Is there a throne of METEORITES inside the Great Pyramid?

The mysterious ‘huge void’, at least 30 meters long, which was found inside the Great Pyramid of Giza could contain an ‘iron throne’ made using meteorites.

Archaeologists believe the throne is there to help a Pharaoh on his passage to the next life.

According to one ancient text researchers analysed, it is said that the Pharaoh, before reaching the stars of the north, will have to pass the ‘gates of the sky’ and sit on his ‘throne of iron’.


A 3D cutaway view of the Great Pyramid of Giza revealing its interior chambers. Experts believe it may contain an iron throne made from meteorites


Within the Pyramid there are four narrow shafts, the size of a handkerchief, directed to the stars.

The pharaoh’s afterlife was in fact, according to the Texts, in the sky, and in particular among the stars of the north, like the Big Dipper and Draco.

Two of the four channels open onto the facades of the monument, while the other two run into small doors. 

One of the two doors, the south one, has been explored several times without results, while the north one is still sealed.

The chambers inside the pyramid 

The chambers inside the pyramid 

These doors are with all probabilities representative of the ‘ gates of the sky ‘ and the north one could well come into the newly discovered room. 

The room may contain, at its upper end and exactly under the apex of the great pyramid, an object needed by Cheops after crossing the doors: the ‘iron throne’ mentioned in the Pyramid Texts.


The huge void was found in early November 2017 as part of the Scan Pyramids project, led by Mehdi Tayoubi (Hip Institute, Paris) and Kunihiro Morishima (University of Nagoya, Japan).

However, archaeologists have been baffled by what the area was used for.

Now Giulio Magli, Director of the Department of Mathematics and Professor of Archaeoastronomy at the Politecnico di Milano, says he may have the answer. 

‘There is a possible interpretation, which is in good agreement with what we know about the Egyptian funerary religion as witnessed in the Pyramids Texts. 

‘In these texts it is said that the pharaoh, before reaching the stars of the north, will have to pass the ‘gates of the sky’ and sit on his ‘throne of iron’. 

Cheop’s Pyramid, built around 2550 BC, is one of the largest and most complex monuments in the history of architecture.

Its internal rooms are accessible through narrow tunnels, one of which, before arriving at the funerary chamber, widens and rises suddenly forming the so-called Great Gallery. 

‘The newly discovered room is over this gallery, but does not have a practical function of ‘relieving weight ‘ from it, because the roof of the gallery itself was already built with a corbelled technique for this very reason,’ said Magli  

He says that by looking at the throne of Cheop’s mother, Queen Hetepheres, which has been found in pieces and reconstructed by Harvard University, we can get an idea of what the throne may look like.

It is a low chair of cedar wood covered with sheets of gold and faience. 

Cheops’ could be similar, but coated with thin iron sheets. 

‘Of course it would not be melted iron, but meteoritic iron, that is, fallen from the sky in the form of Iron meteorites (distinguishable due to the high percentage of Nickel) and again cited in the Texts,’ the researchers say.

Archaeologists and physicists used subatomic particles known as muons to scan the Great Pyramid of Giza (pictured) in an attempt to image the chambers and tunnels hidden beneath its stone

Archaeologists and physicists used subatomic particles known as muons to scan the Great Pyramid of Giza (pictured) in an attempt to image the chambers and tunnels hidden beneath its stone

The Egyptians used the ‘meteorite iron’ for special items designed for the Pharaohs – including the famous Tutankamon dagger. 

Experts confirmed the existence of the mysterious cavities last year after scanning the millennia-old monument with radiography equipment.   

At 146 metres (480 feet) tall, the Great Pyramid of Giza, also known as the Pyramid of Khufu, named after the son of Pharaoh Snefru, is considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

It has three known chambers, and like other pyramids in Egypt was intended as a pharaoh’s tomb.

Queen Elizabeth II examines the throne from  Game of Thrones on day two on a visit to the set. Researchers say a throne may exist indside the Great Pyramid of Giza

Queen Elizabeth II examines the throne from Game of Thrones on day two on a visit to the set. Researchers say a throne may exist indside the Great Pyramid of Giza

‘We are now able to confirm the existence of a ‘void’ hidden behind the north face, that could have the form of at least one corridor going inside the Great Pyramid,’ scientists from Operation ScanPyramids said in a statement.

Another ‘cavity’ was discovered on the pyramid’s northeast flank, said the researchers who are using radiography and 3D reconstruction for their study.

The project will begin south of Cairo with the scanning of the so-called Bent Pyramid at Dashour, followed by the nearby Red Pyramid. Later, the two largest pyramids on the Giza plateau will also be scanned. The structures are over 4,500 years old

The project will begin south of Cairo with the scanning of the so-called Bent Pyramid at Dashour, followed by the nearby Red Pyramid. Later, the two largest pyramids on the Giza plateau will also be scanned. The structures are over 4,500 years old

‘Such void is shaped like a corridor and could go up inside the pyramid,’ Mehdi Tayoubi, founder of the Paris-based Heritage Innovation Preservation Institute, told Seeker.

