Including Property Damage in an Accident Claim

The hassle of handling a property damage claim is never fun for anyone. Getting the property to be repaired is another issue. The driver who is at fault feels so embarrassed for putting another in a hard place. You should know the process of filing a property damage claim after an accident to help you obtain justice after the incident.

Few law firms have ventured into the area of handling property damage after an accident claim. Nye Law Group is one of the firms to help you in the procedure of filing a property damage claim and will assist you to obtain justice.

What if You Did the Damage?

Accidents happen. It is not easy to own up to your mistakes as there are penalties to them. If you are the cause of the collision, you are responsible for the property damage. However, owning up makes filing for property damage easier so that you can take the required steps to notify the property owner and carry out the process of compensation.

Moreover, after causing an accident, never leave the scene; this is known as a misdemeanor that might end you up in jail or leave you handling hefty files. You might pay more insurance premiums in the future for the damage if you remain at the scene, but your conscience will be apparent.

The Process of Including Property Damage in An Accident Claim

1. Call the Police

Check if there are any sustained injuries and call the Police to help after the accident. Take note of the damaged property. This could include jewelry, laptops, or even groceries. The investigating officer will speak to the witnesses to obtain as much information about the accident as possible.

2. Collect the Important Information

It would help if you wrote down all the information that you will need during the claiming process: the vehicle, model, number plate, the at-fault driver’s details, and the reasons given by this other driver to cause the accident. Do not forget to take the other driver’s insurance company and policy number, since his insurance will be responsible to pay for the damages.

3. Collect Evidence

Take photographs and videos using your phone or camera to capture the accident scene from various angles. Take a picture of both damaged vehicles, the skid marks after the accident, and any other destroyed personal property. Gather as many shreds of evidence as possible to assist you when claiming the auto insurance claim to cater for the property damage incurred.

4. Create a Claim Diary

Make a chronological list of events that go on during the claiming process. Make sure you document everything as they happen, from all the small details, the dates, particular time, weather, names and contact of witnesses, and the at-fault driver’s insurance details. Have all the information at your fingertips to come in handy during the day of the hearing.

5. Claim Compensation for the Property Damage

If the other driver accepts his mistake at the scene, your property damage attorney can help you fix the issue directly with the at-fault insurance company. However, suppose the other driver is in denial and avoids taking responsibility for the damage he has caused, it is advisable to take the case to court for further trial.

Let your attorney explain the intensity of the damage to the point that the judge gets a conviction to acknowledge that the other party is responsible for the property damage and is obligated to pay a given amount for compensation.

When the At-Fault Driver Has No Insurance

If the at-fault driver has no valid insurance, the uninsured motorist coverage will be responsible for the damage claims. The coverage will mainly take care of the injuries and optionally cover for the uninsured property damage.