Ian Brady’s ashes dumped at sea in a Himalayan salt urn

Ian Brady has been secretly cremated and his ashes dumped at sea in a dissolvable salt urn – leaving no trace of the monster.

Against his final wishes, the Moors murderer’s body was disposed of without ceremony in the dead of night.

Officials used a ‘standby’ crematorium oven not used by the public, which underwent a professional ‘deep clean’ immediately afterwards, court documents reveal.

Just a handful of officials and police, plus Brady’s solicitor, were present at the after-hours cremation in Southport, Merseyside, last week.


Artists impression of Moors Murderer Ian Brady before his death

The ashes of Moors murderer Ian Brady (left in 1966 and right in an artist’s impression before his death) have been scattered at sea in a fittingly undignified overnight funeral

Brady's remains were taken from the Royal Liverpool Hospital to Liverpool Marina before they were dumped in the Irish Sea

Brady’s remains were taken from the Royal Liverpool Hospital to Liverpool Marina before they were dumped in the Irish Sea

Brady's ashes were taken to Liverpool Marina and dispatched at sea at a top-secret location at 2.30am on October 26

Brady’s ashes were taken to Liverpool Marina and dispatched at sea at a top-secret location at 2.30am on October 26

No music, flowers or photographs were allowed.

Afterwards the child killer’s ashes were placed in a £125 bio-degradable urn, made of pink Himalayan rock salt and weighted to ensure it would drop straight to the bottom of the Irish Sea.

Under the cover of darkness, the remains were driven in an unmarked police car to Liverpool Marina before being taken out to sea in a police boat and tossed overboard.

Last night relatives of Brady’s victims said his remains should have been ‘flushed down the toilet’ but claimed they were relieved the ‘saga’ surrounding his funeral had finally ended.

Brady murdered five including Lesley-Ann Downey (in painting) whose brother Terry says the killer should have been flushed down the toilet

Brady murdered five including Lesley-Ann Downey (in painting) whose brother Terry says the killer should have been flushed down the toilet

Terry West, 66, the older brother of ten-year-old victim Lesley Ann Downey, said: ‘When I heard the news I just thought, “That’s it now, wherever he is he’s there for eternity.” 

‘We might get a bit of closure, but you never really get over it … If I had my way, I would have flushed his ashes down the toilet. I’m just glad this was the one time he didn’t win, they didn’t respect his wishes. 

‘After all, my sister and the other kids didn’t get any say in how they were buried, so why should he?’

Terry Kilbride, 63, whose brother, John, 12, was murdered by Brady and Myra Hindley, said: ‘I honestly think he should not have had any wishes, I don’t think he had any rights at all to expect anything when he died. This was the only way to really put the families at ease and the public as well.’

Brady (left) tortured and killed five children with his lover Myra Hindley (right) in the 1960s

Brady (left) tortured and killed five children with his lover Myra Hindley (right) in the 1960s

Mr Kilbride said the families of victims had been told in advance what would happen to Brady’s remains and he had a meeting on Thursday with his local councillor, John Taylor, and a Tameside Council solicitor, Sandra Stewart.

He said: ‘It just explained what had happened to Brady, him being cremated down in Southport, driven all the way through Liverpool afterwards, went out to sea with the police and dumped the urn in the sea.

Gone within four hours: Rock salt urn sea burial

Himalayan rock salt urns are crafted from solid blocks of salt deposits more than 250million years old.

The salt is mined from the Punjab region of Pakistan. 

The pink colouring comes from the iron oxide, mixed in with the minerals in this area.

Himalayan rock salt urn (file photo)

Himalayan rock salt urn (file photo)

Typically, such biodegradable urns dissolve within four hours when placed in water.

They contain a water-soluble bag into which the cremated remains must be placed.

Although mainly used for ocean burials, the urns can be buried in soil, where they will biodegrade within three months.