He said that currently no link can be made between the two cavities. 

An exquisitely decorated golden dagger found inside the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun has previously been found to have a blade made from iron that came from a meteorite. Researchers have discovered it has levels of cobalt, nickel and phosphorus that match the chemical composition of a meteorite found in Egypt in 2000

An exquisitely decorated golden dagger found inside the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun has previously been found to have a blade made from iron that came from a meteorite. Researchers have discovered it has levels of cobalt, nickel and phosphorus that match the chemical composition of a meteorite found in Egypt in 2000

Operation ScanPyramids began in October last year to search for hidden rooms inside Khufu and its neighbour Khafre in Giza, as well as the Bent and Red pyramids in Dahshur, all south of Cairo.

The project applies a mix of infrared thermography, muon radiography imaging and 3D reconstruction – all of which the researchers say are non-invasive and non-destructive techniques.

Experts from the Operation ScanPyramids team investigate the inside of the ancient structure

Experts from the Operation ScanPyramids team investigate the inside of the ancient structure

The Bent Pyramid in Dahshur (pictured),  is distinguished by the bent slope of its sides.  It has two entrances, which opens onto two corridors leading to two burial chambers arranged one above the other

The Bent Pyramid in Dahshur (pictured),  is distinguished by the bent slope of its sides.  It has two entrances, which opens onto two corridors leading to two burial chambers arranged one above the other

Muons are ‘similar to X-rays which can penetrate the body and allow bone imaging’ and ‘can go through hundreds of metres of stone before being absorbed,’ ScanPyramids explained in a statement.

‘Judiciously placed detectors – for example inside a pyramid, below a potential, unknown chamber – can then record particle tracks and discern cavities from denser regions.’

Thermal 'anomalies' were detected on the Great Pyramid. the three stones with greater temperatures than the surrounding stones (shown in red) first raised hopes there may be a hidden chamber inside

Thermal ‘anomalies’ were detected on the Great Pyramid. the three stones with greater temperatures than the surrounding stones (shown in red) first raised hopes there may be a hidden chamber inside

In May, archaeologists revealed 3D scans taken using muons of the 4,500 year old Bent Pyramid at the royal necropolis of Dashur. 

These scans revealed the pyramid’s internal structure, clearly showing a second chamber around 60 feet above a lower chamber.

‘For the first time ever, the internal structure of a pyramid was revealed with muon particles,’ Mehdi Tayoubi, co-director of the ScanPyramids andpresident of the Heritage Innovation Preservation Institute told Discovery in May. 


For more than 4,500 years, Egypt’s pyramids have kept their secrets hidden deep within the labyrinth of passages and chambers that lie inside their towering stone structures.

But the long-running row over whether the Great Pyramid of Giza is hiding a network of previously undiscovered tunnels behind its stone walls has now been answered.

The researchers confirmed the find using cosmic particles known as muons to scan the Great Pyramid of Giza.

They used the scans to create maps to reveal the internal structure of the 479 feet (146m) high pyramid.

Last year thermal scanning identified a major anomaly in the Great Pyramid, the largest and oldest of the pyramids at Giza and one of the seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Those scans identified three adjacent stones at its base which registered higher temperatures than others.

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo on Thursday began putting on display the country's oldest papyruses, which date back 4,500 years, detailing the daily life of the pyramid-builders. 

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo on Thursday began putting on display the country’s oldest papyruses, which date back 4,500 years, detailing the daily life of the pyramid-builders. 

This led to theories that they may be hiding a secret chamber that had yet to be discovered.

A team of experts then set up the ScanPyramid’s project to use muons, tiny subatomic particle that are typically produced by cosmic rays smash into atoms on Earth, to peer through the Pyramid’s huge stone blocks, some of which weight up to 15 tons.

Dr Hawass has in the past been sceptical of the usefulness of conducting such scans.

He recently clashed publicly with British Egyptologists over their theory that a secret burial chamber may be hidden behind the walls of Tutankhamun’s tomb in his pyramid in the Valley of the Kings.

Scientists have been using a muon detecting machine (pictured) to scan the internal structure of the Great Pyramid of Giza

Scientists have been using a muon detecting machine (pictured) to scan the internal structure of the Great Pyramid of Giza


Some had suggested pharaoh Sneferu was buried inside the pyramid in a hidden chamber, but the latest scans have ruled out that possibility. 

In late 2015, Egypt started radar scans of Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings in southern Egypt, after a British archaeologist theorised that Nefertiti was buried in a secret chamber there.

Nicholas Reeves suggested that Tutankhamun’s tomb was in fact Nefertiti’s, and when the boy king died unexpectedly at a young age, he was rushed into her tomb’s outer chamber.

But Egyptologists have since disagreed on whether there is a secret chamber in the tomb and further analysis is expected.