Iyia Liu waist trainer Kylie Jenner top business tips

She’s the business bombshell who took $6,000 and turned it into two multi-millionaire dollar companies.

Iyia Liu (pictured) is the businesswoman behind Waist Trainer and Luxe Fitness which she created off the back of a $6,000 investment

Iyia Liu overcame negativity of naysayers, broke stereotypes laid out by industry standards and triumphantly persisted after her first idea didn’t get the results she had hoped for.

At only 24 years old the Auckland-based entrepreneur is today the driving force behind two successful businesses with six figure annual turnovers.

To get to that point Liu accumulated a wealth of knowledge, built through her own hard work and the making of ‘many mistakes’ – which she turned into lessons.

The founder of Waist Trainer and Luxefitness has shared her top business tricks with Daily Mail Australia for anyone with a flare for running their own company or pursuing an income off the back of a pioneering idea. 

Liu states throughout school and University she found a lot of people who encouraged her to get a good degree and then get a good job but she says no one really emphasises you can find success doing ‘your own thing.’ 

After the 24-year-old's first venture didn't go as she had hoped she learned from the experience 

After the 24-year-old’s first venture didn’t go as she had hoped she learned from the experience 

 The founder of Waist Trainer and Luxefitness has shared her top business tricks for budding entrepreneurs 

 The founder of Waist Trainer and Luxefitness has shared her top business tricks for budding entrepreneurs 

‘Having your own business is so fulfilling, and rewarding. I once said to a friend, ”I’m officially unemployed”, and they responded with, ”no – you are free!”. 

‘Doing what you want is freedom.’ 

Iyia Liu’s top 5 tips for budding business owners

1.  Do what you want 

2. Dream, but take action 

3. Work with other people 

4. Don’t let naysayers throw you 

5. There’s no limitations on how to run a business – work with what you have

Despite visualising goals and envisioning the journey through a businesses’ evolution being vitally key components to finding success, Liu – who once spent almost $300,000 to get Kyle Jenner to post on social media about her product, believes those ideas alone won’t get you there. 

‘It’s so important to have a dream, have goals, and visualise what you want in life. But visualisation only gets you so far. 

‘You also need to take action, and eventually you will get what you want. It may sound cheesy, but it works and I can vouch for it.’ 

Liu accumulated a wealth of knowledge, built through her own hard work and the making of 'many mistakes' - which she turned into lessons

Liu accumulated a wealth of knowledge, built through her own hard work and the making of ‘many mistakes’ – which she turned into lessons

Liu once paid Kylie Jenner (pictured) almost  $600K for a sponsorship deal on the reality star's Instagram

Liu once paid Kylie Jenner (pictured) almost  $600K for a sponsorship deal on the reality star’s Instagram

She tells young business owners that when growing the initial stages of a concept, getting other peoples opinions is vital. 

After making her own mistakes with her first business, she says the biggest was only talking about business on her own platforms.  

‘Work with people, and by that I mean you need to create a brand that people can talk about.’ 

‘People listen to other people, celebrities, influencers, your customers, strangers – the more positive conversation you can create, the more exposure and success you will have.’ 

‘Don’t be afraid to do something different,’ she told DMA as another tip, ‘Take calculated risks.

She believes anyone with a flare for running their own company can find success with the right attitude and work ethic 

She believes anyone with a flare for running their own company can find success with the right attitude and work ethic 

Her top tips include putting no limitations on how to run a business but instead working with what is available 

Her top tips include putting no limitations on how to run a business but instead working with what is available 

Despite visualising goals and envisioning the journey through a businesses' evolution being vitally key components to finding success, Liu says those ideas alone won't get you there

Despite visualising goals and envisioning the journey through a businesses’ evolution being vitally key components to finding success, Liu says those ideas alone won’t get you there

‘I’ve been ridiculed for selling Waist Trainers “a product that nobody would want”, and spending $300,000 on a single photo for an influencer promotion “that wouldn’t generate a return”, and getting into “an already saturated supplement market” with my 3rd business Luxe Fitness, but I proved those people wrong. 

‘Don’t let the opinions of others discourage you.’ 

Liu is no stranger to dismissing stereotypes either citing it isn’t about how much money you have, or what you wear, or where you run your business from. 

‘I started my business from my home office and garage with $6000 of my life savings, and grew that into two multi-million dollar businesses, running out of my home for two years. 

Liu overcame negativity of naysayers, broke stereotypes laid out by industry standards and triumphantly persisted through challenges

Liu overcame negativity of naysayers, broke stereotypes laid out by industry standards and triumphantly persisted through challenges

The raven-haired fashionista confesses she wore fat pants most days when she was starting out. 

‘In this day and age, you can find suppliers and arrange anything from anywhere in the world, thanks to email, Skype, WhatsApp, you can set up a website by yourself for free, there has never been a cheaper time to start a business than right now, and there isn’t only one way to do it. 

‘Do it however it feels right and works for you.’    

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk