I’ve built up 48 years of NI for a state pension – must I pay more?

State pension calculation: Do I need to buy voluntary top ups to get the full rate?

I need to understand the requirement and assess the consequences of making Class 3 voluntary National Insurance contributions to HMRC.

I have a workplace pension from the NHS which I started to draw when I left the NHS at age 60, and I’m currently 65.

Since leaving the NHS I have worked in a 30 hours per week part time position in which I did not join a pension scheme. I left that part time role at the end of 2021.

I have a near full employment history of making NI contributions, the majority of which were made under contracted out arrangements, although the last four years’ NI contributions whilst working part time outside the NHS have been paid at the full rate.

My state pension NI record shows that I have 48 years of full contributions to 5 April 2021; it also shows a forecast weekly state pension figure.

The 5/4/2022 forecast is shown as the maximum amount that I can receive as a state pension – ‘the most you can get’.

Currently, I assume that the NI contributions paid for part of the year 2021/22 will be sufficient to meet the minimum requirement, but understand that if there is a shortfall I may top up the contributions by making Class 3 contributions.

Having accumulated 48 years full contributions at 5/4/2021, is there any benefit or indeed obligation to make Class 3 contributions in order to protect the amount of pension I should receive, either for the three months of 2021/22 post my part time employment, or going forward for the nine months of 2022/23 to the date upon which I can claim the state pension in December 2022?

How has the forecast pension been impacted by contributions in 2021/22 to bring about a rise of £5.13 per week, having already contributed 48 years at 5/4/21?

I have read that the maximum weekly pension is £179.60 per week, so is the figure quoted by HMRC as ‘the most you can get’ the position at 5/4/22, or the most I can get even if I paid Class 3 contributions until I claim my state pension in December 2022?

I have seen a comment and advice on your website which records HMRC’s view that there is an obligation to continue to pay NI contributions, but I presume this was due to the person seeking the advice still being in employment.

My situation is different in that I am currently unemployed and retired.


Steve Webb: Find out how to ask the former Pensions Minister a question about your retirement savings in the box below

Steve Webb: Find out how to ask the former Pensions Minister a question about your retirement savings in the box below

Steve Webb replies: I would encourage everyone who has not yet reached pension age to use the ‘check your state pension’ service on the gov.uk website as you have done. 

You haven’t given a figure, but based on what you said about your forecast, if it says ‘the most you can get’ is £179.60 you will not have to pay further voluntary contributions to get a full state pension. 

But I can see how the different figures displayed can sometimes be a bit confusing, so hopefully I can clarify.

On a state pension forecast there can be up to three different figures.

The lowest figure will be the state pension you have built up so far, taking account only NI contributions that you have already paid and which are logged on the HMRC computer. Sometimes the most recent year of NI contributions will not yet be on the system, particularly if you check towards the start of a new financial year.

If there is a second, higher, figure this shows the potential state pension you could get if you worked every year from now to state pension age.

If there is a third, even higher, figure this will be the maximum amount you could get if you worked up to pension age and filled gaps in your NI record.

Because we now have a ‘flat rate’ pension system, where there is normally a maximum weekly pension of £179.60, sometimes you will only see one or two figures on your pension forecast:

– If you have already built up the full flat rate (or more because of rights built up under the old system), then you cannot add to this so you will only see one forecast figure;

– If you are currently below the full flat rate but could get there simply by working between now and pension age, you will only see two figures – the amount you have built up so far and the maximum flat rate figure.

For those who are below the full flat rate based on contributions to date, each extra year of contributions adds 1/35 of the full flat rate.



With a full flat rate of £179.60, you therefore get an extra £5.13 on your pension for each extra year of contributions or credits between 2016 (when the new system was introduced) and when you reach state pension age.

To pick up on a few other points in your question:

– If you are no longer in paid work and your state pension forecast shows you will reach the full flat rate based on contributions already made, then there is no need to pay voluntary NICs and no value in doing so; however, if you are in paid work and earning above the ‘primary threshold’ (currently £9,568 a year) then you have a legal obligation to pay NICs, even if you have already built up a full state pension;

– The reason you are short of a full state pension despite paying well over 35 years relates to your lengthy period of ‘contracted out’ employment; in a nutshell, these are years when you paid less in, so you now get less out, notwithstanding the fact that you are ‘over the 35’ in terms of your lifetime’s work;

– The year in which you turn state pension age (2022/23 in your case) can never be a qualifying year, so there is no point paying voluntary contributions for that year.

The good news for you and for others who were contracted out is that the new state pension system gives you an opportunity to ‘burn off’ some of these deductions for past contracting out.

Years from 2016/17 onwards (when the new system was introduced) can add to your state pension and build you up towards a full flat rate even though you had many years paying in at reduced rate.

Whilst those who retired shortly after April 2016 would often not have had enough years to fully wipe out the effects of past contracting out, with every year that passes, more and more people who were previously contracted out will be able to build up a full state pension.

Finally, there is one more number you may see on the state pension forecast and this is labelled COPE or ‘Contracted Out Pension Equivalent’. You can completely ignore this number.

In particular, you don’t need to knock it off any of the figures in the statement as it has already been used in the state pension calculation.

The COPE is simply designed to give you a steer as to the sort of minimum pension you might expect to get from your contracted out pension – in your case the NHS pension scheme. 

Ask Steve Webb a pension question

Former Pensions Minister Steve Webb is This Is Money’s Agony Uncle.

He is ready to answer your questions, whether you are still saving, in the process of stopping work, or juggling your finances in retirement.

Steve left the Department of Work and Pensions after the May 2015 election. He is now a partner at actuary and consulting firm Lane Clark & Peacock.

If you would like to ask Steve a question about pensions, please email him at pensionquestions@thisismoney.co.uk.

Steve will do his best to reply to your message in a forthcoming column, but he won’t be able to answer everyone or correspond privately with readers. Nothing in his replies constitutes regulated financial advice. Published questions are sometimes edited for brevity or other reasons.

Please include a daytime contact number with your message – this will be kept confidential and not used for marketing purposes.

If Steve is unable to answer your question, you can also contact MoneyHelper, a Government-backed organisation which gives free assistance on pensions to the public. It can be found here and its number is 0800 011 3797.

Steve receives many questions about state pension forecasts and COPE – the Contracted Out Pension Equivalent. If you are writing to Steve on this topic, he responds to a typical reader question here. It includes links to Steve’s several earlier columns about state pension forecasts and contracting out, which might be helpful.  


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