Improving Your Internet Connection: Quick Tips

People often don’t realize how much they rely on the internet until it stops working or slows considerably. When this happens, they quickly become frustrated and want to know how to improve their internet connection.

Try the following the next time the internet slows to see if these tips help you. 

Conduct a Speed Test

Do you need help getting better internet? That’s the first question you should ask. It’s essential to know how many megabytes per second you are getting. A speed test can provide this information. Conduct this test multiple times to learn the average speed of the connection.

When the internet slows, conduct a repeat test. If the speed is consistent with what was seen on the tests, the problem may be the webpage or server you are accessing. When the speed has slowed, it’s time to try different things to increase it again. 

Restart the System

When the internet slows, the first step is to restart the router and modem.

Doing so clears the router’s memory while reloading the firmware. These devices may be combined in one unit, so keep this in mind when completing this step. Unplug one or both devices from the wall and allow them to sit for 30 seconds or more.

Plug them back in and allow the system to reboot. Doing so will help slightly boost the speed. 

Move the Router

The router transmits the signal from the modem to the laptop or other device. As the distance between the devices increases, the signal weakens or disappears entirely. To get faster internet, move the router to a central location or move the devices closer to it. 

Switch Wi-Fi Bands

Wi-Fi routers are typically dual-band, meaning users can choose from two frequencies. The 5 GHz frequency is usually faster, but it doesn’t extend as far. The 2.4 GHz bands are slower but have an extensive range.

Use the 2.4 GHz band for devices that don’t need lightning-fast speeds and reserve the 5 GHz band for high-speed internet items. Move the devices close to the router to make the most of 5 GHz bands.

If the router doesn’t show two bands, it may be time for an upgrade.

Clean the Computer 

Cleaning the computer involves more than dusting the machine and wiping down the keyboard. Internally cleaning the system can help speed up the internet connection. Invest in an ad blocker to prevent pop-ups and video ads that consume bandwidth.

Close tabs and programs not currently being used and check for viruses and malware that can slow the internet. 

Use an Ethernet Cable

Routers are wonderful devices, but they aren’t foolproof. Keep an ethernet cable nearby when a solid connection is needed. Connecting directly to the ISP will provide this connection and increase internet service speed.

Connecting directly to the service won’t impact other devices connected to the router, so family members won’t be disrupted.

Contact the service provider to learn if things can be done to speed up the internet service. Before doing so, conduct multiple speed tests to see if the speed is what the provider has promised.

If not, share this with the provider and tell them that switching is an option if they can’t deliver on their promise. Often, this step will be enough to see a boost in speed. If speed issues continue after taking this step, it’s time to see what else is available.