Husband with prosthetic leg and wife wow in acroyoga video

A talented couple is defying both gravity and the odds against them with mind-blowing acroyoga moves, which sees the wife balancing on her husband’s prosthetic leg.

Millissa, 35, is a long-time fans of acroyoga, a partner exercise that blends acrobatics with yoga, and performs incredible routines alongside her husband, Peter Greenwood, 33, who has overcome the loss of a leg to bone cancer in order to pursue his talents. 

The two post mesmerizing videos of their precarious acroyoga exercises that require high brow concentration, a strong sense of balance, and plenty of trust, and have earned themselves an impressive fan base on social media thanks to their impressive skills. 


Couple goals: Yoga instuctor Millissa Greenwood, 35, posts acroyoga videos with husband Peter, 33, who has a prosthetic leg and still completes incredibly complex moves

Smooth Moves: The couple posts several videos on social media including a practice session in the park (above) where they practice routines and show their mistakes along the way

Smooth Moves: The couple posts several videos on social media including a practice session in the park (above) where they practice routines and show their mistakes along the way

Up and away: The couple have earned themselves fame on Instagram thanks to their impressive skills 

Up and away: The couple have earned themselves fame on Instagram thanks to their impressive skills 

Millissa is a certified acroyoga instructor and teaches her own classes in the art. She’s the one that got husband Peter involved, in spite of his prosthetic leg. 

Peter was diagnosed with bone cancer when he was 18 in 2003. To stop the cancer from spreading, his leg had to be amputated right above the knee just two years later.

‘It was traumatic and a challenge to go through. But it happened, I’m a father now, life is good,’ Peter said to Cosmopolitan. 

Today the couple loves to practice their art and Millissa loves to post them. 

In one video she posted to Facebook Peter and Millissa lay down in a grassy park in Saskatoon, Canada and practice their own routine over and over, showing their followers mistakes, rough moments and final successes.

She captioned the video ‘Practice, Practice and some more Practice with a lot of communication. I am so freakin’ proud of us! Go Husbo!’

Sky's the limit: The couple admit that not every routine comes so easy, but they say they overcome challenges with practice

Sky’s the limit: The couple admit that not every routine comes so easy, but they say they overcome challenges with practice

Partners in crime: The duo go to classes together to 'play' and learn new acroyoga moves

Partners in crime: The duo go to classes together to ‘play’ and learn new acroyoga moves

In another post the duo practice on a sandy beach with their baby sitting in a stroller not far away. The positive mother wrote ‘For sure doing Acro helps us work on our communication and keeps us playful! Love celebrating the progress.’

She added the fun hashtags ‘#husboacro #onelegdontcare #longsandsbeach’. 

Peter got into acroyoga after Millissa suggested the exercise in 2012. Peter plays the role of base, where he lies on the ground and supports Millissa, the flyer, and catches and turns her using his legs, arms, and core.  

‘He was teary-eyed to see that it was absolutely possible for him to practice acroyoga,’ Millissa says. 

‘Realizing you are stronger than you think you are, and strong enough to hold another person can have this effect on you.’

Peter admits that it took time for him to realize he could achieve success with the sport.  

Doting Dad: Peter and Millissa's baby son Zeke is already learning acroyoga

Doting Dad: Peter and Millissa’s baby son Zeke is already learning acroyoga

Daddy duty! Baby Zeke has learned acroyoga tips from mom and dad and has already become an internet sensation for his bold flips while wearing a diaper

Daddy duty! Baby Zeke has learned acroyoga tips from mom and dad and has already become an internet sensation for his bold flips while wearing a diaper

‘It took me a long time to get past mental blocks and realize I could do whatever I want, it might just be a little different. Acroyoga is slightly more intimidating with prosthetics since you don’t have as much control over the limb,’ he said. 

Today Peter has three prosthetic limbs for different uses. When it comes to yoga, Peter cannot rotate the ankle or extend the knee, which can be limiting. But the couple, through trial and error, figure out a way to make every routine work. 

For the couple acroyoga is more than just challenging exercise, it’s a chance to listen to each other’s bodies and improve communication. 

But they’re not the only ones making an online sensation. They’re baby Zeke has nailed down some impressive moves of his own, and he’s barely 18 months. 

One video that mom Millissa posted on Instagram got over one million views.  

From learning about themselves through the sport to teaching baby Zeke, this power family is much more than just fitness inspiration.