Hundreds of MEPs are left stranded as service to EU parliament in Strasbourg breaks down 

Hundreds of MEPs were left stranded in a French field for several hours after their chartered train broke down. 

Furious politicians said they had been left in the sweltering heat without water or air conditioning and with overflowing toilets.

MEPs are taken by the chartered train every month from Brussels to Strasbourg in what has been dubbed the ‘travelling circus’ because France insists the Parliament must meet there.

But today politicians said the drama shows that the ‘senseless’ decision to ferry them between different cities should be scrapped and the parliament based in a single location.

The train ground to a halt in the countryside outside Strasbourg after the power cut out this morning.

Hundred of MEPs were left stranded in a French field for several hours after their chartered train broke down.

Another passenger posted images of the stranded passengers on Twitter and tore into the decision to rotate the location of the European parliament between France and Belgium

Another passenger posted images of the stranded passengers on Twitter and tore into the decision to rotate the location of the European parliament between France and Belgium

A German Green MEP also lashed out at the practice of ferrying MEPs between Brussels and Strasbourg every month as she chronicled the railway mishap

A German Green MEP also lashed out at the practice of ferrying MEPs between Brussels and Strasbourg every month as she chronicled the railway mishap

After an hour stuck inside the sweltering heat with no air conditioning they were allowed off to stretch their legs and get some fresh air.  

The water ran out on board and one passenger became so desperate for water they wandered around outside trying to collect rain water in a spare plastic cup.

But then a thunderstorm broke out and they were driven inside to take shelter from the onslaught.

Lib Dem MEP  Catherine Bearder said the drama shows the traveling circus should finally be brought to an end and the European Parliament stay in one city. 

She said: ‘MEPs don’t want this constant travelling circus, we consistently vote against it. 

‘Today is unpleasant and a waste of time, and it might help change minds about the absurdity of having two places of business. But at least we are safe.’

She chronicled the drama in a series of Twitter posts. 

She said on Twitter: ‘Ask any MEP, we don’t want this mad trip to Strasbourg and this isn’t making us any happier!… No AC, no water, no food left (Don’t ask about loos) Loco on its way apparently.’ 

She added: ‘It’s unpleasant and hot, but it’s not on the high seas and at least Strasbourg will let us in. #everythinginperspective. 

‘This is just wasting our time, not costing lives.’ 

MEPs were driven back aboard the train after a thunderstorm erupted outside 

MEPs were driven back aboard the train after a thunderstorm erupted outside 

The Lib Dem MEP said that the drama proves that the pointless strips between Strasbourg and Brussels are sill and the European parliament should be based ina  single location 

The Lib Dem MEP said that the drama proves that the pointless strips between Strasbourg and Brussels are sill and the European parliament should be based ina  single location 

She said the conditions were unpleasant on the train. One passenger became so thirsty when the water ran out they collected rain water in a plastic cup 

She said the conditions were unpleasant on the train. One passenger became so thirsty when the water ran out they collected rain water in a plastic cup 

Liberal Democrat MEP chronicled her time stranded on the train on Twitter 

Liberal Democrat MEP chronicled her time stranded on the train on Twitter 

Catherine Bearder said that MEps were driven back into the train when a thunderstorm broke out 

Catherine Bearder said that MEps were driven back into the train when a thunderstorm broke out 

Taina Mertalo, a Finnish press officer aboard, repeated the call for the European Parliament to be based in a singe location –  ‘one seat’.

She wrote on Twitter: ‘So tired of senseless travelling! #oneseat

Dave Keating, a journalist aboard, said: ‘The chartered Thalys train that shuttles MEPs and their staff from Brussels to the European Parliament in Strasbourg has been stuck in the French countryside for three hours after train lost power. 

‘After an hour stuck inside the heat, they released the MEPs out into the fields.

A diesel train eventually turned up and is tugging the train, which the stricken MEPs and their aides aboard, to Strasbourg.