Indian parents reveal toddler’s face after acid attack

A devastated mother has revealed her toddler’s scarred face months after he was burned with acid because she rejected a man’s advances.

Two-year-old Aditya Raj, from a slum in Gurugram, northern India, was kidnapped by his mother’s stalker after she refused to leave her husband and marry him.

The kidnapper poured acid on the boy’s face and left him for dead in a bin last December.

Three surgeries have saved Aditya’s eyesight but he has been left scarred forever. 

Devastated Soni Raj has revealed her toddler's scarred face

Devastated Soni Raj (right with her son) has revealed her toddler’s scarred face (left) months after he was burned with acid because she rejected a man’s advances

Two-year-old Aditya Raj, from a slum in Gurugram, northern India was kidnapped by his mother's stalker after she refused to leave her husband and marry him

Two-year-old Aditya Raj, from a slum in Gurugram, northern India was kidnapped by his mother’s stalker after she refused to leave her husband and marry him

Soni, 26, holding nine-month-old son Aman and husband Jamna Prasad, 34, holding three-year-old son Aditya Raj at their house

Soni, 26, holding nine-month-old son Aman and husband Jamna Prasad, 34, holding three-year-old son Aditya Raj at their house

Revealing his scars today, the boy’s mother Soni, 26, said: ‘I still cannot get over that day. 

‘My son was found in a dustbin with his face melting, who does that? It has been 10 months but it still feels like yesterday. I have seen my child suffer every day since. It is unforgettable.’

Since news of Aditya made headlines the government and an NGO stepped forward to help fund Aditya’s recovery and treatment.

Shaheen Malik, the national co-ordinator of the Human Rights Law Network, said: ‘There has never been any compensation policy for male acid attack survivors in the past, even male children. 

All policies only help female acid attack survivors. We filed a request in court in order to change the policy and request that Aditya to be helped. Fortunately, our plea was heard and we were allotted a compensation sum for Aditya.’

Aditya has been treated by Dr Avtar Singh Bath, a senior consultant, at BL Kapoor Hospital, in New Delhi, one of India’s largest private hospitals, and has operated on his eye and nose.

Horrific burns: Aditya Raj, two, in India, had acid thrown in his face and was dumped in a bin allegedly by his mother's stalker, and another, in revenge for her refusal to marry him

Taken: Aditya, pictured, was snatched from outside his family's home while he played on December 13. He was found the following morning dumped in a dustbin and crying

Horrific burns: Aditya Raj, two, in India, had acid thrown in his face and was dumped in a bin allegedly by his mother’s stalker, and another, in revenge for her refusal to marry him. He was was snatched from outside his family’s home in New Delhi while he played on December 13. He was found the following morning dumped in a dustbin and crying

Soni, 26, applying ointment on her three-year-old son Aditya Raj after his surgery while her other nine-month-old son Aman is playing at their residence 

Soni, 26, applying ointment on her three-year-old son Aditya Raj after his surgery while her other nine-month-old son Aman is playing at their residence 

Three-year-old Aditya Raj (left) pictured after his surgery at his residence in Gurugram area of Haryana, India

Three-year-old Aditya Raj (left) pictured after his surgery at his residence in Gurugram area of Haryana, India

Dr Bath said: ‘The child had suffered 30 per cent burns when he came to us, with the major affected area on his eyes and nose. Thankfully we were able to save his eye with surgery on his upper eyelid, and a second operation on his lower eyelid. It was important to operate on his eyelid first as the attack had left his eyelids contracted and he could not close it.

‘The third surgery was done on his nose. We reconstructed the side of his nose by taking tissue from his forehead. He is recovering well and we expect to do another operation on his right cheek next month, where we will take skin from his abdomen.’

Father, Jamna Prasad, 34, a daily labourer, believes his little boy is blessed. He said: ‘I could never have imagined him being treated at a private hospital, let alone such a big hospital. I could never afford that. 

‘I have been blessed with miracles. Firstly, it was a miracle for him to have survived the attack. And then it’s a miracle that we have been given all the financial and medical help. It is unbelievable.’

Although Jamna is thankful his family is getting the help they need, they still live in fear of the attackers.

Soni had been harassed by neighbor Mangal, 27, since the beginning of last year. Despite knowing that she was already married he repeatedly asked Soni to leave her husband and marry him. 