‘The urn was made of salt and it disintegrated after about 10 or 15 minutes of being in the water, so it will have sunk to the bottom.

‘I was originally under the impression he was just going to be burnt and put in the grounds of a prison but being put in the sea is the next best thing.

‘I told my family, so they knew and I told the Bennetts and the Downeys.’

Mr Kilbride praised Tameside Council which, he said, fought a legal battle to frustrate Brady’s last wishes and to ensure that his ashes were not scattered on Saddleworth Moor.

He added: ‘I honestly think he should not have had any wishes, I don’t think he had any rights at all to expect anything when he died.

‘This was the only way to really put the families at ease and the public as well.’

Mr Kilbride described Brady as ‘clever and manipulative’, saying he ‘tormented’ families from his prison cell.

He added: ‘He always seemed to come up on TV or in the papers, it was always around an anniversary or Christmas. He actually died on John’s birthday, May 15. You can imagine how that feels.’

Writing on Facebook, Alan Bennett, 57, whose 12-year-old brother Keith has never been found, added: ‘At last… just pleased a decision has finally been made to get rid of him. Not the place I would have chosen but can’t do anything about that now.’

Brady was 79 when he died in May of chronic lung disease and heart failure at high-security Ashworth Hospital in Merseyside, where he had been held for 32 years.

Ian Brady in court in 2013 in one of several failed, and expensive, bids to get moved to a different prison

Ian Brady in court in 2013 in one of several failed, and expensive, bids to get moved to a different prison

His body remained in storage for five months while lawyers for Tameside and Oldham Councils – which cover Saddleworth Moor, where he and Hindley buried four of their victims – sought assurances that his ashes would not be scattered there.

High Court judge Sir Geoffrey Vos ruled last month that the cremation must take place in secret.

He also refused Brady’s last wish for the fifth movement of Berlioz’s Symphony Fantastique – which celebrates a ‘Satanic orgy’ – to be played at the ceremony.

Sefton Council, whose area covers Ashworth Hospital, was ordered to carry out the cremation. Tameside Council was given the task of organising the disposal. 

Brady’s body was collected from the mortuary of the Royal Liverpool Hospital at around 9pm last Wednesday. It was taken in a police vehicle to Southport Crematorium, where the cremation began at 10pm.

How court kept ghouls at bay

Extraordinary steps were taken to ensure the final disposal of Ian Brady’s body remained a secret.

Concerns over public disorder and fears that the killer wished his ashes to be scattered on Saddleworth Moor – in a final insult to his victims – prompted a legal fight and the intervention of a High Court judge.

Five months after the killer’s death – with no crematorium or funeral director willing to take on the job – Sir Geoffrey Vos ruled that council chiefs should perform the task. 

But he insisted that the disposal be taken out of the hands of Robin Makin, Brady’s solicitor and executor. In a highly unusual move, the judge also insisted the cremation should be performed in secret and banned any media reports for seven days.

Only yesterday was it finally revealed that the remains of one of Britain’s most notorious killers had been consigned to darkness beneath the inky waves of the Irish Sea.

Eleven people were present. At 12.45am, Brady’s ashes were driven to Liverpool Marina. There, the crew of a boat from the North West Police underwater search and marine unit took the urn out to sea and threw it into the water at around 2.30am.

With no surviving relatives, the cost of Brady’s cremation and disposal of his ashes is likely to be footed by the taxpayer.

Brady and Hindley were jailed for life for three killings in 1966. They went on to admit another two murders. 

Hindley died in jail aged 60 in 2002. Up to 20 local funeral directors refused to deal with her body, so it eventually went to a firm based 200 miles away.

Myra Hindley is seen photographed by Ian Brady at an unknown location in an undated handout image supplied by the Greater Manchester Police

Myra Hindley is seen photographed by Ian Brady at an unknown location in an undated handout image supplied by the Greater Manchester Police

Brady’s crimes shocked the nation as he tortured and murdered five children in the 1960s along with Hindley, who died in prison in 2002. 

