‘It makes me fall in love with him all over again:’ Kate Garraway on husband’s Covid battle

Good Morning Britain’s Kate Garraway has revealed there are days when her Covid-stricken husband, Derek Draper, ‘cannot do anything’, but adds watching him battle illness for almost three years has made her ‘fall in love with him all over again.

Kate has cared for Derek, both 55, ever since he became unwell with Long Covid in 2020 after becoming gravely ill with the virus at the onset of the pandemic.

Derek fought for his life after contracting the virus in March 2020. 

He was rushed to hospital in an ambulance where he was placed on a ventilator and in an induced coma. 

He became the longest-suffering coronavirus patient in the UK after spending 13 months in hospital, apart from Kate and their two children – Darcey, 16 and Billy, 13.

Care: Kate Garraway revealed there are days when her Covid-stricken husband, Derek Draper, ‘cannot do anything’, but adds watching him battle illness for almost three years has made her ‘fall in love with him all over again

Staying strong: Kate has cared for Derek, both 55, ever since he became unwell with Long Covid in 2020 after becoming gravely ill with the virus at the onset of the pandemic

Due to the severity of his illness and length of time spent in hospital he remains unable to walk and has developed debilitating symptoms. 

In summer last year Derek developed sepsis and was again rushed to hospital, where the severe condition nearly killed him. 

Speaking about his current condition and caring for him, she told The Sun: ‘There are some days where he literally cannot do anything and it’s like the computer is switched off. He cannot move, and he’s in so much pain as we are manipulating him, trying to get him more mobile so that he doesn’t regress.’

The presenter noted that despite Derek’s insistence that they carry on, she says it’s ‘unbearable’ to see him in pain, admitting it makes her ’emotional’ just speaking about it.

However, she added: ‘It also makes me fall in love with him all over again because of that spirit, that determination to keep going. Derek is trapped, but he fights on. We cling on to the good days.’

Reflecting on the ups and downs of caring for her husband, Kate remarked that every day is a ‘roller coaster’ as Derek’s spirit ‘fluctuates’.

The journalist added that it is ‘heart-breaking’ to watch her husband of 18 years unable to move with tears streaming down his face, noting that as ‘hard’ as it is for them, she ‘cannot imagine’ how tough it is for Derek.

Meanwhile, Kate opened up on the astronomical costs of Derek’s care, adding that it’s self-funded and insisting that they’ve not had any ‘special treatment’ from the NHS or ‘bypassed waiting lists’ due to her celebrity status.  

Battle: 'There are some days where he literally cannot do anything and it’s like the computer is switched off. He cannot move, and he’s in so much pain as we are manipulating him, trying to get him more mobile so that he doesn’t regress'

Battle: ‘There are some days where he literally cannot do anything and it’s like the computer is switched off. He cannot move, and he’s in so much pain as we are manipulating him, trying to get him more mobile so that he doesn’t regress’

Love: However, she added: 'It also makes me fall in love with him all over again because of that spirit, that determination to keep going. Derek is trapped, but he fights on'

Love: However, she added: ‘It also makes me fall in love with him all over again because of that spirit, that determination to keep going. Derek is trapped, but he fights on’

She said: ‘Of course it’s been tough financially. As anyone with a loved one who is seriously ill knows, the costs go through the roof in so many ways. You have to make changes to your home and it affects your ability to work. I had to take long periods off when Derek was first sick, and of course if affects the overall income for the family as he can no longer work.’

She went on to say that she’s had to close down the business that she and Derek had together, while having to take on assistants to care for Derek while she’s doing her TV work.

Though tough, Kate insisted that they’d had ‘wonderful treatment’ from the NHS, but they had to fund another ‘gruelling’ trip to Mexico to continue Derek’s treatment – with the trip helped by ‘friends, colleagues and employers’. 

As well as the trip, the Smooth Radio presenter has had to spend ‘tens of thousands of pounds’ adapting the family home in London for Derek, which included the installation of ramps, a downstairs wet room and a makeshift downstairs bedroom. 

It comes after Kate shared a message of hope last month after revealing she had had a tricky two days.

Emotional: The journalist added that it is 'heart-breaking' to watch her husband of 18 years unable to move with tears streaming down his face, noting that as 'hard' as it is for them, she 'cannot imagine' how tough it is for Derek

Emotional: The journalist added that it is ‘heart-breaking’ to watch her husband of 18 years unable to move with tears streaming down his face, noting that as ‘hard’ as it is for them, she ‘cannot imagine’ how tough it is for Derek 

Taking to Instagram, the Good Morning Britain presenter admitted her mood had finally lifted after feeling like she was ‘trudging uphill on ice’ since Sunday. 

Kate cares for husband Derek who has been unwell with long COVID since 2020 after becoming gravely ill with the virus at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.

