Inside Kevin Rudd’s $20,000 LGBTQI+ Pride party with drag queen Kitty Glitter in Washington DC – that YOU paid for

Australia’s US ambassador Kevin Rudd spent around $20,000 on an LGBTQI+ Pride party held at his Washington DC residence last June, including flying in an Australian drag queen to DJ.

The expenses for the lavish party held at Mr Rudd’s official White Oaks mansion residence have been revealed by a freedom of information request made to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Nine Newspapers. 

A whopping $4,500 was spent on balloons, while $10,000 was splurged on catering, according to the FOI documents.

Entertainment cost over $5,000 with Australian drag queen Kitty Glitter paid around $3,000 to perform plus having Aussie taxpayers pick up the tab for the performer’s domestic US flights to Washington and other incidental expenses.

Another Washington-based drag queen, Crystal Edge, whose Instagram describes as ‘DC’s Resting Bitch Face’, was also paid around $600 to perform.

The guest list reportedly included prominent diplomatic and media figures plus elected Democrat and Republican Congress and Senate representatives. 

The decadent bash was put on only three months into the former Labor prime minister’s tenure as Australia’s representative in Washington. 

Kitty Glitter, described as ‘the world’s most famous drag DJ’, posted for a photograph with Mr Rudd on the performer’s Instagram last year.

Australia’s US Ambassador Kevin Rudd poses with drag queen Kitty Glitter last June after the performer was flown to Washington at taxpayer expense to DJ at a lavish Pride party

Kitty Glitter was invited back to Mr Rudd's ambassador's residence for a second Pride party this year

Kitty Glitter was invited back to Mr Rudd’s ambassador’s residence for a second Pride party this year

‘A wonderful and so welcoming affair, he (Mr Rudd) made a very heartwarming speech that affirmed we as a LGBTQI+ community in Australia are so lucky to have a govt that loves, respects and supports us,’ Glitter wrote in the caption.

Previously Kitty Glitter posted the official Australian ambassadorial letterhead from the invitation they received to perform. 

‘I get super excited with every new inquiry that comes through for me to DJ at a special event, but sometimes I get blown away,’ the drag queen wrote.

‘Much like the pride I felt being invited to play for both Lady Gaga and Elton John’s parties, I was so stoked to receive a request from the Australian Embassy in Washington DC to play at their invite-only “PRIDE” party at the Ambassador’s Residence this week!

‘I was supposed to go to Orlando on Thursday ahead of my show at One Magical Weekend on Sunday, but when an official at the Embassy Of Australia says “You’re an Australian LGBTI cultural icon” while welcoming you to celebrate with them, you do your best make it happen!

‘Such an honour to be invited to be a part of this unique (and oh so patriotic) opportunity in DC.’

On June 14 this year, Kitty Glitter posted a second photo posing with Mr Rudd and indicated they had been asked back to perform at another Pride party.      

Kitty Glitter excitedly posted the letterhead of the invitation to DJ the party at Mr Rudd's official White Oaks mansion residence

Kitty Glitter excitedly posted the letterhead of the invitation to DJ the party at Mr Rudd’s official White Oaks mansion residence

DC based drag queen Crystal Edge (pictured centre) was also paid to perform last year at Mr Rudd's Pride party

DC based drag queen Crystal Edge (pictured centre) was also paid to perform last year at Mr Rudd’s Pride party

‘A fabulous evening full of Pride at The Australian Embassy in Washington DC,’ Glitter wrote.

‘SUCH an honour to be invited back again this year.’

According to Glitter’s Instagram, the performer who is based in Sydney and has been performing for over 15 years in the city’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, had already been in DC before the party taking part in the city’s Pride celebrations.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has been contacted for comment. 
