Inside Conor McGregor’s pub: From Irish dancing to boxing stars smoking cigars

A number of things sprung to mind when I was told Conor McGregor had opened a pub in Dublin. I assumed the Irishman had plonked an over the top, extortionately priced boozer in the middle of Temple bar to milk the tourists for all their worth.

How wrong I was. McGregor avoided the tourist trap that is temple bar and stayed true to his roots. He opened the first of his three pubs in Crumlin, Dublin 12 – the area in which he grew up.

Dublin 12 – which is said to be the inspiration behind McGregor’s best selling whiskey Proper Twelve – is a residential area that has very little glitz and glam about it and was once regarded as dangerous.

But, you’d never know that now. And trust me, you’ll have absolutely no issues finding McGregor’s pub given its jet black exterior juxtaposes the beige looking properties alongside it. 

When you walk through the door you’re instantly hit with a sense of class and luxury. But what stuck with me the most was the fact the pub had managed to maintain its traditional character despite its €2million makeover.

Conor McGregor opened a pub called The Black Forge in Dublin 12, Ireland – his hometown  

You'll have absolutely no issues finding McGregor's pub given its jet black exterior (above)

You’ll have absolutely no issues finding McGregor’s pub given its jet black exterior (above)

Its wooden worktops and high-rise stools alongside the bar gave it an authentic feel (above)

Its wooden worktops and high-rise stools alongside the bar gave it an authentic feel (above)

Its wooden worktops and high-rise stools alongside the bar gave it an authentic feel, while the plush seats and brass piping gave it a sense of superiority over any regular pub.

The Crumlin boozer also came with plenty of craic and great drinks (even some of McGregor’s own brands including Forged Stout and Proper Twelve Whiskey, but more to come on that).

There were several tributes to the Irishman incorporated into the decor. His tiger tattoo is stencilled on the brick wall of the beer garden and the staff are kitted out in waistcoats to reference the MMA star’s dapper style.

Plus, every screen in the pub features McGregor highlights playing repeat. There were clips from his fights with Nate Diaz, Jose Aldo, Chad Mendes, Dennis Silver, Dustin Poirier I and so on.

However, there was very little footage from his fight with Khabib Nurmagomedov or his second consecutive loss to Poirier – which saw him break his leg in the final few seconds of the opening round.  

Nevertheless, the locals appeared to be enjoying their time in the pub, sinking pints of Forged Irish Stout as they waited in anticipation for the Notorious to arrive. 

But it’s not just the locals that love the Crumlin pub. The Black Forge Inn has become synonymous with celebrities since opening its doors in the summer of 2021. 

When I was there, Tony Bellew, David A. Diamante and Ade Oladipo were out in the beer garden smoking cigars and having a few drinks after attending the Katie Taylor vs Chantelle Cameron weigh-in on May 19. 

The Notorious then invited me behind the bar to pull a pint of his Forged Irish Stout (above)

The Notorious then invited me behind the bar to pull a pint of his Forged Irish Stout (above)

While the plush seats and brass piping gave it a sense of superiority over any regular pub

While the plush seats and brass piping gave it a sense of superiority over any regular pub

There were several tributes to the Irishman incorporated into the decor at the pub

There were several tributes to the Irishman incorporated into the decor at the pub

There were several screens around the pub playing highlights of McGregor's fights

There were several screens around the pub playing highlights of McGregor’s fights

Matchroom promoter Eddie Hearn made an appearance at the pub, drinking a few stouts with McGregor before heading off for the evening, while Ariel Helwani was also spotted out in the beer garden enjoying the company of his DAZN colleagues. 

I caught up with Helwani and asked him what he made of the pub. He said: ‘The first time I ever spoke to Conor was in February 2013. He told me his dream was to open up his own restaurant and that he wanted to call it Shreddy Joe’s, a healthy version of Sloppy Joes. 

‘So, 10 years later and here I am at his own establishment. I know it’s much more than a restaurant but it’s been incredible. What a spot. I am very happy for him. Congratulations to Conor on what he’s built here. 

McGregor is the proud owner of Forged Irish Stout (pictured above)

McGregor is the proud owner of Forged Irish Stout (pictured above)

‘It’s beautifully decorated, the staff are so friendly and the food is fantastic. We’ve had the steak on the stone twice already in the last three days. So, it’s two thumbs up from me.’

Soon after, McGregor arrived at the pub – pulling up in a custom made Bentley. It didn’t take long before his fans realised and swarmed towards the front door to chat to the 34-year-old MMA star and ask for pictures. 

McGregor kindly obliged, making time for every single fan that approached him. He even went out of his way to take a selfie with an elderly lady who explained how her grandson was a mega-fan of his.

McGregor then strutted into the pub with his family by his side. He was seen chatting to the entire room, asking each local how their food and drinks were before setting up camp in the corner. 

Shortly after, McGregor’s manager introduced me to the MMA star. For a man so in demand, McGregor was incredibly generous with his time. We sat down and spoke for 30 minutes before he invited me behind the bar to pull a pint of Forged Stout with him. 