In her new post, the presenter snapped a photograph of a yellow crocus blooming in her garden and shared positivity after the difficult 48 hours.

She wrote: ‘So this is why I love nature & gardening so much – after a tricky 48 hours of feeling like am trudging up hill on ice my first crocus bursts up – the spirit of life & hope in gorgeous yellow form!!’

She added: ‘@smoothradio #lovenature #hope #love’ to her message of hope.

Cost: Kate opened up on the astronomical costs of Derek's care, adding that it's self-funded and insisting that they've not had any 'special treatment' from the NHS or 'bypassed waiting lists' due to her celebrity status

Cost: Kate opened up on the astronomical costs of Derek’s care, adding that it’s self-funded and insisting that they’ve not had any ‘special treatment’ from the NHS or ‘bypassed waiting lists’ due to her celebrity status 

Candid: Of course it’s been tough financially. As anyone with a loved one who is seriously ill knows, the costs go through the roof in so many ways. You have to make changes to your home and it affects your ability to work

Candid: Of course it’s been tough financially. As anyone with a loved one who is seriously ill knows, the costs go through the roof in so many ways. You have to make changes to your home and it affects your ability to work

It comes after Kate shared a rare snap of Derek with one of his carers last month.

Taking to Instagram, she posted a tribute to Jake and encouraged her followers to support his music, revealing that he has released a song called okukuseku.

Derek has been unwell with long COVID since 2020 and Jake looked after him when he first came out of hospital.

In the snap, the carer held onto his hand as he looked down at him and grinned.

Kate captioned her post: ‘Many of you will remember Jake who cared for Derek when he first came out of hospital in April 21 – from the documentary #caringforderek, so you will know what a wonderful healthcare professional he is. 

She continued: ‘But have just found out he’s also an amazing musician – under the name @sencymiller.x – He’s just released a song called okuseku (check it out in his bio) – which no surprise is full of love & inspiration to keep going & never give up. 

Carer: It came after Kate shared a rare snap of Derek with his carer Jake on Friday and encouraged her followers to support him and his music

Carer: It came after Kate shared a rare snap of Derek with his carer Jake on Friday and encouraged her followers to support him and his music 

Illness: Derek has been unwell with long COVID since 2020 and Jake looked after him when he first came out of hospital (Derek is pictured with Kate in 2019)

Illness: Derek has been unwell with long COVID since 2020 and Jake looked after him when he first came out of hospital (Derek is pictured with Kate in 2019)

‘The world of carers never fails to surprise me with their depths of talent , thoughtfulness and motivation #happyfriday all!’

Kate became overwhelmed in January as she confronted former health secretary Matt Hancock over his handling of the pandemic and his decision to go on I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here. 

Derek fought for his life after contracting coronavirus in March 2020. He became the longest-suffering coronavirus patient in the UK after spending 13 months in hospital, and remains very ill.

His broadcaster wife blinked away tears as she told Mr Hancock that millions of Britons still feel ‘very raw’ about the pandemic and repeated lockdown, declaring: ‘At the time it mattered I couldn’t visit Derek in hospital, he couldn’t see his kids.

‘Thousands of other people couldn’t see people that they loved because they were following the guidelines. The rules were very muddled for us out here.’

Mr Hancock was eventually forced to resign in June 2021 when he was caught flouting his own social distancing guidance by kissing Gina Coladangelo – who he hired with taxpayers’ money. 

Describing public anger towards him, Kate added of his decision to appear on I’m a Celebrity: ‘This gives the impression you still don’t get why they are cross. You still don’t get why people are upset. They want to hold you to more account.’ Mr Hancock replied: ‘I get all that. I really do. I really feel it.’

Tears: Kate became overwhelmed in January as she confronted former health secretary Matt Hancock over his handling of the pandemic and his decision to go on I'm a Celebrity ...Get Me Out of Here

Anger: Ms Garraway said Mr Hancock gave the impression that he didn't understand why people are so cross with him

Tears: Kate became overwhelmed in January as she confronted former health secretary Matt Hancock over his handling of the pandemic and his decision to go on I’m a Celebrity …Get Me Out of Here 

Defending his affair, he said: ‘I’m only human. We all have our frailties and I fell in love’, adding: ‘But that is not an excuse and that’s why I’ve been open about it. That’s why I asked for forgiveness.’ He repeatedly denied breaking the law.

Ms Garraway asked him if he understood the anger that people felt towards him, especially those separated by loved ones who were in hospital. 

She then became tearful and looked up as she spoke about Derek, who has been unwell for approaching three years.

‘I suppose the problem is you were the Health Secretary. Thousands of children couldn’t see people that they loved,’ she said of visiting restrictions in the NHS for so long under his stewardship.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk