Incredible moment man picks up a hysterical mother and helps her chase down her stolen electric bike

The incredible moment a man picked up a distressed mother and helped her track down a thief has been captured on dash cam footage.    

A woman was seen screaming on the side of the road in Perth, Western Australia, after her electric bike was allegedly stolen. 

The driver, named Sio, pulled over and selflessly told the stranger to hop into his car after seeing a man riding a bike erratically moments earlier.

‘Was that yours? Come in,’ he can be heard saying, as the hysterical mother jumps into the car while shouting in distress.

A woman was seen screaming on the side of the road in inner Perth, Western Australia after her electric bike was allegedly stolen 

The mother of a baby sounded hysterical as she explained her child was at home sleeping.

The driver drove swiftly, but carefully through the suburban streets as he looked for the electric bike. 

‘Oh God, Oh God,’ the woman was heard saying as the man continued to chase the bike. 

The pair stopped to talk to pedestrians on the side of the road and asked them if they had seen the rider. 

The driver, named Sio, helped the stranger and they stopped to talk to people on the side of the road (pictured) to ask them if they'd seen the bike 

The driver, named Sio, helped the stranger and they stopped to talk to people on the side of the road (pictured) to ask them if they’d seen the bike 

After driving through a few intersections, finally they saw a man riding a bike out of a house. 

‘There he is,’ driver Sio said as he stopped and the woman was heard saying: ‘Oh yes, we’ve got him’.

The woman confronted the bike rider and said: ‘How dare you! You sh*t man.’ 

In a social media message posted to Dash Cam owners Australia, the driver explained the culprit gave the bike back immediately when confronted. 

‘I helped a woman get her electric bike back on Wednesday afternoon,’ he said. 

‘I had seen a guy riding a bike quite erratically and too fast for the footpath and curb and then when I turned onto my street saw a woman super distressed. 

‘Worked out that it was her bike and then we chased him down together.’

The woman was heard saying: 'How dare you! You sh*t man', when they tracked down a man riding a bike (pictured)

The woman was heard saying: ‘How dare you! You sh*t man’, when they tracked down a man riding a bike (pictured)

He explained that the mother thanked him and rode off but did not provide any contact details. 

He said he had not reported the matter to the police.  

Facebook users praised Sio’s efforts on social media with the words: ‘Well done to the dash cam driver to show kindness and empathy to a lady obviously in distress. Nice person.’

Another person said: ‘Good on you mate, absolute respect.’