Pauline Reade disappeared on her way to a disco on July 12 1963 and John Kilbride, 12, was snatched in November the same year. 

Keith Bennett was taken on June 16 1964 after he left home to visit his grandmother, Lesley Ann Downey, 10, was lured away from a funfair on Boxing Day 1964, and Edward Evans, 17, was killed in October 1965.

Brady and Hindley later confessed to the murders of Pauline and Keith, whose body has never been found.


  • Pauline Reade, 16, was the couple’s first victim. She was on her way to a local dance when Hindley persuaded her to get in her car. They drove Pauline to Saddleworth Moor where she was raped Pauline, beaten and stabbed.
  • John Kilbride, 12, was snatched from Ashton market on Saturday November 23, 1963. He was strangled and buried in a shallow grave. He was the second of Brady and Hindley’s five victims.
  • Keith Bennett, 12, disappeared on the way to his grandmother’s house. Hindley had lured him into her car and driven him to the Moors where he was murdered. The method of killing has never been made clear. The pair buried his body, which has never been found.
  • Lesley Ann Downey, 10, disappeared on Boxing Day. She had been snatched from the fair and taken back to Hindley’s house. She was brutally assaulted with the ordeal captured on tape.
  • Edward Evans, 17, was the sick duo’s final victim. He had just been to see Manchester United play when Brady lured in Edward. Brady repeatedly bludgeoned Evans with an axe

Pauline’s body was only discovered in 1987 following a search of Saddleworth Moor and her family believed they had finally laid her to rest after a funeral ceremony.  

There were fears the remains of Scottish-born Brady would be scattered on Saddleworth Moor – where they buried four of their five victims.

Brady posed for ghoulish  photographs taken by Hindley on Saddleworth Moor before they were arrested

Brady posed for ghoulish photographs taken by Hindley on Saddleworth Moor before they were arrested

Brady’s executor Robin Makin gave assurances there was ‘no likelihood’ of this happening, but the Chancellor of the High Court, Sir Geoffrey Vos, ruled in October the issue of disposal should be taken out of Mr Makin’s hands.

The Moors murderer died at Ashworth High Security Hospital in Maghull, Merseyside, having been there since 1985.   

Brady handed victim Keith Bennett’s family one final insult from his deathbed – by refusing to reveal where he buried the 12-year-old. 

The boy’s mother, Winnie Johnson, died in 2012 after fighting tirelessly to find her son and provide a Christian burial.

It emerged shortly after Brady’s death that police attempted to convince him to reveal the mystery location of the grave in his final hours.

Family lawyer John Ainley told Good Morning Britain: ‘The police spoke to me in the course of the evening, and they were trying to have access to his papers. 

‘That’s difficult without consent from his solicitors and a court order. [The police] were trying, I think, to implore Brady at this very late stage to pass on any information or documents to them so they could carry out a meaningful search of the moors.’  

But Brady’s lawyer, Robin Makin, said that if the killer did know where Keith’s body was, he would have told police when they took him to the moor in 1986.

‘He did go to the Moors a long time ago and I suspect that if there had been information for him that he could have provided, he would have provided it then,’ he told Radio 4’s Today programme.

He added: ‘I would very much hope that the remains can be found, but unfortunately I haven’t got any information that’s going to assist.’ 

The sick killer was still claiming before his death that the horrific murders were entirely justified. 

Brady's body was taken to Southport Crematorium under heavy police escort before the cremation began at 10pm on October 25

Brady’s body was taken to Southport Crematorium under heavy police escort before the cremation began at 10pm on October 25


Wednesday, October 25 2017

9pm – Brady’s body collected from the mortuary at the Royal Liverpool hospital by an appointed official from Tameside council and a pathologist who attended his post-mortem.

Escorted by an unmarked police car with an inspector and sergeant from Merseyside Police, the corpse is transported by road to Southport Crematorium. 

