Hull stab victim was told ‘you deserve to die’

A 20-year-old man faces a ‘substantial’ custodial sentence after stabbing someone and then telling them: ‘You deserve to die, you fat ****. Ha ha’.

Ashley Dunford, from Hull, East Yorkshire, admitted wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm when he appeared at the city’s crown court yesterday.

The court heard a witness said Dunford had ‘suggested a desire to stab someone’ when he was ‘not drunk or ‘less drunk’. 

After he stabbed the man in Hull, another witness was said to have heard Dunford say: ‘I’m glad I stabbed you. You deserve to die, you fat ****. Ha ha.’

Ashley Dunford, (pictured) from Hull, East Yorkshire, admitted wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm

Tim Savage, prosecuting, did not give details of the incident but said the case has ‘some troubling features’.  

Judge David Tremberg told the court: ‘I think a pre-sentence report is essential.’

Steven Garth, defending Dunford, said his client knows he faces a substantial custodial sentence after the incident on April 23. 

He added: ‘But because of his age and lack of antecedents, I do invite the court the court to consider adjourning sentence so a pre-sentence report can be prepared.’  

Dunford was effectively of good character, having only a caution on his record.

Applying for Dunford to be released on bail until he is sentenced on December 15, Mr Garth said: ‘He would welcome an opportunity to get his affairs in order; he knows what’s coming. 

Hull Crown Court (pictured) heard that Dunford stabbed a man in the city and then said: 'You deserve to die, you fat ****. Ha ha'

Hull Crown Court (pictured) heard that Dunford stabbed a man in the city and then said: ‘You deserve to die, you fat ****. Ha ha’

‘There’s been an honest plea today, with some courage, as your honour will understand.’

Releasing Dunford on bail, the judge told him: ‘I’m not going to pull the wool over your eyes. 

‘You should understand by granting you bail and adjourning for a report, the very high likelihood is you are going to get sentenced to an immediate custodial sentence.

‘However, I have not had the case explained to me by the prosecution, and I might not be the judge that sentences you. But you must be under no illusions.’