Is Las Vegas Worth Visiting in 2023?

From movies to novels, Las Vegas has become immortalized. This didn’t happen overnight; for a great deal of America’s history, it has been the place to go if you’re looking for debauchery and fancy thrills. But is it still worth visiting in 2023?

The case can be made that it is certainly past its prime and doesn’t offer the same exclusive access to fun, gambling, and excitement that it once did. Let’s take a closer look and decide if it’s worth going all-in on a trip to Vegas.

Gambling has changed

In times gone by there was no better place to visit if you had some money burning in your pocket.

Vegas is a place best known for its casinos – the bright lights, the free alcohol, and the high rolling tables, and while it can be argued that the charming casinos of Vegas still have an appeal, we can’t mention the rise of online gambling.

It is now easier than ever to jump on your phone or computer and start having fun on numerous online slots. Why go to Vegas when you can be just as happy in the comfort of your own home? It is a question of what you wish to experience.

Playing casino games online comes with additional perks, however, with greater availability of titles like 21 Wilds, 7 Lucky Drwarfs, and Africa Goes Wild – making the gambling experience even more innovative and enticing, as compared to going to a physical casino.

If, like me, you enjoy a fancy cocktail and pretty neon lights with your gambling, Vegas is the place to be (if you’ve got the wallet for it). But if you’re only interested in gaining some cash and are perfectly happy with a Pina Colada in a can – online gambling is the place to be for you!

The environmental problem

Another concern for a lot of travelers thinking of seeking their fortune in Las Vegas is a little problem I like to call an ecological disaster.

As you’re probably aware – Vegas is in the state of Nevada, a giant desert on the west coast of the United States. Now, that would have been fine in the 1950s, but with global warming rearing its ugly head into everything, there is a potential risk of heat stroke.

Is Las Vegas Worth Visiting in 2023?

Since 1970, Las Vegas has seen a temperature increase of 5°F, with the city being the second fastest-warming city in the United States. That may not sound like a lot, but in an already arid desert, it helps make things a little more uncomfortable.

Alternatively, a more positive view of this fact is that Las Vegas is worth visiting because it won’t be habitable forever – possibly abandoned in our lifetimes. It is strange to think that Las Vegas could end up as mythic as Atlantis, but that is the reality we find ourselves in.

Sports and Entertainment

One way Vegas has kept itself relevant in the age of online gambling and trendy bars in small towns is through its quality of entertainment.

Las Vegas has ensured it attracts all sorts of visitors, with many non-gamblers visiting the City for the night shows and sporting events it often hosts. We’re happy to report that in 2023, the entertainment offered there has never been better!

Cirque du Soleil has gotten better and better as time has gone on. Sold-out shows only make the performers more daring.

If sports are more your thing, the UFC has continued to grow and thrive, with Vegas now acting as its base of operations.

During COVID, the company built its own private arena, the UFC Apex. Which allows you to get closer than ever to the action, with a small crowd that is sure to make the carnage more personal!

So, if you’re going to ‘Adult Disneyland’ solely for entertainment, you’re in for a great time!

Not Quite a Ghost Town

Though many have touted Vegas as becoming redundant in the modern world, the number of people visiting the city would beg to differ. An obviously slow year in 2020 had many believing that the city’s days were numbered – last year couldn’t have proved them more wrong.

Is Las Vegas Worth Visiting in 2023?

In 2022, Las Vegas welcomed 38.8 million visitors, which is an over 20% increase from the previous year. It seems that all the time spent in lockdown had people begging for some sun and excitement with record-setting numbers.

It will be very interesting to see if 2023 leads to another increase in visitors or if the long months spent in lockdown led to a wild frenzy.

Even if that is the case, it will undoubtedly help the city from dying, with 80% of visits to Vegas being performed by repeat visitors.

Is Las Vegas worth visiting in 2023?

In conclusion, a trip to Las Vegas in 2023 is still a great idea for those looking to experience great entertainment and excitement.

The rise in temperature is definitely something to consider before going, and if you’re only interested in gambling, saving money on plane tickets by online gambling might be a better bet.