Brady’s body does not enter any public area and it placed in a standby cremator.

10pm – The cremation begins in the presence of Brady’s solicitor, Robin Makin, the police officers, council officials and two crematorium workers. In accordance with a judge’s order no music was played, there were no flowers and no photographs were taken.

Escorted by an unmarked police car with an inspector and sergeant from Merseyside Police, the corpse is transported by road to Southport Crematorium (pictured)

Escorted by an unmarked police car with an inspector and sergeant from Merseyside Police, the corpse is transported by road to Southport Crematorium (pictured)

Once the cremation is complete Brady’s ashes are placed in a biodegradable urn made of Himalayan rock salt. The weighted urn is designed to sink to the bottom of the sea immediately before dissolving over a few hours.

The cremator undergoes cleaning by professionals.

Thursday, October 26 2017

12.45am – Brady’s are ashes handed to the Tameside council official and the urn is taken from the crematorium in the unmarked police car to Liverpool Marina.

The urn is taken aboard a boat from the North West Police Underwater Search and Marine Unit accompanied by the council official and police sergeant.

The boat immediately sets out to sea to an undisclosed location.

2.30am – Brady’s remains are jettisoned. 

Twisted serial killer Ian Brady is pictured with his pet dog in an undated photograph. He was still claiming before his death that the horrific murders were entirely justified

Twisted serial killer Ian Brady is pictured with his pet dog in an undated photograph. He was still claiming before his death that the horrific murders were entirely justified

Brady, pictured, died in May after spending more than 50 years in prison for his sick crimes

Brady, pictured, died in May after spending more than 50 years in prison for his sick crimes

Edward Evans, 17, was the sick duo's final victim

John Kilbride, 12, was strangled and buried in a shallow grave

Edward Evans (left), 17, was the sick duo’s final victim. John Kilbride (right), 12, was strangled and buried in a shallow grave

The method of 12-year-old Keith Bennett's killing has never been made clear and his body has never been found

The method of 12-year-old Keith Bennett’s killing has never been made clear and his body has never been found

Lesley Ann Downey, 10, was brutally assaulted with the ordeal captured on tape

Pauline Reade, 16, was the couple's first victim

Lesley Ann Downey (left), 10, was brutally assaulted with the ordeal captured on tape. Pauline Reade (right), 16, was the couple’s first victim

In disturbing letters, he even argued that governments and elites were allowed to kill people in warfare – and that he should be allowed to do the same.

‘The question of global serial killers and thieves – politicians, bankers, military etc – forever unpunished and thriving is a separate question of legal/moral relativity, of course, constant throughout history,’ he wrote. 

Hindley died in prison in 2002. Now Brady – who said repeatedly he wanted to commit suicide – has followed her to the grave. 

An inquest into Brady’s death heard he died of natural causes.

Home Office pathologist Dr Brian Rodgers said the cause of death was cor pulmonale, a form of heart failure, secondary to bronchopneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or lung disease.

The court heard Brady, who was a heavy smoker up until the smoking ban, had ‘very severely diseased’ lungs.

In a statement, Tameside and Oldham councils said: ‘We are pleased that this matter is now concluded and we are grateful for the support and professionalism shown to ensure Ian Stewart-Brady’s body and remains were disposed of expediently at sea in a manner compatible with the public interest and those of the victim’s relatives.’ 

Moors Murders victim ‘buried without all her bones’  

Body parts from a Moors Murders victim have been kept by police for 30 years without her family’s knowledge.

Pauline Reade was murdered by notorious killers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley at the age of 16. Her body was discovered 24 years later in 1987 following a search of Saddleworth Moors.

Pauline’s family believed they had finally laid her to rest after a funeral at Gorton cemetery. 

But following the death of Ian Brady in May this year an audit was carried out and some of her remains were discovered at Leeds University where they had been kept on behalf of GMP.

