Iraqi who kidnapped couple begs to be deported because he’s LONELY in prison

Kazm Saed, 26, has been jailed for 13 years for kidnapping an elderly couple – but begged to be sent back to Iraq because he is lonely in the UK. He will serve his sentence before any attempts to remove him from the UK 

A kidnapper who forced an elderly couple to get him cash from an ATM at knifepoint has asked to be deported back to Iraq because he is so lonely in a British prison – but instead faces up to 13 years in jail at the taxpayers’ expense.

Kazm Saed, 26, woke Graham Fuller and threatened to kill his wife Rachel with a dagger if the couple did not drive to a cashpoint on the Isle of Wight and give him £600.

The couple believed that if they don’t acquiesce they would be murdered – and Mr Fuller, who is in his late eighties, suffered the humiliation of being naked when the assailant woke him at knifepoint. 

After a week long trial at at the Isle of Wight Crown Court, Recorder Paul Garlick sentenced Saed to jail for 13 years and said the ordeal the Fullers were put through last May was particularly horrifying. 

He was also convicted of stealing from a hospice and a knifepoinr robbery on another elderly man, Graham Deacon, demanding money and his bank card pin number. 

Before being sentenced for his crimes, Saed’s lawyer Russell Pyne told a judge his client felt isolated and lonely and wanted to be deported back to Iraq, even though he did not know if he would be safe if that happened. 

Recorder Garlick said: ‘It was made worse that you sat in the back seat with Mrs Fuller, with Mr Fuller knowing at any moment you could have used the knife on his wife. It’s hard to imagine anything more serious.’ 

The Home Secretary has the power to make a deportation order against a foreign criminal under the Immigration Act – but Saed will first serve at least six-and-a-half years in prison for his crimes before he can be sent home.

But if he changes his mind and decides he wants to stay, it can be harder to remove him. In the past year there have been just five Iraqis forcibly deported by the Government to their home country. 

Currently up to 70 per cent of foreign criminals who lodge deportation appeals do so under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, claiming it will be a breach of their rights to return them to their home nation for reasons such as they have children in the UK.  

Latest figures, published in August, showed 10,882 foreign offenders have been released from prison but have avoided deportation.  The total walking the streets has rocketed by 176 per cent since 2012, when it stood at under 4,000.

MailOnline has asked the Home Office to comment. 

Kazm Saed, 26, woke Graham Fuller as he slept naked in his secluded Isle of Wight cottage (pictured) and threatened to kill his wife Rachel with a dagger if the couple did not drive to a cash-point and turn over £600

Kazm Saed, 26, woke Graham Fuller as he slept naked in his secluded Isle of Wight cottage (pictured) and threatened to kill his wife Rachel with a dagger if the couple did not drive to a cash-point and turn over £600

The court heard Saed offered no reason for why he committed the offences, which he had denied throughout the trial, once the jury found him guilty.

New Bill of Rights is to curtail the ability of foreign criminals to dodge deportation on human rights grounds 

The ability of foreign criminals to dodge deportation on human rights grounds will be curtailed under the new post-Brexit Bill of Rights. 

Reforms will massively restrict the number of appeals brought under the controversial ‘right to private and family life’. 

They will make it far more difficult for appeals to reach court under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which was enshrined in UK law by Labour. 

The new Bill of Rights will also insist that rulings by Britain’s top judges take precedence over those from the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. 

Justice Secretary Dominic Raab said last year: ‘Our plans for a Bill of Rights will strengthen typically British rights like freedom of speech and trial by jury, while preventing abuses of the system and adding a healthy dose of common sense.’ 

Currently up to 70 per cent of foreign criminals who lodge deportation appeals do so under Article 8, claiming it will be a breach of their rights to return them to their home nation for reasons such as they have children in the UK. 

But sources said under the new plans they will have to seek permission from the courts first. It is understood foreign offenders could be restricted from using Article 8 depending on the gravity of their crime or the length of their jail sentence. 

A senior Government source said last night: ‘The idea is to have a permission stage that could effectively filter out spurious or vexatious claims to make sure the courts are concentrating on the genuine, credible ones. 

‘The European Court itself has its permission stage as well. So in a way we’ll be following the model that Strasbourg has.’ 


The court heard Mr Fuller, in his late 80s, was in bed naked in his remote cottage on the Isle of Wight when he became aware the bedroom light had been turned on at 2:45am.

In a police interview played to court, Mr Fuller said: ‘I was horrified to find a stranger in the room. He was threatening me and had a knife.

‘My wife had woken up. The man said ‘I want money or I will kill you. I will kill your wife’.’

They scrambled together around £25 but the intruder wanted more.

Mr Fuller said: ‘He was holding a sort of dagger to my throat. I feared the consequences would be somewhat dire if we resisted him.

‘He was convinced we had more money in the house. He said we would go in my car (to get some) but I was a bit dubious.

‘I was quite naked and needed to get clothes on before we could go into town.

‘He was still threatening me. The blade was five to six inches long. I thought at first it was a kitchen knife but it seemed more like a dagger which you could plunge into flesh.’

The couple were forced to drive their Volkswagen Golf to a cash-point, with their kidnapper as a passenger.

They each withdrew £300, the maximum amount allowed, and handed it over.

He asked them to drive back to their house, but he jumped out the car before they got back.

Mr Fuller added he feared for his life during the ‘intimidating’ ordeal.

He said: ‘It was a little bit intimidating, to say the least. During conversation (with the intruder), particularly when the death threats came, the dagger was put closer to my throat and sometimes it touched me.

‘I didn’t know whether I would come out of it alive. I thought we would be lucky to. I’m in my late 80s now and don’t have the strength I used to have..’

Mrs Fuller said: ‘He said he wanted £1,000 and I thought well this is ridiculous really. He was threatening each of us with bumping one or the other of us off.

‘I thought the best thing to do was humour him but he wasn’t capable of being humoured.’

Saed, of no fixed address, was found guilty of aggravated burglary of the Fuller’s home, kidnapping and robbery.

A jury also found Saed guilty of a burglary of a furniture warehouse and aggravated burglary of the home of another elderly victim Graham Deacon.

The court heard 84-year-old Mr Deacon was faced with a knife-wielding intruder who stole his bank card, took away his phone and cut the light cord with a knife, leaving his victim in the darkness.

Recorder Garlick congratulated Saed’s three victims for their bravery and said he would be recommending them for a commendation.

Detective Constable Ross Jones, from Hampshire Constabulary, said: ‘Saed subjected these poor people to terrifying ordeals, where they genuinely feared for their lives.

‘Their courage throughout this process has been inspiring, and it is because of their strength that we have been able to pull all of the pieces of the puzzle together.

‘Saed’s denial despite the evidence being stacked against him, including forensics and identification by the victims, has been absurd.

‘I am pleased that the jury have seen through this and he is now in prison where he belongs.’
