Incredible pictures show the world’s worst tattoos

They say nothing lasts forever but unfortunately for these impulsive individuals, their appalling tattoos will indeed last a lifetime. 

It can be hard to imagine what motivates someone to opt for the Pringles man etched onto their calf, the word ‘stupid’ on their forehead or a blue cupcake — sat on the toilet.

But whether your tattoo is littered with poor grammar, contains profanity or is just plain awful, it is important to remember that each mistake presents an opportunity for learning.

And, fortunately for these inked individuals, they will be reminded of those opportunities every single day — for the rest of their lives.

This seems to be an appropriate philosophy for someone who is likely capable of frequently making regrettable life choices 

Dollar signs on your upper lip... because nothing says you're doing well for yourself better than seven currency symbols on your face

Dollar signs on your upper lip… because nothing says you’re doing well for yourself better than seven currency symbols on your face

Well, if you say so... It would be interesting to get inside the heads of tattoo artists themselves when they agree to such mindbogglingly dumb pieces  

Well, if you say so… It would be interesting to get inside the heads of tattoo artists themselves when they agree to such mindbogglingly dumb pieces  

The internet has given rise to a plethora of strange and bizarre memes, not least 'forever alone' (left) and 'trollface' (right). Perhaps they should stay on the internet and not people's bodies

The internet has given rise to a plethora of strange and bizarre memes, not least ‘forever alone’ (left) and ‘trollface’ (right). Perhaps they should stay on the internet and not people’s bodies

'Twilight's for teenage girls', they said. Not so — this middle-aged woman proves that being part of Team Edward has not cutoff age

‘Twilight’s for teenage girls’, they said. Not so — this middle-aged woman proves that being part of Team Edward has not cutoff age

Thanks to this man's questionable taste, the logo of everyone's favourite obsolete social media platform is forever enshrined on his belly   

Thanks to this man’s questionable taste, the logo of everyone’s favourite obsolete social media platform is forever enshrined on his belly   

While the man on the left has made excellent use of an unusually hairy patch on his arm to recreate a Troll Doll, the same level of ingenuity cannot be said of the smug-looking toilet cupcake to the right 

An excellent and cleverly thought-out masterpiece is emblazoned across the man's back, which is sure to get him at least a few laughs  

An excellent and cleverly thought-out masterpiece is emblazoned across the man’s back, which is sure to get him at least a few laughs  

No-one can deny that an exquisite pair of rainbow suspenders makes the perfect fashion accessory to compliment the outfit of any distignuished gentleman — whether you're shirtless or not

No-one can deny that an exquisite pair of rainbow suspenders makes the perfect fashion accessory to compliment the outfit of any distignuished gentleman — whether you’re shirtless or not

Loyalty is an important quality to look out for in friends

Loyalty is an important quality to look out for in friends

The photorealistic style of this man's portrait tattoo is truly aweinspiring, and the tattoo artist is definitely proud of their work

The photorealistic style of this man’s portrait tattoo is truly aweinspiring, and the tattoo artist is definitely proud of their work

Louis Vuitton is an expensive brand. So having innumerable Louis Vuitton logos etched into your arm implies you're a very classy person 

Louis Vuitton is an expensive brand. So having innumerable Louis Vuitton logos etched into your arm implies you’re a very classy person 

Nothing is edgier or cooler than a killer pair of designer glasses. Now, this man will never have to worry about losing or breaking his pair ever again

Nothing is edgier or cooler than a killer pair of designer glasses. Now, this man will never have to worry about losing or breaking his pair ever again

...however there's a good chance that this person's grammar may not

…however there’s a good chance that this person’s grammar may not

This is a quote from a powerful and moving scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Remus Lupin's hard-hitting advice to trust the main protagonist of a fictional series about witchcraft and wizardry can, of course, be applied to everyday life 

This is a quote from a powerful and moving scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Remus Lupin’s hard-hitting advice to trust the main protagonist of a fictional series about witchcraft and wizardry can, of course, be applied to everyday life 

Legend has it that the owner of these striking tattoos is actually still single 

Legend has it that the owner of these striking tattoos is actually still single 

What could be a more fitting tribute to a loved on than a terrifying version of them tattooed on your upper arm?

It is hoped that this tattoo has been laser-removed

Left: What could be a more fitting tribute to a loved on than a terrifying version of them tattooed on your upper arm? Right: It is hoped that this tattoo has been laser-removed  

Many tattoo enthusiasts say their bodies are canvases, but caution should prevail nonetheless 

Many tattoo enthusiasts say their bodies are canvases, but caution should prevail nonetheless 

By making excellent use of his navel, this man has gained a charming and well-crafted memento of his favourite farmyard animal 

By making excellent use of his navel, this man has gained a charming and well-crafted memento of his favourite farmyard animal 

No man's passion for sour cream and onion crisps exceed this gentleman's. He now proudly boasts having the iconic Pringles man adorning his leg forever 

No man’s passion for sour cream and onion crisps exceed this gentleman’s. He now proudly boasts having the iconic Pringles man adorning his leg forever 

Because this man's brain is bursting with great ideas he thought it prudent to warn others  

Because this man’s brain is bursting with great ideas he thought it prudent to warn others