Humpback whale breaches in front of boat off Port Macquarie NSW coast

Amazing footage has captured a migrating humpback whale spectacularly breaching just metres away from a boatload of stunned tourists.

The vision was captured just 20 minutes into a Port Jet Cruise Adventures whale watching tour off the waters of Port Macquarie, on NSW’s mid-north coast. 

The adolescent whale, realising it had an audience waiting with cameras at the ready, can be seen launching its entire body out of the water.


A humpback whale realises it’s show time and gives an acrobatic display that its audience will never forget

The cheeky whale’s antics create a massive splash as it crashes back into the ocean, soaking delighted watchers as they squeal with delight and laughter. 

Satisfied with its breathtaking performance, the whale swims away with its pod of siblings who had been swimming under the boat.

Passenger Anne Collins described the experience was ‘fanbloodytastic’.

‘It came up way up in front of boat, crashed back down and the water still came up. It was the best thing,’ she told 7 News.

Bernard Boyle added: ‘Everyone was ducking for cover when the splash came over. It was the experience of a lifetime.’ 

The boatload of stunned visitors were soaked as the whale comes crashing back to the ocean with a massive splash

The boatload of stunned visitors were soaked as the whale comes crashing back to the ocean with a massive splash

Port Jet Cruise Adventures’ video has attracted 145,000 views and shared 2000 times on its Facebook page since Saturday.

‘I’m still trying to pick my jaw up off the ground. That was insane,’ one woman commented. 

One man added: ‘Think we need a bigger boat!’

It’s unknown whether it was one of the two whales who put on a playful display close to shore at Tacking Point Headland earlier in the day.

The whales splashed about for about 20 minutes, much to the delight of 50 onlookers, Port Macquarie News reported.

Whale sightings are common around this time on the NSW mid-north coast.

Mission accomplished, the whale swims off with its pod of siblings, who had been swimming under the boat

Mission accomplished, the whale swims off with its pod of siblings, who had been swimming under the boat