Human-like AI robots will turn down sex ‘if they’re not in the mood’

Sex robots will soon be able to say ‘no’ to unwanted advances from humans. 

Dr Sergi Santos, the Spanish inventor of sexbot Samantha, claims he’s working on a version of his AI doll that can enter ‘dummy’ mode in certain situations.

For instance, ‘dummy’ mode may be switched on if sensors under Samantha’s skin detect that she is being touched in an aggressive or disrespectful way. 

The robot will also enter into the unresponsive mode if she is bored with the attentions of her potential lover.

Sexbot Samantha (pictured) will enter into a ‘dummy’ mode if the sensors under her skin detect she is being touched in an aggressive or disrespectful way 

Samantha demonstrated her ability to say ‘no’ to overly aggressive sexual partners during a recent presentation held at the Life Science Centre in Newcastle.

The robot is expected to go into mass production with a price tag of £3,600 ($4,700), although it is not known when.  

The robot has motorised hands, hips and face and can whisper endearments if stimulated in the right way, according to the creator. 

As well as a dummy mode, the robot also has ‘family’, ‘romantic’ and ‘sex’ settings as well as an ‘extra naughty’ level. 

The robot, created by Catalonia-based Spanish scientist Dr Sergi Santos (pictured) and his wife Maritsa Kissamitaki, has sensors hidden under her skin that makes her responsive to touch 

The robot, created by Catalonia-based Spanish scientist Dr Sergi Santos (pictured) and his wife Maritsa Kissamitaki, has sensors hidden under her skin that makes her responsive to touch 

In April Dr Santos, who studied nanotechnology in Leeds, said his sex robots had saved his marriage. His wife, Maritsa Kissamitaki (pictured), says she doesn't have a problem with her husband using the dolls

In April Dr Santos, who studied nanotechnology in Leeds, said his sex robots had saved his marriage. His wife, Maritsa Kissamitaki (pictured), says she doesn’t have a problem with her husband using the dolls

Professor Kathleen Richardson, founder of The Campaign Against Sex Robots, branded Samantha as ‘an extension of pornography and prostitution’.

She said it was a ‘waste of money which could be spent on better things’.

In April Dr Santos, who studied nanotechnology in Leeds, said his sex robots had saved his marriage. 

Dr Santos said the robot rescued his relationship as his desires were met even when his wife, who he has been with for 16 years, wasn’t in the mood for sex. 

‘A man wants to feel in general that the woman is desperate to have sex with him,’ Dr Santos told Barcroft TV back in April. 

‘And if a man feels like the woman will not enjoy it fully, most men do not like sex.’

He claims that couples with incompatible libidos are more likely to divorce.

‘So if I have the doll, I’ll not divorce because of sex – in my case, I think that’s good enough.’

The robot has motorised hands, hips and face and can whisper endearments if stimulated in the right way, according to the creator (pictured)

The robot has motorised hands, hips and face and can whisper endearments if stimulated in the right way, according to the creator (pictured)

Dr Santos, who is an electric engineer by day, says it was his wife's idea to implant his artificial intelligence network into a doll

Dr Santos, who is an electric engineer by day, says it was his wife’s idea to implant his artificial intelligence network into a doll

Dr Santos, who is an electric engineer by day, says it was his wife’s idea to implant his artificial intelligence network into a doll.

‘We started researching it and found out – before anyone was making the robots – that wives were buying them for their husbands because they understand the kind of need that their husbands have, and how this could benefit their relationship,’ Ms Kissamitaki said. 

Over time, they made improvements – adding in-built vibrations that make the dolls sensitive and reactive to touch. 

They believe Samantha will be ‘capable of enjoying sex’ and will remember previous conversations – even going to sleep.

And although Ms Kissmitaki doesn’t have a problem with her husband using the dolls, he says he would feel jealous if she slept with a male doll.

Nevertheless, he is planning to build a male sex robot.

