is over 250 innocent humans were gunned down here. I can’t believe I didn’t go. It’s only just sinking in,’ he finished.

Hugh revealed he was set to attend the music festival with him sharing his heartbreak at the senseless acts of violence, writing: 'These are kind and loving souls who want the best for the planet and just wanted to have a break and dance with nature for a minute'

Hugh revealed he was set to attend the music festival with him sharing his heartbreak at the senseless acts of violence, writing: ‘These are kind and loving souls who want the best for the planet and just wanted to have a break and dance with nature for a minute’ 

Hugh has been caught-up in Hamas’ terrorist attacks on the country at the weekend, with him sharing alarming footage of himself hiding in a stairwell with friends.

He also posted distressing video of sirens going off and deserted Israeli streets, telling fans he was searching for a taxi to drive him to safety.

‘A few hours ago everyone was living life completely normal in Israel. It was a big Jewish holiday yesterday, one week after new year,’ he wrote.

‘We were at a BBQ yesterday with young people who are now on their way to Gaza to fight. My heart breaks, I’m in the stairwell,’ he added. 

Hugh was in Israel and was sharing footage of missile attacks to his Instagram as it was happening with him trying to get out of the country. Pictured

Hugh was in Israel and was sharing footage of missile attacks to his Instagram as it was happening with him trying to get out of the country. Pictured 

Sheridan also posted a video of a quiet Israeli street, as he and his friends tried to make their way to the airport and leave the country.

‘It’s gotten eerily quiet. Desperately looking for a cab to the airport to try and get out. The missiles were way too close,’ he wrote next to the clip. 

Fortunately, Hugh and his friends managed to get to the airport and safely boarded a flight to Athens, Greece. 

It comes as Hamas, a recognised terrorist organisation by Australia, fired thousands of rockets into Israel on Saturday, catching the country – celebrating a religious holiday – by surprise. 

Some 2,200 hundred missiles were fired off killing hundreds and wounding 1,500 making it the deadliest attack in Israel in decades. 

Hugh took to social media to share these images of the Hamas terrorist attacks on the country, sharing distressing footage of sirens going off

Hugh took to social media to share these images of the Hamas terrorist attacks on the country, sharing distressing footage of sirens going off

Sheridan also posted a video of a scarily quiet Israeli street, as he and his friends tried to make their way to the airport and leave the country

Sheridan also posted a video of a scarily quiet Israeli street, as he and his friends tried to make their way to the airport and leave the country 

The Coalition has said Israel has ‘every right’ to defend itself, although the opposition’s foreign affairs spokesperson, Simon Birmingham, pleaded for ‘all parties’ to work together to protect innocent lives and end the violence.

Australia’s peak national representative body of the Australian Jewish community say calls for de-escalation by ‘both sides’ are ‘misconceived and only play into the hands of the terrorists’.

World leaders and diplomats were quick to condemn the Palestinian attack, including Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong.

‘Australia unequivocally condemns the attacks on Israel by Hamas including indiscriminate rocket fire on cities and civilians,’ she wrote on social media.

Fortunately, Hugh and his friends managed to get to the airport and safely boarded a flight to Athens, Greece

Fortunately, Hugh and his friends managed to get to the airport and safely boarded a flight to Athens, Greece
