‘I would like to see her often’: Rudy gushes about his new Louisiana flame

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is gushing about a budding new romance he has with a Louisiana fundraiser – and emphatically denying he got involved with a New Hampshire hospital administrator.

‘I like her a lot, she’s a great lady,’ he told DailyMail.com in a phone call from the Trump hotel, shortly before he went to view a damning new report from the Justice Department’s Inspector General about the FBI’s conduct during the 2016 campaign.

He said his new relationship with Louisiana fundraiser Jennifer LeBlanc ‘has potential.’ 

The lawyer for President Trump strenuously denied a romantic involvement with Maria Rose Ryan, a New Hampshire hospital administrator he met with on a recent business trip.

Rudy Giuliani is gushing about his budding relationship with Jennifer Leblanc, who served as Giuliani’s finance chair for his failed 2008 presidential campaign

‘We’d be crazy with her married and her husband and a friend of mine – we’d be crazy to do stuff like that,’ Giuliani said in a phone call that touched on his new dating status, his contentious divorce proceedings, reports of his recent trip to New Hampshire, and his legal defense of President Trump.

Giuliani suggested his third wife, Judith Giuliani, had accused him of adultery during their marriage in order to gain an advantage in divorce proceedings. ‘My guess is she’s going to want more [than 50 percent] and that’s what this is about,’ he said.

Giuliani got to know his new crush, LeBlanc, when she was a fundraiser on his 2008 presidential campaign. He says he was friends with her late husband, who died in a tragic plane crash.

Giuliani was optimistic about his prospects with LeBlanc – even as he fretted that media coverage of his love life could be an issue.

Rudy Giuliani, attorney for U.S. President Donald Trump, wipes his brow as he attends the White House Sports and Fitness Day event with guest Jennifer Leblanc who initially claimed they weren't dating

Rudy Giuliani, attorney for U.S. President Donald Trump, wipes his brow as he attends the White House Sports and Fitness Day event with guest Jennifer Leblanc who initially claimed they weren’t dating

Asked if he thought the relationship, which has now included several dates, had potential, Giuliani responded: ‘Yeah if you guys don’t screw it up and scare her away.’  

‘We met 11 years ago when she and her husband did a fundraiser for me in Lafayette, La.,’ Giuliani said.

Friends suggested the pair get together after it was announced Giuliani was separating from his third wife, Judith.

‘They knew we liked each other from back then,’ he said.  

Giuliani brought LeBlanc to the White House earlier this month, where she was seated next to him and photographed walking alongside him at the event. 

Then, he took her to a showing of ‘Camelot’ in Washington, along with his son Andrew and his new wife.

'It was a pleasure and an honor to go,' Leblanc said of the White House event

‘It was a pleasure and an honor to go,’ Leblanc said of the White House event

Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York, arrives to the White House Sports and Fitness Day event on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York, arrives to the White House Sports and Fitness Day event on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The pair have had two dates since. Giuliani took her out for Chinese food Wednesday night. 

LeBlanc denied to DailyMail.com that she was dating the Trump lawyer when contacted immediately after her high-profile White House visit, even as she said it was a ‘pleasure and an honor to go.’ 

But Giuliani explained that their relationship was just beginning at that point. 

‘We were not involved with each other,’ he said.  

‘She was asked after that if we were dating she said no,’ he said. ‘About four days later I called her up.’

‘And right now our relationship is very different form Maria, because it has potential. Maria and I were not involved,’ he said.

Rudy Giuliani has denied having an affair with 53-year-old hospital CEO Dr Maria Ryan (seen left in pink) who he is pictured with above on March 29 at her hospital in New Hampshire. After this visit, which was filmed by local news stations, the pair decamped to a mountain resort where staff say they were seen entering the suite Giuliani had rented together

Rudy Giuliani has denied having an affair with 53-year-old hospital CEO Dr Maria Ryan (seen left in pink) who he is pictured with above on March 29 at her hospital in New Hampshire. After this visit, which was filmed by local news stations, the pair decamped to a mountain resort where staff say they were seen entering the suite Giuliani had rented together

Rudy Giuliani boasted to friends that he was dating a big-breasted woman before it was claimed on Tuesday that he was having an affair with Dr. Maria Rose Ryan who accompanied him to Israel last week with her daughter Vanessa (in white). She is pictured in black standing behind him on June 7. During one hospital tour, she was introduced as his partner. He has denied being involved with Ryan

Rudy Giuliani boasted to friends that he was dating a big-breasted woman before it was claimed on Tuesday that he was having an affair with Dr. Maria Rose Ryan who accompanied him to Israel last week with her daughter Vanessa (in white). She is pictured in black standing behind him on June 7. During one hospital tour, she was introduced as his partner. He has denied being involved with Ryan

‘If Jennifer could withstand all this publicity, I would like to see her often,’ Giuliani said.

