Indian woman scares away thugs with a gun

  • Footage shows the victim arguing with a man outside the gate of his home  
  • A gang of four attackers walk up and begin punching and kicking him  
  • The victim’s wife walks into the yard and brandishes a gun at the attacks
  • The incident took place at the weekend in Lucknow, in Uttar Pradesh, India

A brave wife saved her husband from a savage beating by confronting a gang of thugs with a handgun.

The terrifying incident, which took place at the weekend in the city of Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh, India, was captured on CCTV.

The footage shows the victim arguing with a man at the gate to his home before a gang of four attackers walk up and begin punching and kicking the man.

One of them grabs a stack and begins to thrash the man on the ground.

This was the last straw for his wife, who walks into the courtyard brandishing a revolver.

The ringleader doesn’t take her seriously, until she raises the gun and points it at him.

The gang back away hurling chilling threats and insults – and then flee when she fires off a couple of rounds.

Masked men begin to set upon the man by beating and kicking him

Yet the man's wife, wearing a polkadot shirt, comes out brandishing a gun and scares away the attackers

Yet the man’s wife, wearing a polkadot shirt, comes out brandishing a gun and scares away the attackers

Her husband leaps to his feet and takes the legally-obtained gun from her, but the thugs are long gone.

The wife’s heroic actions have seen her dubbed ‘Revolver Rani’ – Rani means ‘queen’ in Hindu – by the Indian media.

The victim suffered injuries on his back, arms and head.

Cops in Lucknow initially downplayed the incident as a row between and a landlord and tenants but have now launched an investigation after the footage emerged. 

The attackers retreat as he husband gingerly makes his way back to his feet

The attackers retreat as he husband gingerly makes his way back to his feet