Hurricane Harvey victims get help from five-year-old girl

A kindergartner has turned her birthday money into more than 100 cases of water for the victims of Hurricane Harvey. 

When Ella Russell, five, of Maryville, Tennessee, was watching the news on Hurricane Harvey, she was moved to tears. 

‘She started crying because she’s very sensitive,’ Jennifer Perkins, her mother said. 

Five-year-old Ella Russell saw the people impacted by Hurricane Harvey and wanted to help so her mother took to social media and asked how people can help 

‘She was like “Mommy, there’s water going up everywhere. What can we do,”’ she told Wate 6. 

Ella’s mother has been trying to teach her daughter to help those when they’re in need so in an attempt to help the those affected by the hurricane, she posted her daughter’s question on social media. 

And in response, people donated money and their time to buy cases of water at the grocery store. 

In response, people donated their time and money to buy cases of water that will be sent directly to Houston from Rio Revolution Church in Maryville, Tennessee  

In response, people donated their time and money to buy cases of water that will be sent directly to Houston from Rio Revolution Church in Maryville, Tennessee  

Ella’s and her mother’s efforts turned $10 in birthday money into $280 for 146 cases of bottled water, which the family gave to Rio Revolution Church in Maryville to be sent to Houston.  

The family hopes that people will continue to donate and keep the victims in their minds no matter how long its been since the hurricane. 

Jennifer said that although disaster is ‘fresh in our minds’ to remember where these people are going to be ’90, 100 days, to a year’. 

Ella turned $10 of birthday money into $280 and 146 cases of bottled water for the victims of Hurricane Harvey 

Ella turned $10 of birthday money into $280 and 146 cases of bottled water for the victims of Hurricane Harvey 

But for now Ella and her mother still have some work to do. 

They will be collecting diapers, hygiene products and money to purchase the items. 

Their donations will be given to Rio Revolution Church and sent to Houston. 

Ella and her mother are collecting diapers, hygiene products and money to purchase the items to donate as well 

Ella and her mother are collecting diapers, hygiene products and money to purchase the items to donate as well 

People walk down a flooded street as they evacuate their homes after Hurricane Harvey on August 28 in Houston, Texas 

People walk down a flooded street as they evacuate their homes after Hurricane Harvey on August 28 in Houston, Texas 

A man in Houston waves down a rescue crew as he tries to leave the area after it was flooded due to the hurricane 

A man in Houston waves down a rescue crew as he tries to leave the area after it was flooded due to the hurricane