Jacqui Lambie ‘to resign from parliament within 24 HOURS’

Australian politics’ citizenship scandal is set to claim another big scalp with Jacqui Lambie confirming she will resign within 24 hours should she be proven a dual-national.

The Tasmanian Independent Senator has been seeking urgent advice from authorities as to her status as a British citizen.

Lambie has growing fears she is a dual-national despite both her parents holding Australian passports, and confirmed to Fairfax she would quiet immediately should that be proven true. 

She would join Barnaby Joyce, Malcolm Roberts, Larissa Waters and and Scott Ludlam as members of parliament who have lost their jobs as a result of the scandal.

Australian politics’ citizenship scandal is set to claim another big scalp with Jacqui Lambie confirming she will resign within 24 hours should she be proven a dual-national

She would join Barnaby Joyce, Malcolm Roberts, Larissa Waters and and Scott Ludlam as members of parliament who have lost their jobs as a result of the scandal

She would join Barnaby Joyce, Malcolm Roberts, Larissa Waters and and Scott Ludlam as members of parliament who have lost their jobs as a result of the scandal

Lambie addressed the growing concern in a meeting on Monday, saying her home state of Tasmania would be ‘the first to know’ should she resign.

Cory Bernardi revealed he knew of another senator who was aware of their dual-citizenship and had not disclosed it to parliament, fuelling speculation it was Lambie.

She vehemently denied those rumours on Monday afternoon. 

Lambie revealed to the Tasmania Examiner last week her father was born in Scotland and she was ‘proud’ of her roots.

‘I found out more about his family background in recent weeks as I wrote my autobiography ahead of its publication next year,’ she said.

‘I’m happy to put on record that I’m satisfied that my parents are both Australian citizens and I have no concerns about me being a dual citizen because of where they were born or came from.’  

Lambie addressed the growing concern in a meeting on Monday, saying her home state of Tasmania would be 'the first to know' should she resign

Lambie addressed the growing concern in a meeting on Monday, saying her home state of Tasmania would be ‘the first to know’ should she resign

Cory Bernardi revealed he knew of another senator who was aware of their dual-citizenship and had not disclosed it to parliament, fuelling speculation it was Lambie. She vehemently denied those rumours on Monday afternoon

Cory Bernardi revealed he knew of another senator who was aware of their dual-citizenship and had not disclosed it to parliament, fuelling speculation it was Lambie. She vehemently denied those rumours on Monday afternoon

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is attempting to recall parliament days before Christmas to bring a resolution to the saga.

He and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten met last week to discuss the PM’s proposal, but failed to reach an agreement on the new rules, demanding MPs disclosed all family history and citizenship documents.

‘We want to sharpen up the Prime Minister’s resolution and make sure it is foolproof,’ Mr Shorten said after the meeting.

Turnbull described their conversation as ‘constructive discussion’ and hopes to revisit the issue. 

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is attempting to recall parliament days before Christmas to bring a resolution to the saga

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is attempting to recall parliament days before Christmas to bring a resolution to the saga

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk