It’s the climb! Two-year-old scales the refrigerator

A Utah toddler emulated a superhero as she showed off her incredible upper-body strength and climbed a refrigerator.

Two-year-old Scarlett was recorded by her mom, Tana Oliver, effortlessly scaling the refrigerator in their St. George home to reach a pen that sat in a black basket at the top. 

The basket used to be at the base of the refrigerator but moved to the top because Scarlett would draw on everything.

But that didn’t stop the ambitious two-year-old from getting what she wanted.   

Two-year-old Scarlett was recorded by her mom scaling the fridge 

The toddler made the climb in her home in St. George, Utah

She's seen holding on to the dor handles to hoist herself up

The toddler made the climb in her home in St. George, Utah. She’s seen holding on to the dor handles to hoist herself up

Little Scarlett went through all the trouble just to reach a pen that sat in a basket at the top of the refrigerator 

Little Scarlett went through all the trouble just to reach a pen that sat in a basket at the top of the refrigerator 

The video starts with Scarlett at the base of the refrigerator using the handles to pull herself up.

At one point she uses the water dispenser on the fridge as leverage to hoist herself onto the top. 

She’s even able to get herself down by swinging in a move fit for a monkey.  

As the youngest of five, Scarlett’s mom tells she is quite the adventurer.

Tana said she was looking for Scarlett one day last month and found her on top of the refrigerator.

She couldn’t believe how she had gotten up there as there was no ladder in sight or anyone there to assist her.

When she asked Scarlett to recreate the climb, the stay-at-home mom pulled out her camera and recorded her daughter’s skill.  

Scarlett’s mom said found her daughter at the top of the refrigerator and asked her to recreate how she got up there 

Apparently Scarlett (pictured in the tree) loves to climb and has loads of fun at parks 

Apparently Scarlett (pictured in the tree) loves to climb and has loads of fun at parks 

She takes after her brother Liam (pictured), nine, who is an avid climber of almost everything 

She takes after her brother Liam (pictured), nine, who is an avid climber of almost everything 

Apparently, Scarlett takes after her older brother Liam, nine, who is also an active climber. 

Tana describes both of them as ‘very capable, active and intense personalities’. 

As far as Scarlett’s climbing abilities, Tana says she’s gone up trees and has great fun at playgrounds.  

The mom added that she wasn’t nervous for Scarlett’s safety because, ‘I know her and know her abilities, plus when you watch her do it she looks like a pro!’

The little climber has since scaled back her adventurous ways up the refrigerator, but she may have a bright future in rock climbing.