I’m a baby name expert and these 6 common names are best avoided if you don’t want to offend people

A baby name expert has revealed the most controversial titles that parents should apparently avoid. 

Emma Waterhouse from Nameberry, a US-based website devoted to baby names, shared a TikTok disclosing the choices they would strongly advise against. 

The experts scoured their website for the most ‘polarizing’ names and disclosed six of them in the video. 

Causing religious offence, overtones of racism, and violent associations are all reasons as to why they discouraged others from opting for these baby names. 

Emma said: ‘We surveyed our site visitors on the most polarizing choices and these were some of the top choices.’ 

Nameberry, a US-based website, has revealed the most controversial baby names that might cause offense to others 

1. Azriel  

The expert explained that despite being a ‘trendy choice right now’ with its ‘fashionable ending’, Azriel is the name of the Angel of Death in both Islam and Judaism.

So parents might want to give Azriel a miss.   

2. Bodhi 

Next up is Bodhi, which was one of the fastest rising names in the 2010s. 

But the TikTok explained that: ‘It’s a Buddhist word referring to a state of enlightenment, however, it’s not traditionally used in Buddhist culture in the US.’ 

She added: ‘Most the people who have used this name for their child are not Buddhist.’ 

2. Cohen 

While the expert recognized that the name Cohen could be deemed ‘stylish’, it’s particularly controversial. 

The name is a sacred Jewish surname that belongs to members of the kohanim, descendant of the sons of Aaron who served as priests in the Temple in Jerusalem.

She said: ‘Most people consider it highly offensive to use as a given name regardless of your religion, and again most people who have used this name are not Jewish. 

It might come as a surprise that among the list is the name Pippa, which is the name of the Princess of Wales' sister, Pippa Middleton

It might come as a surprise that among the list is the name Pippa, which is the name of the Princess of Wales’ sister, Pippa Middleton 

3. Dixie 

The name Dixie was a top 200 name in the 1930s, but today the name is associated with racism. 

She said: ‘Most parents are avoiding this name because of its heavy overtones of racism. 

‘Dixie was a nickname for the confederate states in America, so don’t use this name for your baby or your pet for that matter.’ 

4. Gunner 

Emma informed viewers that the name Gunner, when spelt with an ‘ar’, is a traditional Norse name. 

But when it is spelt with an ‘er’, the meaning of the name become more violent. 

‘Especially given the gun violence epidemic in the US’, she said. ‘Parents are favouring the more traditional spelling.’ 

5. Karen 

While the name Karen is often associated with older generations instead of new born babies, Emma explained why parents might want to avoid this name

She said: ‘The memes that began in 2020 have not done this name any favors. People are going to be avoiding Karen for a long time.’ 

6. Pippa 

The name Pippa can be seen as a sophisticated choice, particularly given that the Princess of Wales’ sister is called Pippa Middleton. 

However, Nameberry have revealed that the choice has sexual connotations that one might want to avoid for their child. 

Emma said: ‘Pippa is a classy nickname associated with Pippa Middleton, but it is not a good choice is you plan on travelling.  

‘Pippa has some tease worthy slang meanings in languages like Italian, Swedish, and Polish.  For instance, in Italian, Pippa can be used as a term for masturbation. 

Users on social media were quick to share their thoughts on the unexpected list, and many were shocked

Users on social media were quick to share their thoughts on the unexpected list, and many were shocked 

Users on social media were quick to share their thoughts on the revealing video, and many were in disbelief. One said: ‘Pippa!!!! Noooo!!! I have a Pippa and dream of Italy’ 

A second person added: ‘Completely shocked someone would name a child Cohen. wildly offensive’.  A third wrote: ‘I know people with everyone of these names.’ 

Another person added: ‘Wow didn’t know that about Cohen. Never known anyone with that name but like parents these days really don’t do their due diligence before naming.’ 

A fifth person said: ‘I would never name a kid without googling it so I would have known this in searching but I’ve never known that Cohen was offensive until just now.’  

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk