Ian Harrison from Hungerford found hanging on his birthday

A 39-year-old man was found by his girlfriend after hanging himself on his birthday, an inquest heard. 

Ian Harrison, from Hungerford, Berkshire, died after he told his girlfriend he had a ‘rubbish birthday’.

He had previously attempted suicide after discovering a housemate’s body.

A statement from his girlfriend, Lynda Ryan, said she ignored a comment he made that he ‘might as well hang himself.’

She said in her statement read at the inquest in Reading, Berkshire: ‘My partner and I lived with my daughter. 

Ian Harrison, from Hungerford, Berkshire died after he told his girlfriend he had a ‘rubbish birthday’

‘At around 4:30pm on September 7 – his birthday – Ian and I had a trivial argument about what I was cooking for dinner.

‘He ate by himself in the living room and at around 7 o’clock I put my daughter to bed and went into my bedroom.

‘At around 7:15pm Ian came into the bedroom and said it had been a rubbish birthday and ‘I might as well kill myself’. 

‘The comment went over my head, he had made comments like that before.’

After discovering the body, Ms Ryan ran to the house of a neighbour, nurse Anita Barker, to get help.

Ms Ryan said: ‘Anita is a trained nurse and called 999 whilst her partner Dennis started CPR.’

When Ms Barker arrived at the house, she said that it looked as if Mr Harrison was dead.

‘The person on the phone when I called the ambulance told us to take the defibrillator from the phone box. However by the time another neighbour had come back with it, the paramedics had arrived.

‘The paramedics worked for what seemed like a long time before giving us the awful news.’

Berkshire Coroner Peter Bedford also read the statement of another neighbour who said she could often hear Mr Harrison through the walls and that ‘he liked a drink’.

Mr Harrison, from Hungerford, Berkshire was celebrating his 39th birthday at the time he died

Mr Harrison, from Hungerford, Berkshire was celebrating his 39th birthday at the time he died

She added: ‘I knew Ian as a neighbour who liked a drink. I could hear them through the walls at weekends but during the weekdays it was quieter.

‘Whenever I saw him he seemed happy and things had quietened down. After a few months it got noisy again. I could hear shouting and it was awful. I was at home off work and there was a knock at the window.’

Mr Harrison was two-and-a-half times over the drink-drive limit at the time of his death.

The post-mortem examination showed that the victim died from cardiac arrest, likely to be caused by asphyxia.

He added he could not be satisfied that 39-year-old Mr Harrison intended to kill himself and said instead that his death might have been unintentional as he had drunk up to eight cans of cider.

Mr Harrison’s mother, Mary Green, who had lived in the house with her son until April, told the coroner: ‘Ian was on tramadol for a shoulder injury.

‘Their relationship could be volatile as his mood could change quickly and he could be angry. I don’t know what caused the events to occur.

‘In February of 2009 Ian found his housemate at the time passed away in a diabetic coma and that affected him badly. He didn’t take enough tablets to cause any real harm.’

Recording his verdict, Mr Bedford said: ‘From what I have heard and reasons discussed – and applying the test of beyond reasonable doubt – given the volatile character, it being his birthday and not having a good day, I will record that Ian Christopher Harrison died as a consequence of his own actions but requirements of suicide were not met.’

Visibly emotional, Mr Harrison’s father Clifford, told the hearing: ‘I absolutely believe my son didn’t do this purposely. He wouldn’t put his girlfriend or the little one through this. I spoke to him around 7:30 and it was fairly obvious he had had a few.

‘Something happened in that two-and-a-half hours to make Ian react, I’m starting to wonder if this was some kind of cry for help.’ 

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