Moors Murder victim Pauline Reade's family (niece Jackie pictured) have discovered that she was buried without a jaw bone and other body part

Moors Murder victim Pauline Reade’s family (niece Jackie pictured) have discovered that she was buried without a jaw bone and other body part

It is understood the body parts held include her jaw bone and hair samples. Her family now face having to stage a second funeral.

Jackie Reade, Pauline’s niece was told about the body parts in a call from Greater Manchester Police.

Pauline disappeared before Jackie was born but she was 13 when her body was found and remembers her family’s pain. Each week Jackie went with Pauline’s mum Joan to lay a single rose on her grave.

This week GMP delivered a wooden casket holding Pauline’s remains to Jackie’s solicitors.

Jackie, 44, said: ‘I am devastated. It has brought it all back. I am disgusted that part of Pauline could be kept like this.

Pauline Reade was murdered by notorious killers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley at the age of 16. Her body was discovered 24 years later in 1987 following a search of Saddleworth Moors

Pauline Reade was murdered by notorious killers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley at the age of 16. Her body was discovered 24 years later in 1987 following a search of Saddleworth Moors

‘I was 13 when Pauline was found. I remember the day very clearly. My nana and grandad, (Pauline’s parents) Joan and Amos, were still alive at the time.

‘My nana couldn’t believe that they had found her. The family were so relieved. My nana had been very ill from day one of her disappearance with all the stress of it.

‘It was peace of a kind for us, that at last she had been laid to rest, and we had some closure.

‘My nana held my hand at the funeral. We would take my nana every week to the grave. She would always lay a single rose, every week until she passed away. We had got her back, and knew where she was.

‘The police called me in the middle of August and said they had ‘stumbled’ across some stuff. They came to see me. They said now Ian Brady had died they have found items. I thought it was going to be Pauline’s gold necklace.

‘They said it was a piece of her jaw bone and I couldn’t believe it. It was heartbreaking. We thought she was all there together. They asked what I wanted to do with the jaw bone. Did I want it donated to science, or cremated? I said no way. These parts should not have been separated from her.

‘They knew who she was. They had identified the body, yet they kept them. I just can’t believe it.

‘The family had no idea. This family has been through enough. It is mind boggling.

‘It has brought it all back. I feel angry. When the police sent me a letter they said I was Pauline’s auntie – they couldn’t even get that right.

‘The police just said they had been kept for evidence. But they knew who she was there was no need for them keep them. There was no need for them to keep the jawbone. It is awful.’

Pauline’s grave is a family plot and her mother, Joan, father, Amos, and brother, Paul, who all died after her, all lie in the same place.

It means that to bury Pauline’s remains four licences will be required from the Ministry of Justice to move the bodies of all the family members.

Jackie said: ‘As a family we want to put all the parts back with Pauline, where they should be. But to do that we will have to disturb all four graves. I think I should get an apology from the police. We will hold second funerals for all of them.’

Ian Brady and Myra Hindley shocked the nation to its core by snatching children off the street, before sexually abusing and torturing them to death 

The sadistic crimes of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley shocked the nation to its core.

Across Britain there was an outpouring of loathing for the pair who snatched children off the street, sexually abused them and tortured them to death.

The evidence seen and heard at their Chester Assizes trial chilled the hearts of those who sat through it.

Their first victim was 16-year-old Pauline Reade, who vanished on July 12 1963, on her way to a disco near her home in Gorton, Manchester.

She was lured to the moors by Hindley who said she had lost her gloves there and needed help finding them.

The sadistic crimes of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley shocked the nation to its core. Pictured is the funeral of Pauline Reade in 1987

The sadistic crimes of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley shocked the nation to its core. Pictured is the funeral of Pauline Reade in 1987

It was two decades later when Pauline’s grieving parents discovered exactly what had happened to her.

Her body was discovered in 1987 after the murderers confessed to the killing.

They were taken to bleak Saddleworth Moor where they located the shallow grave dug over 20 years before.

