Medical chiefs could scrap the term ‘junior doctor’ because it’s ‘demeaning’.
That’s according to Health Education England, who’ve commissioned a study into the expression and its perceived effects on a person’s professional ‘value’.
If successful, the public body will devise an alternative phrase, which will then be deemed politically correct for use by both patients and medical staff.
The potential changes could be implemented before the end of the year.
What’s in a name? Health Education England have commissioned a study into the expression and its perceived effects on a person’s professional ‘value’
Currently, Junior Doctor is an informal term used throughout the NHS, ranging from local surgeries to specialist hospitals.
It refers to an estimated 50,000 health practitioners who are still engaged in postgraduate training.
Typically, the period of being a junior doctor starts when they begin work after graduation and culminates in achieving a consultant or GP post.
However, some have complained that patients or relatives dismiss their credentials by saying things such as, “I’ve only seen the junior doctor”.’
Now, orthopaedic surgeon Scarlett McNally has been tasked with finding a PC variant.
She’s assessing whether it would be more diplomatic to group doctors into fewer categories, such as simply Post-Graduate Doctor and Consultant.
‘In the past few years it’s come to light that the term ‘junior doctor’ is considered demeaning by some postgraduate doctors,’ she told the British Medical Journal.

Calling it out: Some junior doctors have complained that their credentials are dismissed
‘We don’t want doctors to think that we’re focusing on this while ignoring more difficult issues, because other work is going on. However, the terms that we use are important, because how you name people changes how others value them.
‘We’re not going to make hard and fast rules that everybody has to stick to, but we’re going to make some recommendations.’
Unsurprisingly, some have criticised the move as an indulgence – especially given the NHS is currently battling to save scarce resources while A&E departments are down-graded and some patients languish on trolleys.
Dr Rachel Clarke, a speciality doctor in palliative medicine, told The Guardian: ‘It really doesn’t matter what you call us: there simply aren’t enough of us to keep patients safe.
‘With the NHS quietly imploding, staff at every level of seniority are pleading for more doctors, more nurses, more beds, more resources – not the distraction of a manufactured debate about job titles.’

Supportive: Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies, backed a campaign by Oxford Health Alliance which claimed the term was ‘discriminatory and belittling’
However, a number of high-ranking officials have previously lent their support to the proposed changes.
Last year, Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies, backed a campaign by Oxford Health Alliance which claimed the term was ‘discriminatory and belittling’.
They added that it was ‘unjust, progressively inaccurate, detrimental to self-esteem, and widely misunderstood by the general public.’
Feeling valued and respected is key to the morale of all those working in the NHS
Instead, they want post-graduate medical staff referred to as ‘senior house officer’ and ‘registrar’.
Professor Wendy Reid Executive Director of Education and Quality and National Medical Director, Health Education England, told MailOnline: ‘This is a very welcome debate as we are leading a work programme to improve the training, education and working life of doctors.
‘Feeling valued and respected is key to the morale of all those working in the NHS, and we recognise that doctors in training programmes are working at a very high level, delivering much of the care patients receive and the current terminology could not only risk undermining them, but also potentially leads to confusion for the public.’
To complete the survey, which is available until 6 September, click here