Irma causes evacuation of Trump’s $200m Mar-a-Lago estate

Donald Trump’s $200million ‘winter White House’ Mar-a-Lago is being evacuated as Hurricane Irma rampages towards the Florida coast after causing ‘serious damage’ to his mansion on St Martin.

Guests at the 62,500-square foot golf course and resort are being told to leave, along with the rest of Palm Beach, as winds of 175mph make their way towards the US east coast.

And Hurricane Irma is likely to test a longtime boast from Mar-a-Lago staff that it withstand any storm.

But, if history is any guide, the smart money this weekend will be on the house. 

Donald Trump’s ‘winter White House’ Mar-a-Lago is being evacuated as Hurricane Irma rampages towards the Florida coast

The storm brought devastation to St. Martin earlier this week – leveling the Caribbean island’s strongest buildings and leaving ‘rustic’ structures like Trump’s $17million mansion in grave danger. 

‘We know that the four most solid buildings on the island have been destroyed, which means that more rustic structures have probably been completely or partially destroyed,’ said French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb.

Eight people have been reported dead on the island after it took a direct hit from Irma.

Ninety-five per cent of the French side of the island has been destroyed, a local official, said, with enormous damage to the side administered by the Dutch government. 

Strikes by four major hurricanes have done little damage to Mar-a-Lago in the 90 years since cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post and her second husband, financier E.F. Hutton, built the 126-room, mansion. 

It cost them $5 million – the equivalent of almost $70 million today.

The 3-acre (1.2 hectare) Palm Beach estate is quite exposed to tropical weather, bisecting a narrow barrier island, flanked by the Intracoastal Waterway and the Atlantic Ocean. But the mansion’s walls are 3-feet (1 meter) thick, anchored by steel and concrete beams embedded into coral rock.

'Believe me, not good': Trump spoke about Hurricane Irma as it headed for the British Virgin Islands with a track that could take it to Cuba and the Florida coast

‘Believe me, not good’: Trump spoke about Hurricane Irma as it headed for the British Virgin Islands with a track that could take it to Cuba and the Florida coast

‘It’s the safest place in the world for a hurricane,’ said Anthony Senecal, Trump’s longtime butler and Mar-a-Lago’s unofficial historian, in an interview with The Associated Press last year. 

‘That house ain’t going nowhere. That house has never been seriously damaged. That construction, stop and think about it. There were 300 guys that worked on the outside of that building.’

Jeff Masters, director of the Weather Underground forecasting service, said Thursday that the biggest threat to Mar-a-Lago won’t be Irma’s winds, which could top 140 mph (225 kph) when it reaches Palm Beach. Instead, it will be storm surge, which he said could reach 8 feet (2.4 meters) in a worst-case scenario. 

An interactive map by Climate Central shows that a more likely 6-foot (1.8-meter) sea rise would put some of the property’s low-lying areas at peril. An 8-foot surge could cause some water damage to the main buildings.

Astonishing images show the scale of the destruction on the island of St. Martin in the aftermath of a direct hit by Category 5 Hurricane Irma

Astonishing images show the scale of the destruction on the island of St. Martin in the aftermath of a direct hit by Category 5 Hurricane Irma

Trump bought the property in 1985, when it was in disrepair, for $10 million, and spent millions refurbishing it before turning it into a club in 1995. 

The property now boasts 58 bedrooms, 33 bathrooms, a 20,000-square-foot ballroom, tennis and croquet courts and three bomb shelters.

The Trump family business doubled the initiation fee to $200,000 once it became clear that Mar-a-Lago would become the unofficial winter White House.

The president has spent seven weekends at the resort since his inauguration, mingling with the club’s 500 members, who pay $14,000 in annual dues to belong.

An AP investigation last year showed Trump received a $17 million insurance payment for Mar-a-Lago damage in 2005 after hurricanes Frances, Jeanne and Wilma hit in two years.

But he said in an unrelated lawsuit deposition in 2007 that he didn’t know how much was spent on repairs. He conceded to pocketing some of the money. 

Hurricane Irma has caused "enormous damage" to the Dutch side of the Caribbean island of Saint Martin, the Dutch Royal Navy said on Thursday. The navy, which has two ships stationed off the coast of the island, tweeted images gathered by helicopter showing damaged houses, hotels and boats.

Hurricane Irma has caused “enormous damage” to the Dutch side of the Caribbean island of Saint Martin, the Dutch Royal Navy said on Thursday. The navy, which has two ships stationed off the coast of the island, tweeted images gathered by helicopter showing damaged houses, hotels and boats.

Dutch Interior Minister Ronald Plasterk said he briefly had contact with Saint Martin's prime minister but communications are sporadic. He said nine patients at a hospital in the country had been evacuated by Dutch military helicopter.

Dutch Interior Minister Ronald Plasterk said he briefly had contact with Saint Martin’s prime minister but communications are sporadic. He said nine patients at a hospital in the country had been evacuated by Dutch military helicopter.

Senecal said the roof lost some tiles and some trees were flattened. Town of Palm Beach records showed no permits were issued for major repairs during that period.

Bernd Lembke, Mar-a-Lago’s managing director, did not return a call Thursday seeking comment. 

The Trump Organization issued a statement saying its Florida staff is ‘taking all of the proper precautions’ to protect the property and its employees. 

Spokeswoman Amanda Miller did not respond to an email seeking specifics.

The first major storm to hit Mar-a-Lago was the 1928 Okeechobee hurricane, which made landfall nearby with 145 mph winds. 

Just 45 miles (72 kilometers) west, dikes surrounding Lake Okeechobee failed and at least 2,500 people drowned, mostly farmworkers and their families. 

More than 1,700 buildings near Mar-a-Lago were destroyed. According to the Palm Beach Post, Mar-a-Lago reported damage to a large Roman-style window.