Is it legal to buy cannabis seeds in Ireland and Europe?

Suppose the cultivation of the cannabis plant and its consumption is forbidden by law. In that case, paradoxically, the purchase and sale of cannabis seeds are allowed in Ireland and Europe, provided that they are not germinated…

But you can buy safely feminised seeds as they are legal in Ireland.

Cannabis seeds: what does the law say?

Although the sale and possession of Cannabis are strictly prohibited in Ireland, the market for cannabis seeds is growing. At the same time, Europe is the biggest consumer of Cannabis in the world.

While a multitude of websites offers to buy cannabis seeds in a few clicks, many people are still wondering whether this product is legal or not. Indeed, the Irish legislation is somewhat strange and hypocritical.

So it is sometimes difficult to define the law around the marketing of these seeds. Let’s say that it results from a particular legal vacuum that makes unsprouted seeds not prohibited. Therefore, buying cannabis seeds on the website is entirely legal.

Cannabis seed that gives rise to plants capable of producing the psychoactive substance can be legally shipped to Ireland from cannabis seed banks in the EU. As long as it cannot be proven that the recipient of the seeds intends to use them illegally, they are treated like any other seeds.

In theory, however, these people are not allowed to plant the seeds…

A law allowing the cultivation of certain industrial hemp seeds

Except in exceptional situations, only industrial hemp varieties with a THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) content of less than 0.2% can be authorised in Ireland and most of Europe.

On the other hand, the law prohibits all types of narcotic substances. The law, therefore, allows the circulation of hemp seeds and their trade between the Member States of the European area, including Ireland, if these conditions are met.

The use of legal hemp seeds is possible for private individuals. In addition, their cultivation, use, and production for commercial purposes or other professional activities are highly regulated. These varieties belong to non-psychotropic hemp.

The cultivars allowed in industrial hemp are strictly limited to 20 varieties, which leaves no possibility of producing plants with psychoactive properties. Furthermore, these varieties have a THC concentration of less than 0.2% and do not offer the same therapeutic properties as their psychoactive cousins.

THC is the main component of Cannabis, causing psychological and physiological effects. Therefore, to be within the norms, a maximum level has been defined, and therefore, all seeds that exceed this limit will be considered illegal.

What is the risk of planting illegal Cannabis?

The production of Cannabis is punishable under the law by up to 20 years imprisonment or a fine. Cannabis for medical use is prohibited, so production for “personal use” is not permitted.

However, following the same principle applied to consumers, deciding whether to proceed with an investigation rests with the judge and prosecutor. As a result, very few cannabis producers have received the maximum sentence, including those running an industrial-scale cultivation operation.

So beware if you happen to plant your legally purchased seed…

Cannabis consumption and possession

Suppose the possession and cultivation of seeds can be subject to interpretation. In that case, the law prohibits using Cannabis with varying degrees of severity: easy use can lead to up to one year’s imprisonment, which can be accompanied or substituted by a fine.

Possession or consumption of Cannabis in a private or public place (in the street, on a bus, in your car on the public highway, in a bar, etc.) is strictly forbidden. No distinction is made between therapeutic or religious use.

What if somebody dared to eat hemp seeds?

Hemp has become a natural superfood in recent years, just like chia seeds. It’s so trendy that you can see it everywhere, whether you eat it as seeds, oil, flour, or energy bars. It is essential to know that hemp is not at all illegal and is also very good for our health!

Hemp: the new trendy plant

Hemp seeds are ideal for people who need a lot of protein. It contains twice as much protein as chia seeds. In addition, hemp is made up of edestin globulin and albumin, which makes it easy for the body to absorb.

Hemp seeds are ideal for sportsmen and women or for people following a vegetarian or vegan diet. In addition to proteins, these seeds contain many antioxidant vitamins and minerals such as iron and zinc and omega 3 and 6.

Knowing all the health benefits of hemp makes it easy to understand why so many people have started buying seeds to eat them.

Hemp and Cannabis: the difference

Hemp and Cannabis belong to the same species, but several varieties exist. In addition, not all hemp is used to make drugs.

Those with very low THC content are legal and can even be grown and marketed in Europe. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is a substance that causes psychotropic effects. In Ireland, it is hemp with a high THC content is illegal.

And if you want to collect the best cannabis seeds legally, head to!