Hunter Biden associate referred to ‘the Big Guy’ in SECOND message

A business associate of Hunter Biden referred in a text message to ‘the Big Guy’ – the second time the reference was made, increasing suspicion that the nickname refers to Joe Biden.

James Gilliar, a British businessman, in May 2017 had emailed his associates – including Hunter – to formalize how they would divide the spoils from their deal with China’s largest private energy company.

Gilliar wrote that the proceeds would be split, with 20 percent each to four partners, including ‘JG’ – assumed to be himself – and ‘H’, assumed to be Hunter.

Cryptically the remaining 20 percent would be divided, with 10 percent to ‘Jim’ – likely Hunter’s uncle, Jim Biden, and ’10 held by H for the big guy’.

If the ‘big guy’ is indeed Joe Biden, it would contradict his insistence that he was not involved in his son’s business dealings. The president has long rubbished any suggestion of financial impropriety. 

On Wednesday, a second reference by Gilliar to ‘the big guy’ emerged.

James Gilliar is pictured leaving a police station in the Czech Republic. He has now twice made reference to ‘the big guy’ – once in a May 2017 email, and once in an October 2020 text message, in which he made clear the ‘big guy’ was Joe Biden

Amid all the shocking messages involving Joe Biden, possibly the most important email of the 154,000 on Hunter's abandoned laptop is the infamous 'big guy' email, suggesting that the president may have been involved in, and set to profit from, an alleged Chinese influence operation

Amid all the shocking messages involving Joe Biden, possibly the most important email of the 154,000 on Hunter’s abandoned laptop is the infamous ‘big guy’ email, suggesting that the president may have been involved in, and set to profit from, an alleged Chinese influence operation

Hunter and Joe Biden are pictured in April 2016

Hunter and Joe Biden are pictured in April 2016

Hunter Biden is seen in a photo from his laptop, which he left at a Delaware repair shop. The laptop contains extensive information about his business dealings

Hunter Biden is seen in a photo from his laptop, which he left at a Delaware repair shop. The laptop contains extensive information about his business dealings

Gilliar in October 2020 – when the news about Hunter Biden’s laptop was first reported – discussed whether the revelations about Hunter’s businesses would harm his father’s presidential campaign.

‘If they lose, honestly, I don’t think that the Big Guy really cares about that because he’ll be too busy focusing on all the other s*** he is doing,’ wrote Gilliar, in a text message obtained by a Republican source, and passed on to The New York Post. 

Another of their business partners, Tony Bobulinski, in October 2020 said that Joe Biden was indeed ‘the big guy’. 

Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, a prosecutor appointed by former President Donald Trump, is currently investigating Hunter’s business dealings.

Last week CNN reported that the 52-year-old could face charges related to possible tax violations or, more seriously, foreign lobbying violations.

Earlier this month, the White House said that the president stands by his comments that he never spoke with his son Hunter about his business dealings – despite revealing a voicemail where he did just that.

White House Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that she would not comment on anything regarding Hunter Biden’s damning laptop, when asked about the 2018 recording of the president discussing his son’s deal with Chinese oil giants CEFC. 

‘From this podium, I am not going to talk about alleged materials from the laptop,’ Jean-Pierre told Fox News’ Peter Doocy during her daily briefing.

When further pushed on the contents of voicemail and if the administration is being open with the American people by Real Clear News’ Philip Wegmann, Jean-Pierre said: ‘I cannot comment on any materials from the laptop.’

Wegmann pressed Jean-Pierre on whether Biden’s silence on Hunter and his foreign business dealings is consistent with his promise to ‘always level’ with the American public.

It is not clear if Jean-Pierre is saying that she cannot comment on the issue for legal reasons or otherwise or if she is strategically choosing not to speak on the matter.

