Is spicy food GOOD for your baby?

Women should eat spicy food while nursing because they will have an easier time feeding their babies later on.

Breastfeeding mothers avoid eating spicy foods like chili because they believe it will cause excessive gas or fussiness in infants. 

It takes an average of four to six hours for food to make it into the breast milk, but factors such as body chemistry and metabolism can cause it to metabolize as soon as one hour or as long as 24 hours.

Experts say eating a variety of flavors, including spicy foods — which many believe cause babies to be gassy or fussy — are normally tolerated by most babies and there’s no scientific evidence to suggest otherwise.

Experts say it is OK for mothers to breastfeed right after eating spicy food

Dr Jennifer Wider, medical advisor for the Society for Women’s Health Research, told Daily Mail Online there’s no ‘good’ scientific evidence that says spicy food has an adverse effect on nursing babies.

She even says it’s all right for mothers to breastfeed their children right after eating a peppery cuisine because the gas mother may experience is a local reaction in the stomach or intestines. 

‘It’s important to remember that breast milk is not formulated directly from the digestive tract, it is formulated from the mother’s blood,’ Dr Jennifer Wider told Daily Mail Online. ‘So if [a nursing mom] eats cruciferous vegetables for example, the nutrients will be pulled into the breast milk but the gassy component may not affect the baby.’

‘That’s not to say that infants aren’t sensitive to certain foods, every baby is different,’ added Wider, author of New Mom’s Survival Guide.

Foods nursing mother should eat

Salmon and anchovies: They contain an Omega-3 fatty acid that’s crucial for the development of the baby’s nervous system

Lean beef: Nursing mothers need more protein and energy to produce breast milk. Lea beef is a good source of both.

Whole wheat bread: This is a good source of folic acid, an important nutrient infants need for good health. 

Leafy greens: Vegetables like spinach and broccoli are a good source of vitamin A, a nutrient that boosts the immune system and helps the heart, lungs and kidneys work properly.

The food mothers consume while nursing is breaks down protein, fats, carbohydrates, mineral and water into small particles that are absorbed into the bloodstream, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

From there, it goes into the blood vessels of the mammary gland and into the breast milk. Flavors, as well as molecules that carry scent, also travels into the bloodstream and into the breast milk.

It’s a similar process when the baby is a fetus — the food an expecting mother eats goes into the blood and into the amniotic fluid which the baby consumes in utero.

And if spicy foods were already a part of a mother’s diet before she started nursing, chances are the infant may already be accustomed to these flavors when they start breastfeeding, Dr Paula Meier, professor of pediatrics and nursing at Rush University Medical Center, told Parents.   

Research published in the Korean Journal of Pediatrics last year found spicy foods are commonly avoided by nursing mothers because they believe it can cause gas, diaper rashes and fussing in breastfeeding infants.

That same study concluded that while strong flavors can change the smell and flavor of breast milk, it will unlikely affect the baby.

As a matter of fact, research suggests food with strong flavors are actually enticing to babies.

A 1991 study, which ran in the journal Pediatrics, observed nursing mothers who ate garlic. They found infants were attached to the breast for longer periods of time and sucked more when the milk smelled like garlic.

Garlic isn’t a spicy food, but experts say these results can be applied to foods such as chilli and curry.

‘Certain cultures consume an abundance of spicy foods or foods with strong herbs, and spices and women have successfully breastfed for generations,’ Dr Wider said. 

Another study published in Pediatrics 10 years later found babies who were exposed to certain foods while nursing were more likely to enjoy those flavors later on when they started were eating solid foods.

In other words, mothers could be doing their babies a favor by eating a wide variety of tasty foods, even spicy flavors.

‘Breast-fed babies are generally easier to feed later because they’ve had this kind of variety experience of different flavors from their very first stages of life, whereas a formula-fed baby has a uniform experience,’ Lucy Cooke, a senior research associate at University College London, told the New York Times.

‘The absolute key thing is repeated exposure to a variety of different flavors as soon as you can possibly manage; that is a great thing for food acceptance,’ added Cooke, who specializes in children’s nutrition.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, breast milk provides the most complete form of nutrition, especially if they are premature or sick newborns.

In addition, Dr Wider says it’s important for mothers to eat a well-balanced diet and continue to take their prenatal vitamins, but they don’t need to cross specific foods off the list

However, mothers are advised not to breastfeed if they have HIV, tuberculosis, or is using an illicit drug such as heroin or meth.