‘I have heard many things’: Chloe Shorten breaks silence during interview with her husband

Chloe Shorten has broken her silence after Senator Michaelia Cash threatened to spread rumours about her husband Bill’s female staffers.

The glamorous wife of Opposition Leader Bill Shorten made the revelation during an intimate interview on Channel 10’s The Sunday Project.

Earlier this year, Senator Michaelia Cash was forced to withdraw an extraordinary threat to make public ‘rumours’ involving female staffers.

‘I’ve heard so many things that I just don’t go there,’ Mrs Shorten said when asked about how the parliamentary outburst made her feel. 

Chloe Shorten (pictured left) has revealed on national television she has ‘heard so many things’ she ‘just doesn’t go there’ when it comes to rumours about her husband Bill (pictured right) 

She clapped her hands together and revealed she didn’t let her children discuss the issue either.

‘I don’t let myself go there, I don’t let the kids go there, and if they do, we handle it, we knock it on the head, and that’s it’. 

Senator Michaelia Cash threatened to name political staffers who she claimed were the subject of ‘rumours’ during a Senate Estimates hearing in February.

‘I am happy to sit here and name every young woman in Mr Shorten’s office over which rumours in this place abound,’ Minister Cash said at the time. 

Mrs Shorten was pressed about a Senator Michaelia Cash's threats to name 'every young woman in Mr Shorten's office over which rumours in this place abound' 

Mrs Shorten was pressed about a Senator Michaelia Cash’s threats to name ‘every young woman in Mr Shorten’s office over which rumours in this place abound’ 

Mr Shorten said he didn’t want to give the comments any oxygen, but he felt Senator Cash’s comments were unworthy and she should have apologised. 

‘Women are allowed to work in politics without being the subject of innuendo and other more powerful women should stand up for women, not degenerate them,’ he said. 

Host Lisa Wilkinson also pressed Mr Shorten about Barnaby Joyce, asking if there’s a secret world in Canberra where affairs happen.  

Mr Shorten defended parliamentarians, saying he did not think that was an ‘entirely fair’ characterisation of the nation’s leaders. 

‘I just don’t think I can add any more to that whole saga,’ he said. 

‘I do think they are there for the right reasons, I think they are there to make a difference’.  

Host Lisa Wilkinson also pressed Mr Shorten about Barnaby Joyce, asking if there's a secret world in Canberra where affairs happen. 'I just don't think I can add any more to that whole saga,' he said. 

Host Lisa Wilkinson also pressed Mr Shorten about Barnaby Joyce, asking if there’s a secret world in Canberra where affairs happen. ‘I just don’t think I can add any more to that whole saga,’ he said. 

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