Inside Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s private jet

Pictures have revealed the lavish interior of the Cessna private jet at the centre of the environmental row around Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been accused of hypocrisy having previously spoken of ‘making a difference’ to the future of the planet and the need for ‘urgent intervention’ only to then increase their own carbon footprint through the use of four private jets in just 11 days.

Now images have revealed the luxury they enjoy inside the 12-seater plane including plush seats, spreads of fine cuisine, huge bathrooms and personal television monitors. 

The Cessna 680 Citation Sovereign plane, which can hit top speeds of 592mph, also has spacious bathrooms big enough for passengers to change clothes and LED lighting which has a dimmer switch for passenger comfort. 

The plane’s mechanics are also specially designed to ensure ‘smooth and safe flights’, including a top-of-the-range carbon brakes, a variable gear system that changes the flaps for the best flight angle and engines that minimise noise.

Pictures have emerged showing the luxury interior of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Cessna private jet, pictured

The images show how the Royals travel in style with plush seats, water bottles waiting for them on trays, television monitors and spacious bathrooms big enough to change clothes in

The images show how the Royals travel in style with plush seats, water bottles waiting for them on trays, television monitors and spacious bathrooms big enough to change clothes in

The plane's technology is also specially designed to provide a safe and smooth flight including a variable gear system that changes the flaps to provide the best flight angle and a top-of-the-range carbon break. Pictured is the cockpit

The plane’s technology is also specially designed to provide a safe and smooth flight including a variable gear system that changes the flaps to provide the best flight angle and a top-of-the-range carbon break. Pictured is the cockpit

It is unknown whether Meghan Markle and Prince Harry would have enjoyed exactly the same food as this pictured, but the images show how guests on the private plane are offered fine cuisine rather than standard aeroplane food

It is unknown whether Meghan Markle and Prince Harry would have enjoyed exactly the same food as this pictured, but the images show how guests on the private plane are offered fine cuisine rather than standard aeroplane food

The plane, which costs around £15million, has room for 12 passengers but also carries a heavy carbon footprint, with each of the Royals flights creating a footprint of more than three tonnes - seven times more carbon emissions per person than a commercial flight

The plane, which costs around £15million, has room for 12 passengers but also carries a heavy carbon footprint, with each of the Royals flights creating a footprint of more than three tonnes – seven times more carbon emissions per person than a commercial flight 

Pictures emerged at the weekend of Harry, Meghan and Archie boarding the £15million private jet in Nice after three days at Sir Elton’s home.

Their arrival in France came just two days after they flew home by private jet from Ibiza after a six-night break celebrating Meghan’s 38th birthday.

Each flight is estimated to have created a carbon footprint of more than three tons, producing seven times more carbon emissions per person than a commercial flight.

They arrived in France on a 12-seater Cessna aircraft last Wednesday, despite there being more than 20 scheduled commercial flights from London to Nice that day.

Their earlier trip to Ibiza is believed to have produced a footprint of more than four tons.

The carbon footprint – carbon dioxide released as a direct result of an activity – of an average person in the UK is 13 tons a year.

The row has intensified after Piers Morgan criticised them for being ‘eco-warriors’ without practicing what they preach, while several celebrities have come to their defence.  

Today Royal sources said the Duchess of Sussex is ‘not wasting time’ on the public row over her private jet use,. 

The Duke of Sussex is pictured stepping on board the aircraft at Nice Airport, in another trip by the royals by private jet

The Duke of Sussex is pictured stepping on board the aircraft at Nice Airport, in another trip by the royals by private jet

Sources told Katie Nicholl at Vanity Fair that the Duchess is ‘moving on and riding above the storm’ and is instead focused on ‘bigger things’ like the launch of her new charity clothing range for Smart Works. 

‘She’s not wasting time or energy on the row over the private jets, instead she’s getting very excited about the new launch,’ the source said. 

Another added: ‘As far as she is concerned it’s a storm that will blow over. She is focused on bigger things right now.’ 

How Harry and Meghan’s huge seven-ton carbon footprint could cost just £170 to offset 

Harry and Meghan’s trip to Nice was estimated to have had a carbon footprint of just over three tons.

The private jet generated an estimated seven times the emissions per person compared to a commercial flight, on which even a business class seat would be more carbon efficient. 

This was on top of their Ibiza trip this month which was believed to have had a footprint of more than four tons

Daren Howarth, the founder of C-Level, another carbon offsetting organisation, told the Telegraph that the figure might be closer to 12 tonnes for the Nice trip alone.

He estimated that each passenger on a private jet emits 0.6 tons of CO2 for each hour flown and therefore the four-hour return flight works out at 2.4 tons of CO2 per passenger.

He calculated, on the basis of five people flying in the jet, a total of 12 tonnes of CO2, which would cost just £168 to offset. 

Sir Elton did not vouchsafe how much he contributed to Carbon Footprint. 

On Tuesday US Editor-at-Large Piers Morgan took aim at the couple while sat on a British Airways plane to Nice in a cramped seat reading The Cricketer magazine next to a passenger wearing an Arsenal football shirt.

He tweeted: ‘Memo to ‘eco-warriors’ Meghan and Harry: this is what Economy to Nice looks like. Try it some time. @British_Airways #ManOfThePeople.’

It came after Sir Elton John confirmed he had paid for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to fly to and from Nice for a holiday at his £15million French home.

The 72-year-old singer claimed he had ensured Prince Harry and Meghan’s flight to and from the French Riviera last week were carbon neutral by making the ‘appropriate contribution’ to a carbon footprint fund. 

On social media earlier this week he wrote: ‘I am deeply distressed by today’s distorted and malicious account in the Press surrounding the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s private stay at my home in Nice last week.’

He added he wanted to protect Harry, Meghan and Archie from the ‘unnecessary press intrusion’ that he believes contributed to the death of Princess Diana.

Actress Jameela Jamil also came to the defence of the Royal couple, claiming they should not travel on public airlines because they are at risk of ‘kidnap and assassination’.

She also accused their critics of racism and became embroiled in a row with Morgan who labelled her a ‘virtue-signalling twerp’. 

Writing on Twitter, Jamil said: ‘Ugh. Dear England and English press, just say you hate her because she’s black, and him for marrying a black woman and be done with it God dammit. Your bullying is so embarrassing and obvious. You’ve all lost your marbles. It’s 2019. Grow up.

‘And ALSO, it’s not safe for us to be on the same planes as royals or presidents you absolute muppets. They are prime targets for kidnap and sometimes assassination. It’s in the interest of us civilians to not be endangered by proximity to people in such powerful positions.’

Sir Elton John confirmed in an Instagram post that he had paid for Harry and Meghan to fly to and from his mansion

Sir Elton John confirmed in an Instagram post that he had paid for Harry and Meghan to fly to and from his mansion

Last Wednesday, Meghan was pictured holding baby Archie as she stepped off the private jet upon their arrival in Nice

Last Wednesday, Meghan was pictured holding baby Archie as she stepped off the private jet upon their arrival in Nice

But Piers was quick to retort, writing: ‘Vile racist bully accuses all 55 million people in England of being vile racist bullies. I suggest YOU grow up, Ms Jamil, you pathetic virtue-signalling twerp.

‘Even by your standards this is hilariously stupid. The royal Sussex eco-warriors flew in BA economy to Nice last year – nobody died, from memory.’

Meghan Markle’s best friend Jessica Mulroney also said the Duchess has been the target of ‘racist bullies’ over the criticism. 

Mulroney took to Instagram on Tuesday to say the Duchess of Sussex had been unfairly criticized and suggested that race was a factor. 

‘When someone faces unfair criticism, you call it out. When that person is your friend and your family, you call those critics what they truly are. Shame on you, you racist bullies,’ Mulroney wrote. 

She added: ‘Three years of undeserved hate and abuse. It’s enough.’  

The Duke and Duchess sparked fury again among some of their followers on Instagram by posting a quote on Monday from Archbishop Desmond Tutu on about doing ‘your little bit of good’.

‘Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world,’ the quote read.  

Buckingham Palace has so far declined to comment on Harry and Meghan’s trips. 

Jameela Jamil yesterday launched an impassioned rant in defence of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, pictured

Jameela Jamil yesterday launched an impassioned rant in defence of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, pictured