But he said Maria Rose Ryan, who was identified in a New York Post report as dating Rudy, was ‘getting clobbered.’ 

Judith Giuliani blasted him after the report, saying: ‘My husband’s denial of the affair with the married Mrs. Ryan is as false as his claim that we were separated when he took up with her’ – a claim Rudy Giuliani disputes. 

‘The other woman, poor Maria,’ he said. ‘She’s getting clobbered. She and I have done a bunch of things together but her husband is a friend of mine and he’s alive. And he’s willing to talk to anyone’ to deny the story, Giuliani said.

The Post reported that Giuliani was cheating with the married hospital administrator.

‘I went up to New Hampshire to do a political fundraiser. I went up to New Hampshire to do a wedding that she and her husband asked me to do. I wouldn’t do that if we were involved,’ he explained.  

‘I’d be crazy. Her husband would kill me,’ Giuliani said.  

‘She’s an extremely good woman, she’s been with her husband 37 years,’ Giuliani said. ‘She’s beautiful but she’s very strict Catholic.’

‘I’m not denying that we’re good friends. I am denying that we’re involved in a relationship,’ he added.

‘I’m not going to deny Jennifer if it happens,’ he said, returning to LeBlanc.

He said the two first met for coffee. ‘We both love Trump. We’re both big Republicans. We were talking about our mutual friends,’ he said. 

Giuliani now must contend with defending the president, running his business, and dating in the spotlight, all while going through a divorce that has become acrimonious. 

He is still fuming about Judith Giuliani’s decision to accuse him of cheating on her.  

‘I don’t know what the hell made her do it now, when she cold have done it or should have done it when she first divorced me [if it were true],’ he said.

‘It could be just pure out-and-out revenge,’ he said. 

He said he and Judith don’t have political differences, though she may not have liked the energy he was putting into his continuous defense of Trump.

‘She likes the president. She’s talked to the president since we’ve separated. She wants to remain friendly with him,’ Giuliani said.

Giuliani's third wife, Judith Nathan, 63, filed for divorce on April 4. She filed a contested divorce, citing their assets as the source of dispute. It was a week after his trip to Ryan's hospital 

Giuliani’s third wife, Judith Nathan, 63, (left and right with him) filed for divorce on April 4. She filed a contested divorce, citing their assets as the source of dispute 

 ‘She may not have liked all the time and attention that I was giving to this. She had an inkling I was going to get involved in representing him. She knew once I did it it would be full time,’ he said. 

‘She does like money a lot more than I do,’ Giuliani said.

He plans to continue dating despite the obstacles posed by the spotlight.       

Assessing his situation, he said: ‘So I think it’s a good time. I feel pretty unburdened. I don’t like the stories because they hurt these women and I hope they don’t blame me for it it. They really don’t hurt me. I’m legally separated. I’m effectively divorced in that I agreed to the grounds of divorce,’ he said.

‘I wanted to be a priest a long time ago but I’m not going to be a priest if I’m separated and have agreed on the grounds for divorce, at least if I can find somebody,’ he said.  

‘There was no adultery and hasn’t been. I don’t even know if it matters because adultery is no longer grounds for divorce in New York. So I feel pretty great and I would never compromise a married woman,’ he said.    

As for the terms of divorce, he said: ‘I’m happy to do 50-50. My guess is she’s going to want more and that’s what this is about.’

His own age isn’t an issue as he gets back into the single life. ‘They keep emphasizing I’m 74 so I don’t have too much running room. I feel great. I haven’t felt better in a long time. I love my freedom I love being back with my friends that were being excluded from my life. And I’m talking about male friends as well as female,’ he said.

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