Internet stunned by ‘casual’ social rule men are happy to disobey… but women wouldn’t dare

Women have discovered they tend to obey an ‘unspoken’ social rule more than men do.

The realisation first came to light when American writer Kristen Mulrooney posted: ‘My husband was talking to a casual acquaintance whose name he couldn’t remember, so he said, “I’m sorry I forget your name?” and the guy told him his name.

‘I didn’t know you could do that?’ she said on X.

Many woman agreed it was a social faux pas to admit you have forgotten someone’s name – especially if it isn’t the first time you’ve met them.

However, most men seemed to disagree and are quite comfortable asking someone to repeat their name – even if they’ve met them several times before.

Women have discovered they tend to obey an ‘unspoken’ social rule more than men do

Some women couldn’t believe this actually happens among men.

‘You can’t ask. It’s a unwritten rule. He broke the matrix,’ one said of Ms Mulrooney’s husband.

‘I call BS. No way is that an option. The only possible solution is to excuse yourself to the restroom, climb out the window, and leap onto a passing speedboat,’ another joked.

A few shared the awkward encounters they’ve experienced.

‘One of the people I work with called me by the wrong name one day and I didn’t correct her … that was four years ago. I actually turn my name badge around to hide my name when I see her in the hall,’ a woman said.

‘I’ll just refer to them as ‘man’ or ‘dude’ for the rest of forever!’ another added.

Some shared savvy tricks for when you forget someone’s name. 

‘My husband and I have an agreement that if he doesn’t introduce me to someone within the first few minutes, he doesn’t remember their name. Then I introduce myself, they tell me their name, thereby reminding him without having to ask.’

Many claimed it was a social faux pas to admit you have forgotten someone's name

Many claimed it was a social faux pas to admit you have forgotten someone’s name

A second wrote, ‘I just learned that you have to say, ‘Oh, look how ugly my driver’s license picture is!’ and then everyone gets theirs out to compare.’

‘My teenage son told me if he doesn’t remember someone he asks them how to spell their name,’ a mum shared.

‘The trick is to ask them for their phone number. Then you hand them your phone and have them fill in their information on their own. Works every time,’ a man said.

But a few claimed that it ‘wasn’t that serious’ and it was fine to just be upfront about forgetting things. 

‘We asked a new friend we’ve known a few months in passing to remind us of his name and he admitted he was gonna introduce someone to us just so he could catch our names again,’ a man revealed.

‘I have had a lot of success with ‘Remind me your name?’ People are generally very chill about it,’ another wrote.
