I’m a flight attendant – here are the three things we always eat on the plane and you should too 

I’m a flight attendant – here are the three things we always eat on the plane and you should too

  • Cabin crew also recommended the things travels should avoid eating on planes  

Getting on a long flight can be an uncomfortable experience at the best of times – but it’s made all the worse if your stomach is growling. 

Fortunately, flight attendants have come up with a handy set of travel hacks – and the foods jetsetters to avoid at all costs. 

While wolfing down chocolates and crisps might be tempting, cabin crew members have recommended healthier snacks instead. 

According to The Washington Post, several air crew staff recommend eating foods that are low in salt – which they say will help keep energy levels up and reduce post-flight puffiness. 

As well as low sodium food, cabin crew members also recommend holidaymakers pack food like carrot or celery sticks as well as protein bars and dried fruits. 

High protein food is a popular choice with flight attendants – but junk food and breaded rolls are bottom of the pile 

Healthy foods like carrot and celery sticks are also recommended by cabin crew staff

Healthy foods like carrot and celery sticks are also recommended by cabin crew staff 

And nuts were also big on their list of things to take – although they suggested avoiding peanuts as some passengers could be allergic to them.  

Michael Rice, who is a cabin crew member for a budget airline, recommended eating bananas.

He added: ‘When you are first starting out, you may pack, like, six bananas. By the time you land, they’re all brown or black.’

Instead of overpacking bananas, he suggested bringing just one or two onboard the plane.

Another flight attendant recommended foods like hard-boiled eggs and fish fillets – although so-called smelly foods could cause some controversy.

Meanwhile, one former flight attendant on TikTok shared her top tips for curbing the cravings during a long-haul voyage.

Kat Kamalani, who was an air stewardess for six years, put together a list of all the foods she takes on lengthy trips.

In her video, Kat said: ‘Whether I’m travelling for business, my family, vacation, or work, this is what I bring every time.’

Kat Kamalani was a former flight attendant for six years. In a video on TikTok, she gave her 'travel hacks' for eating well on long-haul journeys

Kat Kamalani was a former flight attendant for six years. In a video on TikTok, she gave her ‘travel hacks’ for eating well on long-haul journeys 

Giving some extra ‘travel hacks’, Kat explained she puts her food inside an insulated bag and places an ice pack on top of her items to keep the cool. 

And she says she always brings a water bottle to ‘stay hydrated’. Kat added: ‘First up, I always make sure I bring veggies and a piece of fruit.

‘Next, I always have to have something that curbs my sweet tooth when travelling. I love these SkinnyDipped travel packs, and I love that they’re full of clean ingredients.’

Much like Michael, Kat’s snacks were protein based to help keep her energy levels up – she even comes up with her own homemade recipes.

‘I love to travel with protein items like these protein balls,’ she said.  ‘I also never leave the house without my protein waffles, because they’re so fulfilling and nourishing.’

Other plane food experts have suggesting avoiding eating pasta on planes as it ‘doesn’t reheat well’, while bread rolls and sandwiches can be carb heavy and make jet lag worse, they say.  

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk