‘ISIS bomb-maker’ shared children executing prisoners

An alleged ISIS bomb-maker sent videos of child jihiadis executing prisoners to his girlfriend he met on a Muslim dating site.  

Factory worker Munir Mohammed, 37, and pharmacy graduate Rowaida el-Hassan, 33, are accused of plotting to carry out a terror attack with a homemade bomb.

Their trial today heard how had sent one string of seven videos, but when el-Hassan told him to ‘send some more’ he transferred another ten.

The alleged terrorist also used YouTube and Facebook to access instructional videos before buying chemicals to make his homemade device, the Old Bailey was told. 

Factory Munir Mohammed, 37 and pharmacy graduate Rowaida el-Hassan, 33, are accused of plotting to carry out a terror attack with a homemade bomb

He had two of the three components required to create a high explosive called triacetone triperoxide (TATP) – known as ‘Mother of Satan’ – and believed he had the third, prosecutors say.

Mohammed accessed a gory ISIS video lasting 29mins 9secs, on November 27 last year, the day after its release.

The footage began with the title ‘Ar Raqqah’ – a reference to the city in Syria which fell to opposition forces two weeks ago.

A masked man was shown giving a speech in French, with subtitles in English and Arabic, standing next to a gagged man tied to concrete blocks.

‘You see today the result of the bombardment by the Coalition, headed by America, Britain and France,’ he said.

‘They close the doors of hijrah [migration] so open the door of jihad on them. There is no need to use firearms like a rifle or a pistol, rather it is enough to use blade weapons.’

The masked man discussed the appropriate knife to use and identified ‘the most important places to strike on the body, the throat, the chest, the lower body.’

The reinforcement from Khorasan' [Afghanistan] was six minutes and 10 seconds long and featured three young boys of about ten years old, wearing military fatigues and a headdress with an ISIS emblem on it 

The reinforcement from Khorasan’ [Afghanistan] was six minutes and 10 seconds long and featured three young boys of about ten years old, wearing military fatigues and a headdress with an ISIS emblem on it 

A masked man was shown giving a speech in French, with subtitles in English and Arabic, standing next to a gagged man tied to concrete block

A masked man was shown giving a speech in French, with subtitles in English and Arabic, standing next to a gagged man tied to concrete block

Another man was then instructed to kill the prisoner tied to the concrete blocks, using the techniques described – cutting, mutilating the body of the prisoner and finally cutting his stomach open.

‘His intestines were visible and his head was almost removed from his body,’ Anne Whyte QC, prosecuting, told the jury, who did not have to watch the killing.

The second section of the video was a step-by step guide to making the high explosive TATP in a domestic kitchen by a masked man in military fatigues, including an improvised detonator from a soft drinks can.

The final section of the video showed a man running barefoot through a desert, carrying a rucksack.

There was then an explosion killing the man with the rucksack and the remains of his body were shown.

The film reversed to show explosives being put in the rucksack and ‘the impression was given that the backpack was detonated remotely,’ Ms Whyte said.

It was followed by footage of a man doing press-ups, putting on a suicide vest and then checking his watch, to demonstrate how the explosives could be used.

A number of videos shared by Mohammed with Hassan showed children conducting executions and were too graphic to be played in full to the jury

A number of videos shared by Mohammed with Hassan showed children conducting executions and were too graphic to be played in full to the jury

The next day, Mohammed took screenshots of a Facebook posting by someone using the name Hazem al-Masri.

The posting set out how to modify a circuit board within a mobile phone to make an initiator circuit for a bomb detonator.

Written in Arabic, it said that the advantage of the set-up ‘is that you can bomb even if you are outside Egypt.’

A Youtube video which had been accessed by Mohammed on his phone through Facebook said it showed how to make 580g of C1 plastic explosives mixed with TATP.

A Tupperware container with white powder in it appeared to be TATP which was then added to oil and moulded into a small ball.

It was taped to a tree and a homemade detonator inserted before it was blown up, destroying the tree.

It advised the user to ‘be careful!!!’ and showed that the explosive could be detonated by hitting it with a hammer.

Prosecutors allege Munir Hassan Mohammed (pictured) visited to his local branch of Asda to buy ingredients for a 'Mother of Satan' bomb

Prosecutors allege Munir Hassan Mohammed (pictured) visited to his local branch of Asda to buy ingredients for a ‘Mother of Satan’ bomb

The Old Bailey heard Mohammed received instructions from co-accused Rowaida el-Hassan

The Old Bailey heard Mohammed received instructions from co-accused Rowaida el-Hassan

At the end there was a message which read: ‘Thanks for whatching!’ (sic).

A number of videos shared by Mohammed with Hassan showed children conducting executions and were too graphic to be played in full to the jury.

One called ‘The reinforcement from Khorasan’ [Afghanistan] was six minutes and 10 seconds long and featured three young boys of about ten years old who were all wearing military fatigues and a headdress with an ISIS emblem on it, standing behind three men, blindfolded and kneeling in orange jumpsuits.

The blindfolds were removed and each man introduced to the camera before the boys cocked the handguns and shot each man in the back of the head.

A 1min 42sec video produced by ISIS and featured Mohammed Emwazi – the British ISIS executioner known as Jihadi John – cutting the throat of a man lying on the ground with his head pulled back by the hair.

The camera zoomed into the throat to show it being cut in graphic detail and then pulled back out to show that the victim is one of a group of men, all dressed in black, having their throats cut.

The same video included footage of Muath al-Kasasbeh, a Jordanian pilot, who was burned alive by ISIS in a cage in 2015.

A 5min 56sec video produced and edited by al-Khayr media, an ISIS production unit, showed computer graphics of informants passing information to the CIA by mobile phone and then to President Obama who called in airstrikes was followed by a series of executions.

In one a number of men were drowned in a cage, in another prisoners were blown up and a third showed men being decapitated.

A bottle of hydrogen peroxide solution found in the Derby flat of alleged bomb plotter, Mohammed

A bottle of hydrogen peroxide solution found in the Derby flat of alleged bomb plotter, Mohammed

Disposable face masks found in the home of alleged bomb plotter Rowaida El-Hassan

Disposable face masks found in the home of alleged bomb plotter Rowaida El-Hassan

Footage also featured two prisoners in grey clothing being questioned and then tied to pillars in the basement of a building with a flickering neon strip light.

A man was seen laying wiring, linking together milk churns packed with explosives and the building was then blown up.

A small child aged about nine-years-old was seen in military fatigues holding a pistol and then apparently shooting a prisoner.

After a four hour phone call between Mohammed and Hassan on August 26 he had sent a 24-page document via Whatsapp called, ‘Charges are more effective’, which was later found on Hassan’s mobile phone.

The front cover featured an image of a train and the words: ‘charges are more effective, more destructive and more painful’ and claimed to be able to ‘increase the force of the explosion threefold.’ 

Both defendants  deny preparing terrorist acts between November 2015 and December 2016.

The trial continues.  

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk