ISIS supporters threaten New Year’s Eve attack with poster

Islamic State supporters have threatened a New Year’s Eve attack in the latest of the terror group’s disturbing posters. 

Two armed terrorists can be seen making their way through a murky underpass holding multiple weapons on the billboard-type banner which carries the grammatically incorrect slogan: ‘Wait for us on your year parties.’

ISIS has released a string of the propaganda posters in recent weeks targeting the festive season and the bucket hat-clad gunman in the new version has appeared in at least one other. 

Islamic State supporters have threatened a New Year’s Eve attack in the latest of the terror group’s disturbing posters

A third features a picture of a fanatic inside a church walking towards a man dressed as Father Christmas. A message on this poster say: 'Soon on your holidays. Soon, very soon'

A third features a picture of a fanatic inside a church walking towards a man dressed as Father Christmas. A message on this poster say: ‘Soon on your holidays. Soon, very soon’

The New Year poster features one man in full army gear in front of a second man wearing a camouflaged bucket hat, a trench coat, dark trousers and carrying two guns. 

An almost identical figure was seen on a separate threatening poster of the same man approaching a church. 

That poster carried the warning: ‘Soon on your holidays. Soon, very soon’

Is comes just days after ISIS’s fanatics shared a disturbing propaganda image threatening a Christmas-time attack on New York City.

The image showed Santa Claus standing on a low roof next to a box of dynamite looking out over a crowd of shoppers in Times Square.

The poster featured the words ‘We meet at Christmas in New York… soon’, written across it in black on white. 

Warning: The propaganda poster shows Santa Claus  looking out over a crowd of shoppers with the words; 'we meet at Christmas in New York... soon'.

Warning: The propaganda poster shows Santa Claus  looking out over a crowd of shoppers with the words; ‘we meet at Christmas in New York… soon’.

Chilling: Another poster shared on encrypted channels show Santa kneeling in front of a terrorist with London's Regent Street in the background

Chilling: Another poster shared on encrypted channels show Santa kneeling in front of a terrorist with London’s Regent Street in the background

One poster shows a jihadi with a bloody knife looking out over a Christmas market with the Eiffel Tower in the background and the message 'soon in your holidays'

One poster shows a jihadi with a bloody knife looking out over a Christmas market with the Eiffel Tower in the background and the message ‘soon in your holidays’

ISIS have issued a series of propaganda images warning of attacks during Christmas Time across Europe.

Terrorists using encrypted communication channels have been sharing posters of London’s Regent Street decked out in Christmas lights, and Paris’ Eiffel Tower with a Christmas markets in the foreground.   

Images of jihadists and blood have been superimposed on the holiday scenes, with a message in English, French, and German stating: ‘Soon on your holidays’.

A poster emerged in November showing a terrorist overlooking St Peter’s Square in the Vatican with rocket launcher, along with a message urging extremists: ‘Do not hold back with your blood, the reward is paradise.’

The message warned that ‘the crusaders’ feast is approaching’, alluding to a Christmas attack the Catholic church’s holy city.

‘Their convoys will crowd itself in front of you prepare and plan for them show them the meaning of terrorism.’

Further threats: ISIS fanatics have also urged jihadists to attack Rome in an online poster showing a wolf overlooking St Peter's Square

Further threats: ISIS fanatics have also urged jihadists to attack Rome in an online poster showing a wolf overlooking St Peter’s Square

Also last month, a poster was shared online showing a masked figure driving towards St Peter’s Basilica in the with a gun and a backpack inside his car.

At the top of the poster is the message ‘Christmas blood’ with the line ‘so wait…’ written in red underneath.

The group’s propaganda wing – the Wafa Media Foundation – is continuing to churn out threats despite the regime suffering huge losses in Syria and Iraq.

And ISIS is increasingly turning to lone-wolf supporters to take up its violent cause around the world.

‘Wafa Media Foundation specialises in these types of graphics. Wafa’s threat, like others recently issued by pro-ISIS media groups, is a specific attack directive within a larger push by ISIS for lone wolf attacks as it rapidly loses territory in Iraq and Syria,’ Rita Katz, director of the SITE Intelligence Group,

‘Though these threats should be taken seriously, there is also a publicity element to pro-ISIS media groups’ threats against places like the Vatican or events like 2018 FIFA World Cup.’

The propaganda images are a chilling reminder of the terror attack on a Berlin Christmas Market last year.

Instructed by ISIS, Tunisian asylum seeker Anis Amri drove a truck into the crowds at the Christmas Market at Breitscheidplatz in Berlin on December 19.

A dozen people died, including the original driver of the truck who was shot by Amri when he hijacked the vehicle, and 56 others were injured.