Anguish: His mother Soni, 25, claims her son was taken by a man named only as Mangal, 27, who was harassing her last year. Despite knowing that she was already married, she claimed he was trying to convince her to leave her husband. She said that Aditya was taken in revenge

Anguish: His mother Soni, 25, claims her son was taken by a man named only as Mangal, 27, who was harassing her last year. Despite knowing that she was already married, she claimed he was trying to convince her to leave her husband. She said that Aditya was taken in revenge

Recovery: Aditya was taken to the burns unit of Delhi¿s Safdarjung Hospital and was transferred to a private hospital in Gurugram. He¿d suffered nearly 20 per cent burns to his face, one shoulder and both his hands. He faces further surgery to prevent him losing an eye

Recovery: Aditya was taken to the burns unit of Delhi’s Safdarjung Hospital and was transferred to a private hospital in Gurugram. He’d suffered nearly 20 per cent burns to his face, one shoulder and both his hands. He faces further surgery to prevent him losing an eye

In a bid to escape the harassment, the family even moved districts for a fresh start, in July last year. But on December 13 Aditya went missing while he was playing outside the family home. 

And Soni quickly feared the worst, before calling police. Aditya was found crying in a roadside dustbin the next morning by a passing truck driver but his face had already melted by the acid burning his flesh for many hours.

Govind Ram Das, 20, a farmer, from Gurugram, was arrested for the attack and is still in police custody awaiting trial. But Mangal, 27, is still walking free.

Jamna added: ‘There were two involved in the crime; one who attacked my son with acid, and another who plotted the attack. While the attacker is still in jail, the mastermind and the stalker plotted the attack, and is still walking free.

‘He has not made any contact with us since the attack, but I worry what will happen in the future? I still live in fear for my child and wife because he could come back anytime and kill my entire family.’

Agony: Soni, pictured, eight months pregnant with her second child, said: 'My husband says I wouldn't cope seeing him. I don¿t know how I would control myself if I see him in pain. Those responsible should be hanged or punished in the same way they have attacked my son.'

Agony: Soni, pictured, eight months pregnant with her second child, said: ‘My husband says I wouldn’t cope seeing him. I don’t know how I would control myself if I see him in pain. Those responsible should be hanged or punished in the same way they have attacked my son.’

fight for justice: Soni added: 'Those responsible should be hanged or should be punished in the same way they have attacked my son.' Govind Ram Das, 20, a farmer, from Gurugram, has been arrested over the attack. Mangal, 27, accused of harassing Soni, is wanted by police in relation to the case

fight for justice: Soni added: ‘Those responsible should be hanged or should be punished in the same way they have attacked my son.’ Govind Ram Das, 20, a farmer, from Gurugram, has been arrested over the attack. Mangal, 27, accused of harassing Soni, is wanted by police in relation to the case

While Aditya recovered in hospital Soni gave birth to another baby boy in January this year. They named him Aman, and he has become Aditya’s companion and best friend.

‘Aditya loves his little brother,’ Jamna added. ‘He has been a huge help in Aditya’s recovery. 

And they cannot be apart for a minute throughout the day. It’s beautiful to see him being so loving towards his younger brother but I hope he never compares himself with him as they grow up. 

Aditya will be left with the scars forever but I hope his little brother will help him feel ok about it. I hope their bond lasts forever and the two continue to love each other.’

Although doctors believe surgery next month will be the final operation for some time, they fear Aditya will require further surgery when he’s older. Dr Bath explained: ‘The surgery next month will be the last one for some years but he might have to have a few more when he’s grown up. 

‘The tissue transplant is for a child and it might not grow as the child grows. So we will need to monitor him and watch his progress. It depends how his skin grows. But it looks like he will forever need medical assistance.’      

Mother and son: Soni, 25, a mother-of-one, pictured, said: ¿I most definitely feared Mangal had taken Aditya. 'He wanted revenge. I felt he kidnapped him so I¿d be forced to go to him.¿

Mother and son: Soni, 25, a mother-of-one, pictured, said: ‘I most definitely feared Mangal had taken Aditya. ‘He wanted revenge. I felt he kidnapped him so I’d be forced to go to him.’