Biden has consistently claimed he has no involvement with his adult son’s international business, despite the voicemail clearly showing otherwise.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said earlier this month that 'What the president said stands' when asked if he did speak to his son Hunter about foreign business dealings - after a voicemail proves he did. Pictured: Joe and Hunter hold Beau Biden Jr.  while watching July 4 fireworks from the White House

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said earlier this month that ‘What the president said stands’ when asked if he did speak to his son Hunter about foreign business dealings – after a voicemail proves he did. Pictured: Joe and Hunter hold Beau Biden Jr.  while watching July 4 fireworks from the White House

‘Why is there a voicemail of the president talking to his son about his overseas business dealings if the president has said he’s never spoken to his son about his overseas business dealings?’ Doocy asked, referencing the voicemail uncovered by

‘What the president said stands. So, if that’s what the president said, that is what stands,’ Jean-Pierre said.

Jean-Pierre would not answer Doocy when pushed on if the voice on the voicemail with Hunter was that of the president.

‘I refer you to his son’s representatives,’ she reiterated.

Republican Rep. James Comer, the ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform who will take over investigations if the GOP wins back the majority in November, said he wasn’t surprised by the failure to answer the question.

He told ‘It’s no surprise Biden officials refuse to answer basic questions about Joe Biden’s involvement with Hunter Biden’s shady foreign business dealings. 

‘Joe Biden claims he never talked to Hunter about these business deals, but evidence continues to mount that Joe Biden is the ‘Big Guy’ and benefited from the Biden family’s transactions. 

‘When Republicans take back the House, the Biden Administration won’t be allowed to keep hiding information from the American people. 

‘We’ll use the gavel to get answers.’

The voicemail obtained by and published on June 27 reveals Biden spoke with Hunter about his business dealings with a Chinese criminal that his son dubbed the ‘spy chief of China.’

Biden has repeatedly denied personally and through his press secretary that he ever talked about Hunter’s foreign business with Hunter – despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

In the voicemail left on Hunter’s iPhone, the evidence has come from POTUS’ own mouth.

Joe called Hunter on December 12, 2018 saying that he wanted to talk to him after reading a New York Times story about Hunter’s dealings with the Chinese oil giant CEFC.

Files on Hunter’s abandoned laptop previously disclosed by show that he struck a deal with the Chinese company worth millions of dollars after touting his family connections.

The Times’ 2018 story pointed out CEFC’s chairman Ye Jianming had been arrested in China and his top lieutenant Patrick Ho had been convicted in the US for bribing African officials to help Iran evade oil sanctions.

It revealed that Ye had met with Hunter at a Miami hotel in 2017 to discuss ‘a partnership to invest in American infrastructure and energy deals.’

'I cannot comment on any materials from the laptop,' Jean-Pierre said – it is not clear if she is choosing not to speak on the topic or if she legally is unable

‘I cannot comment on any materials from the laptop,’ Jean-Pierre said – it is not clear if she is choosing not to speak on the topic or if she legally is unable

Joe Biden called Hunter in December 2018 saying he wanted to talk to him about a New York Times story on Hunter's dealings with the Chinese oil giant CEFC, a new voicemail reveals

Joe Biden called Hunter in December 2018 saying he wanted to talk to him about a New York Times story on Hunter’s dealings with the Chinese oil giant CEFC, a new voicemail reveals

The Times' 2018 story pointed out CEFC's chairman Ye Jianming had been arrested in China

His lieutenant Patrick Ho had been convicted in the US of bribery

The Times’ 2018 story pointed out CEFC’s chairman Ye Jianming had been arrested in China and his lieutenant Patrick Ho (right) had been convicted in the US of bribery. Hunter accidentally recorded himself referring to Ho as the ‘spy chief of China’

The Times reported that when Ho was arrested, he called Joe’s brother Jim Biden – who told the newspaper that he believed the call was meant for Hunter.

The paper said it was ‘unclear whether Hunter Biden struck any business deals with CEFC’, not knowing at the time the depths of his connections with his Chinese business partners.

After seeing the story online, Joe called Hunter and left a voicemail.

‘Hey pal, it’s Dad. It’s 8:15 on Wednesday night. If you get a chance just give me a call. Nothing urgent. I just wanted to talk to you,’ he said.