The couple believe Samantha will be 'capable of enjoying sex' and will remember previous conversations ¿ even going to sleep

The couple believe Samantha will be ‘capable of enjoying sex’ and will remember previous conversations – even going to sleep

One of the couple's sex robots sits wearing headphones and a scarf in Catalonia, Spain. And although Ms Kissmitaki doesn't have a problem with her husband using the dolls, he says he would feel jealous if she slept with a male doll

One of the couple’s sex robots sits wearing headphones and a scarf in Catalonia, Spain. And although Ms Kissmitaki doesn’t have a problem with her husband using the dolls, he says he would feel jealous if she slept with a male doll

Dr Santos says the robot rescued his relationship as his desires were met even when his wife wasn't in the mood for sex. Pictured, a skeletal model in a wig

Dr Santos says the robot rescued his relationship as his desires were met even when his wife wasn’t in the mood for sex. Pictured, a skeletal model in a wig

Dr Santos claims that couples with incompatible libidos are more likely to divorce. Pictured, parts for the company's sex robots

Dr Santos claims that couples with incompatible libidos are more likely to divorce. Pictured, parts for the company’s sex robots


Sex robots have long been a part of science fiction, and are often used by writers to show the menacing side of technology.

But, with the development of intelligent, more realistic looking sex dolls, they’re fast becoming a part of real life, too. 

The rise of sex robots such as ‘Silicon Samantha’ and Realbotix Harmony RealDoll has caused many to draw parallels to popular science fiction narratives.

In the 2015 film Ex Machina, programmer Nathan (Oscar Isaac) has cold and cruel sex with his creation, Ava (Alicia Vikander). However, she has the last laugh when she kills him and escapes to live covertly among humans.

In the TV series Westworld, Thandie Newton plays brothel madame Maeve Millay who is frequently killed by guests during sex only to be patched up and put back to work again. 

In Channel 4’s Humans, Anita is a domestic nanny robot. But her male owner initiates her sex program – much to the disgust of his wife when she finds out.

Another robot in the show, Niska, acts as a prostitute, and later goes on to kill one of her clients.

In Blade Runner, Pris, a ‘basic pleasure model’ robot, goes on to become a brutal and cold killer.

Sometimes, however, humans are the biggest villains. In AI, directed by Steven Spielberg, prostitute robot Gigolo Joe – played by Jude Law – is framed for murder and later killed. 

There are two front-runners vying to be the first firm to release a sex robot. 

Rival firm RealDoll has a model called ‘Harmony’ which will blink, talk and smile. 

Meanwhile, an expert has predicted that high-tech sex robots will be owned by hundreds of people in the UK within a year. 

The machines will have facial expressions and the ability to move their heads and hold conversations with their owners.

While they might be popular with single people, Dr Kate Devlin, from Goldsmiths, University of London, thinks they may be bought by couples as well.

Dr Devlin gave a talk on the future of human sexuality at Edinburgh International Science Festival back in April.

Speaking before the event, she said: ‘These robots will be bought by people who have a fetish but also by people who have a relationship but their partner is not willing or able to have sex with them.

The creators believe the robots (pictured) will remember previous conversations. An expert has predicted that high-tech sex robots will be owned by hundreds of people in the UK within a year

The creators believe the robots (pictured) will remember previous conversations. An expert has predicted that high-tech sex robots will be owned by hundreds of people in the UK within a year

The robots are being designed to interact with people ¿ making them different from sex dolls that are already available 

The robots are being designed to interact with people – making them different from sex dolls that are already available 

‘They will also be popular with single people seeking companionship. A manufacturer has described having a sex doll as like having a pet and the companionship is a very important part of it. 

‘These robots are something to talk to, as well as a sex toy of sorts.’

The robots will remember facts about their owners such as names and birthdays. Dr Devlin, a computing expert, said: ‘The first sex robots will be quite rudimentary. 

‘They will have an AI [artificial intelligence] ‘personality’ and the ability to chat with you. The race is on to produce them first and they are coming soon.’

The robots are being designed to interact with people – making them different from sex dolls that are already available. 

Dr Devlin believes they will be purchasable online within a year, and predicts they could be bought by hundreds of people.