Hunt says May had NO CHOICE about axing Damian Green

Jeremy Hunt bluntly admitted that Damian Green ‘lied’ today as he said the PM had no choice about sacking him.

The Health Secretary branded Mr Green’s actions ‘unacceptable’ as he defended the dramatic departure – and was installed as favourite to take over as Theresa May’s deputy.

Mrs May finally wielded the axe after a Cabinet Office investigation found Mr Green issued two ‘inaccurate and misleading’ statements denying he knew that pornography had been found on his office computer after a controversial police raid in 2008.

The PM finally wielded the axe after a Cabinet Office investigation found Damian Green (pictured giving evidence at a Cabinet committee yesterday) issued two ‘inaccurate and misleading’ statements denying he knew that pornography had been found on his computer

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt (pictured in Downing Street this week) branded Mr Green's actions 'unacceptable' as he defended the dramatic departure - and was installed as favourite to take over as Theresa May's deputy

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt (pictured in Downing Street this week) branded Mr Green’s actions ‘unacceptable’ as he defended the dramatic departure – and was installed as favourite to take over as Theresa May’s deputy

Mr Hunt said: ‘Clearly he did something that was a breach of the ministerial code and that is why Theresa May took the decision that she did.

‘He lied on a particular incident, yes. Lots of people who understand the context can understand why that might have happened, but that does not make it more acceptable.’ 

Mr Hunt laughed off questions about whether he fancied taking on Mr Green’s role as First Secretary of State – the second most senior job in government.

‘I am passionate about this job,’ he said. ‘These things are a matter for the Prime Minister.’  

Mr Green, 61, who was first secretary of state, became the third Cabinet minister to resign in two months, following the exits of Sir Michael Fallon and Priti Patel. 

His fall from high office is the culmination of a decade-long feud with former Met Police chief Bob Quick, who revealed that ‘extreme’ porn was found on Mr Green’s Commons computer during a raid on his parliamentary office back in 2008.  

A friend of Mr Green said the police had ‘got their man after a nine-year vendetta’. 

The effective sacking is a bitter blow to the PM, who relied heavily on her old university friend. 

In a letter to him last night, she said she was ‘extremely sad’ about his departure.

The premier received the results of the Cabinet Office investigation on Monday.

Mrs May, pictured giving evidence to a Commons committee yesterday, spent weeks struggling to find a way to save her deputy

Mrs May, pictured giving evidence to a Commons committee yesterday, spent weeks struggling to find a way to save her deputy

Theresa May shared a warm moment with Damian Green in the Commons chamber just hours before asking for his resignation for breaching ministerial 

Theresa May shared a warm moment with Damian Green in the Commons chamber just hours before asking for his resignation for breaching ministerial 

However, despite the damning conclusions she asked her independent adviser on ministerial interests, Sir Alex Allen, to review the situation.

He agreed with the inquiry findings that the lack of candour amounted to two breaches of the ministerial code.

But the delay meant that Mrs May did not formally take the decision on Mr Green’s future until last night – meaning she will not have to face MPs’ questions until the New Year.  

Mrs May also rounded on the police over the role played by former detectives. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick has also condemned the conduct of the ex-officers, which is now the subject of an inquiry. 

Mr Quick is said to have never forgiven those he believes sabotaged his high-flying career following his investigation into Mr Green nearly a decade ago.

His simmering fury over the circumstances in which he left the police has seen him dubbed ‘Bitter Bob’ by a number of former colleagues.