His tiger tattoo is stencilled on the brick wall of the beer garden (pictured on wall above)

His tiger tattoo is stencilled on the brick wall of the beer garden (pictured on wall above)

McGregor was incredibly generous with his time and spent 30 minutes chatting to me (above)

McGregor was incredibly generous with his time and spent 30 minutes chatting to me (above)

So, what were McGregor’s top tips for pouring a pint of Forged Irish Stout? Well, first he highlighted the importance of the glass. It should be a cool, dry pint glass that is correctly branded. Drinking Forged Irish Stout from a Moretti glass is far from ideal. 

Once you’ve selected your glass, it’s all about the pour. McGregor said you should hold the glass 45 degrees to the tap and just below the spout. Then you pull handle towards you and all the way down – allowing the Forged Irish Stout to flow into the glass.

Still following? Next you slowly straighten the glass – turning the tap off when the stout is about 20mm away from the top of the glass. That is step one of the process complete. 

Then you let the stout sit for about two minutes before adding the finishing touches. All you have to do is simply top up the pint by pushing the tap handle away from you. 

Sounds simple right? Well, it’s not. My first attempt was shambolic and even McGregor took a second stab at it to get the prefect pint. Nevertheless, they still tasted great.  

As the night went on I started to realise why the Black Forge Inn had been hailed for its party atmosphere. McGregor took us into the main room of the pub and told us ‘the show was about to start’. 

With that, out popped two of the female waitresses. They gave us a smile before starting to Irish dance – which is a traditional Gaelic dance form that originated in Ireland. 

McGregor was loving it. He was dancing and singing along with his family, while his son Conor Jnr was clapping his hands and his daughter Croia was spinning around in circles. 

Ariel Helwani was also spotted out in the beer garden enjoying the company of his colleagues

Ariel Helwani was also spotted out in the beer garden enjoying the company of his colleagues

Tony Bellew, David A. Diamante and Ade Oladipowere out in the beer garden smoking cigars and having a few drinks after working at the Katie Taylor vs Chantelle Cameron weigh-in

Tony Bellew, David A. Diamante and Ade Oladipowere out in the beer garden smoking cigars and having a few drinks after working at the Katie Taylor vs Chantelle Cameron weigh-in 

David A. Diamante was also out in the beer garden after working at the weigh-in on the Friday

David A. Diamante was also out in the beer garden after working at the weigh-in on the Friday

McGregor couldn’t help but smile as he soaked up the atmosphere. He even boasted: ‘Now this is proper Irish entertainment’ as he walked past me towards the densely populated bar. 

But let’s get to the bit you’ve all been waiting for: How does the stout taste and how does it compare to the infamous Irish delicacy that is Guinness? Well, let me just caveat by saying… I am no stout expert, but I am a Guinness drinker so that will have to do.

Forged Irish Stout is very similar to Guinness, but it has a much smoother and creamier finish. McGregor’s pint contains the same malty sweetness and roasted taste with notes of coffee and chocolate. However, it didn’t have the same bitterness – making it a very ‘session-able’ pint.

I expected McGregor's whiskey to have a kick to it. But, Proper Twelve offers a smooth and soft taste - making it the perfect whiskey for us newbies

I expected McGregor’s whiskey to have a kick to it. But, Proper Twelve offers a smooth and soft taste – making it the perfect whiskey for us newbies

You could sit back and drink pint-after-pint of Forged Irish Stout without feeling quite a full as you would with a Guinness. 

He may be biased but McGregor was particularly complimentary of the stout. 

He told me: ‘It’s a smooth stout. It goes down very well and people are travelling all over the world for this. It’s only sold here right now and it’s already a mega brand and a mega stout.’ 

It wouldn’t have been right to leave The Black Forge Inn without trying McGregor’s Proper Twelve whiskey. So, that was next on the agenda.

McGregor previously said his goal with Proper Twelve was to create a whiskey that could be enjoyed by everyone, whether they’re a whiskey drinker or not. It’s safe to say he’s achieved his goal. 

McGregor’s single malt whiskey is made through a partnership with Bushmills Distillery and is distributed by Proximo Spirits globally. When I tried it, I got a smooth taste of vanilla, honey, and toasted oak.

As an amateur whiskey drinker, I expected McGregor’s whiskey to have a kick to it. But, Proper Twelve offers a smooth and soft taste – making it the perfect whiskey for us newbies. 

The whiskey tasted great neat, but I could imagine it going very well in a cocktail or punch – which is probably much more up my street.

Anyway, I risk sounding like a Conor Mcgregor fan girl or a Forged Irish Stout promoter by saying this, but I was very impressed with the 34-year-old’s Crumlin pub and his alcohol brands. 

But, I was more impressed by the man himself. He was incredibly kind and generous with his time. It’s clear that he adores his family and that he loves taking care of them. He’s also a proud businessman that’s worked his way from the bottom up. 

McGregor will be back in action later this year when he face Chandler in the Octagon. Meanwhile, more information on the Irishman’s brands can be found here.