‘I thought the article released online, it’s going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good. I think you’re clear. And anyway if you get a chance give me a call, I love you.’

The message flies in the face of the president’s repeated denials that he ever discussed Hunter’s overseas business dealings with his son.

The newly uncovered voicemail came from a backup of Hunter’s iPhone XS, stored on his abandoned laptop.

After the Times’ story was published, Hunter’s friends texted him, teasing about Jim’s indiscreet comment to the newspaper that linked Hunter to Patrick Ho.

Devon Archer, Hunter’s longtime best friend and business partner – who is now serving a year in jail for defrauding a Native American tribe – wrote to him the next day: ‘Nice quote from uncle jimmy. I hope you thanked him for that.’

‘Took it totally out of the context atctually (sic) the text itself that it was said in,’ Hunter replied. 

‘Either way yeah I’m delighted.’

It turned out Jim was telling the truth. 

After Ho was arrested, he contacted Hunter and paid the president’s son a $1 million retainer to represent him as his attorney.

The Times reported that when Ho was arrested, he called Joe's brother Jim Biden (right) – who told the newspaper that he believed the call was meant for Hunter

The Times reported that when Ho was arrested, he called Joe’s brother Jim Biden (right) – who told the newspaper that he believed the call was meant for Hunter

After the Times' story was published, Hunter's friend Devon Archer texted him teasing about Jim's indiscreet comment to the newspaper that linked Hunter to Patrick Ho. 'Took it totally out of the context atctually (sic) the text itself that it was said in,' Hunter replied. 'Either way yeah I'm delighted'

After the Times’ story was published, Hunter’s friend Devon Archer texted him teasing about Jim’s indiscreet comment to the newspaper that linked Hunter to Patrick Ho. ‘Took it totally out of the context atctually (sic) the text itself that it was said in,’ Hunter replied. ‘Either way yeah I’m delighted’

Joe Biden entertained Mexican billionaires Carlos Slim and Miguel Alemán Velasco - his son Hunter's business associates - in the vice president's office in 2014

Joe Biden entertained Mexican billionaires Carlos Slim and Miguel Alemán Velasco – his son Hunter’s business associates – in the vice president’s office in 2014

A copy of a FISA warrant obtained by reveals that federal agents were monitoring Ho as a potential spy for China.

And while holed up in a hotel room on a bender with a prostitute filming amateur sex tapes, Hunter accidentally recorded himself referring to Ho as the ‘spy chief of China’.

‘I have another New York Times reporter calling about my representation of the, literally, Dr. Patrick Ho — the f***ing spy chief of China who started the company that my partner [Jianming], who is worth $323 billion, founded and is now missing,’ Hunter told his female friend in the May 11, 2018 recording.

‘The richest man in the world is missing, who was my partner.’

Hunter’s claim that Ho was the ‘spy chief of China’ – or a senior Chinese intelligence officer – has not been proven.

Joe’s voicemail to Hunter about the Times article is the latest in an overwhelming body of evidence suggesting that he lied about not talking foreign business with his son.

In another example, the then-vice president attended a Washington, DC dinner with Hunter’s Ukrainian, Kazakh and Russian business associates in 2015.

Hunter told one of his guests in an email that the dinner was ‘ostensibly to discuss food security’, but was in fact an opportunity to introduce his potential clients and partners to his powerful father.

The White House at first denied Joe’s attendance, then when photographs emerged of Joe there, it claimed it was only a brief stop by.

Joe also met another of Hunter’s Chinese business partners, Jonathan Li, when he took his son on a 2013 Air Force 2 trip to China.

After the trip, Joe entertained Hunter’s Mexican billionaire business partners Carlos Slim and Miguel Aleman Velasco at the White House and the VP’s official residence.

Emails on Hunter’s abandoned laptop published by show that Hunter and Joe shared a bank account and paid each other’s bills, while Hunter’s business partner Eric Schwerin did Joe’s taxes.

The White House declined to comment to
