Indonesian tattooed tribe caught in rare photos

These pictures give an insight into the daily lives of the heavily tattooed indigenous tribesmen of Mentawai in Indonesia – who decorate their homes with the skulls of their prey and use barks and leaves as clothes.

Incredibly, they have managed to live separate from the hustle and bustle of modern society for centuries.

Photographer Danan Wahyu Sumirat travelled deep into Mentawai island, the homeland of the tribe 90 miles from the coast of West Sumatra, to document the lifestyle of its 64,000 inhabitants.


Photographer Danan Wahyu Sumirat travelled to Mentawai, the homeland of the tribe 90 miles from the coast of West Sumatra, to document the lifestyle of its 64,000 inhabitants

The semi-nomadic people still hunt fish and animals with poisoned arrows and live in bamboo houses called Umas which they decorate with skulls of their hunted prey.

The tribe believe every living object has a spirit and worship nature, particularly the river. They think damaging or polluting the water source is a sin.

Their days are spent hunting and fishing and these tasks are divided by gender. While hunting is for men, fishing is predominately a woman’s chore.

The semi-nomadic people still hunt fish and animals with poisoned arrows and live in bamboo houses called Umas that they decorate with skulls of their hunted prey

The semi-nomadic people still hunt fish and animals with poisoned arrows and live in bamboo houses called Umas that they decorate with skulls of their hunted prey

Danan said: ‘I had always wanted to document this tribe. 

‘They are very fascinating people. I always wondered how they live happily and peacefully, away from the busy cities and towns.

‘Watching the life of the Mentawai people up and close has made me realise that life is actually very simple if we are in love with nature.’

The Mentawaian’s social life revolves around their clans, and at the centre is the communal long house. 

The clans vary in size between 30 to 80 members and every person has a job to do.

The Mentawaian's social life revolves around their clans of 30 to 80 people, and at the centre is the communal long house

The Mentawaian’s social life revolves around their clans of 30 to 80 people, and at the centre is the communal long house

Danan said: ‘I realised Mentawai people are very organised. 

‘Their work is divided according to the gender. There are some jobs only done by men, one of them is hunting. 

‘Since the age of five years, the boys are given bamboo poles to shoot. 

‘After reaching the age of 10 years, they are introduced to poisoned arrows to hunt in the forest.’

The tribe has a custom of throwing a feast for everyone before the first hunting by a boy to avoid any bad omen.

The women use Panu, a rod made of two three centimetre long blades, to catch fish in an act they call Manino.

Since they are not familiar with weaving techniques, they still use barks and leaves to cover their privates while they allow their upper body to remain uncovered

Since they are not familiar with weaving techniques, they still use barks and leaves to cover their privates while they allow their upper body to remain uncovered

Since they are not familiar with weaving techniques, they still use barks and leaves to cover their privates while they allow their upper body to remain uncovered.

Danan said: ‘Whether men or women, they remain bare-chest. The women wear a skirt made of leaves while men cover their modesty with a flattened bark.

‘They select branches and leaves as per the size of the person and without breaking the tip, they slash them with a machete.

After getting the bark, the outer and inner skin is separated and smoothly-edged to create a Kabit.’

Their days are spent hunting and fishing and these tasks are divided by gender. While hunting is for men, fishing is predominately a woman's chore

Their days are spent hunting and fishing and these tasks are divided by gender. While hunting is for men, fishing is predominately a woman’s chore

The Mentawai people use the night to indulge in spirited recreation, losing themselves in a trance-like state as they dance

The Mentawai people use the night to indulge in spirited recreation, losing themselves in a trance-like state as they dance

Mentawai men, women and children all love to dance, depicting their love for nature through a set of movements called Laggai Turuk

Mentawai men, women and children all love to dance, depicting their love for nature through a set of movements called Laggai Turuk

After a hard day hunting and fishing, the Mentawai people use the night to indulge in spirited recreation, losing themselves in a trance-like state as they dance together.

Mentawai men, women and children all love to dance, depicting their love for nature through a set of movements called Laggai Turuk.

They wear colourful headdresses, pearls, feathers and leaves.

The photographer added: ‘Nature cannot be separated from the life of the Mentawai people. In addition to the source of life, nature gives them the inspiration of art.

They wear colourful headdresses, pearls, feathers and leaves

The photographer added: 'Nature cannot be separated from the life of the Mentawai people. In addition to the source of life, nature gives them the inspiration of art'

They wear colourful headdresses, pearls, feathers and leaves. The photographer added: ‘Nature cannot be separated from the life of the Mentawai people. In addition to the source of life, nature gives them the inspiration of art’

The only specialist in the Mentawai community is its medicine man who is responsible for communicating with the spirits and the souls

The only specialist in the Mentawai community is its medicine man who is responsible for communicating with the spirits and the souls

‘The tattoos that adorn their skin are in the pattern of plants or animals. While dancing they imitate the behaviour of animals.

‘It is more like a meditation ritual for these people. They are lost when in trance when they dance.’

‘This kind of turuk show was not part of the treatment process but we were acquainted with their ancestors so we were spared the disease and the calamities.

The only specialist in the Mentawai community is its medicine man who is responsible for communicating with the spirits and the souls. In cases of misfortune or illness, he is called in to restore harmony within the group.