Pauline was still wearing her pink and gold party dress and blue coat.

Brady had beaten her about the head and cut her throat with such force that her spinal cord was severed.

Pathologists said it was impossible to say whether Brady had sexually assaulted her.

Four months after Pauline vanished, the day after President John F Kennedy’s assassination in the US, 12-year-old John Kilbride became Brady’s second victim.

Police digging on Saddleworth Moor after Myra Hindley agreed to help try and identify the location of burials in 1986

Police digging on Saddleworth Moor after Myra Hindley agreed to help try and identify the location of burials in 1986

In the shadow of the presidential assassination little attention was paid to the disappearance of the Manchester boy.

John was lured on to the moor where he was sexually assaulted and murdered.

Brady took a photograph of Hindley standing on the edge of his grave holding her pet dog. The photograph would later lead police to the young boy’s resting place.

The body of the third victim, Keith Bennett, 12, has never been found.

Keith died after leaving his home in Chorlton-on-Medlock in Manchester on June 16 1964.

Police mounted an intensive search of the moor in 1986 amid reports that the pair had confessed to his murder.

But even though Brady and Hindley were both permitted to travel to the moor to try to remember where the boy’s remains were, they were not found.

Detective Superintendent Peter Topping at the scene on Saddleworth Moor, where he had been searching for the body's of Keith Bennett and Pauline Reade in 1986

Detective Superintendent Peter Topping at the scene on Saddleworth Moor, where he had been searching for the body’s of Keith Bennett and Pauline Reade in 1986

It was Brady and Hindley’s next killing that sealed their reputation for pure wickedness – the murder of 10-year-old Lesley Ann Downey on Boxing Day in 1964.

She became their youngest victim when she was lured from a fairground to the house Hindley shared with her grandmother in Hattersley.

Brady stripped, sexually abused and tortured her, forcing her to pose for pornographic photographs.

Her last moments were recorded on a harrowing 16-minute, 21-second audio tape.

The terrified girl begged for mercy, called out for her mother and appealed to God for help before her voice was stifled forever.

The tape was recorded at the house in Wardle Brook Avenue, Hattersley, as Lesley Ann pleaded with them ‘Please God, help me’ and ‘Don’t undress me, will you?’

Her cries reduced the judge, jury, courtroom spectators and even hardened police officers to tears.

John Stalker, former deputy chief constable of Greater Manchester, who was then a detective sergeant, expressed the feelings of many in the courtroom when he said: ‘Nothing in criminal behaviour before or since has penetrated my heart with quite the same paralysing intensity.’

Detectives could not say exactly how Lesley Ann died. Her body was dug up naked except for shoes and socks.

Had the pair not made a crucial blunder in involving Hindley’s brother-in-law David Smith in their next enterprise, the murder of Edward Evans, 17, might not have been their last.

Edward was lured from a gay bar to a home then shared by Hindley and Brady on the Hattersley estate at Hyde.

Detectives could not say exactly how Lesley Ann died. Her body was dug up naked except for shoes and socks

Detectives could not say exactly how Lesley Ann died. Her body was dug up naked except for shoes and socks

Smith was summoned to the house by a phone call on a false pretext.

He was then forced to watch as Brady attacked Evans with an axe, smothered him with a cushion and completed his grim task with an electrical cable.

Shocked, Smith helped the pair carry the trussed-up body into a bedroom. He then fled terrified and called the police.

Police dog handlers on Saddleworth Moor

Police dog handlers on Saddleworth Moor

The next morning police searched the house, and began unravelling the gruesome evidence of Brady and Hindley’s appalling crimes.

Brady was 28 in May 1966 when he and Hindley were convicted of murdering Lesley Ann and Edward.

He was also convicted of the murder of John Kilbride and received three life sentences to run concurrently.

In 1987 Brady finally confessed to the murders of Pauline Reade and Keith Bennett but he was never tried for the crimes. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk