Iceland is judged the most gender-equal country for the 11th year running

Iceland has been judged the most gender-equal country for the 11th year running with Syria, Pakistan, Iraq and Yemen ranked lowest in the World Economic Forum’s annual report.

Joining Iceland at the top is the rest of Scandinavia, Norway in second, followed by Finland and Sweden.

The United Kingdom slipped down six places this year to 21st, while the United States lost two places, coming 53rd. 

The WEF’s index, which also takes into account gender disparities in politics, health and education, projected that workplace inequality will no be eliminated until 2276. 

Joining Iceland at the top is the rest of Scandinavia, Norway in second, followed by Finland and Sweden, for the areas with the smallest gender gap (pictured: crowds at a bar in Bergen, Norway)

War-torn Yemen came bottom of the rankings (pictured: a mother and child at a make-shift camp for displaced Yemenis in Hajjah province on Monday)

War-torn Yemen came bottom of the rankings (pictured: a mother and child at a make-shift camp for displaced Yemenis in Hajjah province on Monday)

The organisation, which gathers the global elite in the plush Swiss ski resort of Davos each year, said that the worldwide gender gap in the workplace had widened further since last year, when parity appeared to be only 202 years off. 

The Global Gender Gap Index 2020

1. Iceland

2. Norway

3. Finland

4. Sweden

5. Nicaragua

6. New Zealand

7. Ireland

8. Spain

9. Rwanda

10. Germany

21. United Kingdom

53. United States 

144. Oman

145. Lebanon

146. Saudi Arabia

147. Chad

148. Iran

149. Democratic Republic of Congo

150. Syria

151. Pakistan

152. Iraq

153. Yemen

However, the overall gender gap across the four categories has shrunk, Tuesday’s report showed, with WEF now forecasting it will take 99.5 years for women to achieve parity on average, down from the 108 years forecast in last year’s report.

But while some sectors have shown improvements, others lag far behind.

General parity ‘will take more than a lifetime to achieve,’ WEF acknowledged in a statement. 

WEF said the gender gap was more than 96 percent closed in the area of education and could be eliminated altogether within just 12 years.

The gap was equally small in the health and survival category, but the WEF report said it remained unclear how long it would take to achieve full parity in this domain due to lingering issues in populous countries like China and India.

Politics meanwhile is the domain where the least progress has been made to date, but it showed the biggest improvement in the past year.

Women in 2019 held 25.2 percent of parliamentary lower-house seats and 22.1 percent of ministerial positions, compared to 24.1 percent and 19 percent in 2018.

But when it comes to the workplace, the picture is less rosy.

The report, which looked at a variety of factors including opportunity and pay, said it would take 257 years before there was equality in the workplace.

It highlighted positive developments, like a general increase in the share of women among skilled workers and senior officials.

Despite recent liberalising efforts by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia was ranked in the bottom ten (pictured: students in the library of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), in Saudi Arabia)

Despite recent liberalising efforts by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia was ranked in the bottom ten (pictured: students in the library of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), in Saudi Arabia)

But it stressed that this trend was counterbalanced by ‘stagnating or reversing gaps in labour market participation and monetary rewards’.

On average, only 55 percent of adult women are in the labour market today, compared to 78 percent for men, while women globally on average still make 40 percent less than men for similar work in similar positions.

The wage gap has been steadily shrinking in OECD countries over the past decade, but it has at the same time expanded in emerging and developing economies, the WEF report showed. 

Progress across the categories varies greatly in different countries and regions.

The report pointed out that while Western European countries could close their overall gender gap in 54.4 years, countries in the Middle East and North Africa will take nearly 140 years to do so.

Overall, the Nordic countries once again dominated the top of the table: men and women were most equal in Iceland, followed by Norway, Finland and Sweden.

The United Kingom slipped down six places into 21st (pictured: commuters on the Victoria line of the London Underground)

The United Kingom slipped down six places into 21st (pictured: commuters on the Victoria line of the London Underground)

Syria, Pakistan, Iraq and finally Yemen showed the biggest overall gender gaps of the countries surveyed.

Among the world’s 20 leading economies, Germany fared the best, taking 10th place, followed by France at 15th, South Africa at 17th, Canada at 19th and Britain at 21st.

The United States continued its decline, slipping two places to 53rd, with the report pointing out that ‘American women still struggle to enter the very top business positions’, and are also ‘under-represented in political leadership roles’.