Jacqui Lambie unleashes on Anthony Albanese with three brutal pieces of advice as his popularity plummets

Independent Senator Jacqui Lambie issued some tough words for Anthony Albanese after his approval rating and support Labor plummeted in the first Newspoll conducted since the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum defeat.

Today Show host Sarah Abo questioned Senator Lambie on Monday morning about the poll result.

The Coalition now leads Labor on the primary vote, 37 per cent to 35 per cent, according to the latest poll published in The Australian on Monday. Labor maintains a slim lead on a two-party preferred basis.

‘Jacqui, it seems Australians have had a gutsful with the government. What’s going on?’ Abo asked.

The question prompted the Tasmanian Senator to unleash on the prime minister as she urged him to stop globetrotting around the world and focus on the cost of living crisis back home.

‘It’s a good thing that Santa Claus is coming in to distract us all!’ Senator Lambie said.

‘There is a lot going on, especially with cost of living, that is biting out there.

‘There are other things that are going on and I think it’s about time he spent more time back in the country.

‘It’s about time he became a realist and realised we have some massive issues.

‘Time to get off the wagon there and get back here and start doing some stuff for the country,’ she declared.

The senator suggested that Anthony Albanese (pictured) needs to ‘get organised’

Senator Lambie criticised the proposal to reconvene the Senate for a single day next week in order to expedite the passage of legislation, highlighting the extra expense for taxpayers in flying politicians in for just one day of sitting.

‘He’s had all year to get important legislation through, and he’s trying to push it through in the last two weeks of the Senate sitting, which I find is shameful in itself,’ she fumed.

‘Especially if you are going to bring the House back for a day next weeks, the hundreds of thousands of dollars that costs to fly everyone in.’

Abo pointed out that many of Albanese’s recent overseas trips had been necessary and that it was a balancing act for the Prime Minister.

Lambie replied: ‘Yeah, it is a balancing act, and I don’t think he is balancing well. 

‘I suggest he plan his next year, especially going into an election year the year after; there is a lot more to do in this country.

‘Get organised, because it’s more important that Australians feel they’re getting the help they need, and there is a voice there for them, and a decent leader that is sitting at the top to help them out because things are bad at this time,’ she said.

Senator Jacqui Lambie (pictured) didn't hold back on Anthony Albanese on Monday morning

Senator Jacqui Lambie (pictured) didn’t hold back on Anthony Albanese on Monday morning

Political commentator Neil Breen said Australians felt let down by the Albanese government on the cost of living crisis.

‘They are looking at the government who said they were going to make things better for them, and they haven’t done it,’ he explained.

‘They felt as though the Prime Minister was distracted on the Voice to Parliament.’

The Coalition leads Labor on the primary vote, 37 per cent to 35 per cent, according to the poll published in The Australian on Monday.

On a two-party preferred basis, Labor leads the Coalition 52 per cent to 48 per cent – its weakest result since it won government in 2022.

The survey of 1220 voters, conducted between October 30 and November 3, showed Mr Albanese’s approval rating dropped four points to 42 per cent while his dissatisfaction rating rose six points to 52 per cent.

Mr Albanese’s popularity as the nation’s preferred prime minister also slipped, falling five points to 46 per cent with Liberal leader Peter Dutton on 36 per cent.

Mr Albanese's popularity as the nation's preferred prime minister also slipped. He's pictured with his dog Toto at Kirribilli House on  Saturday

Mr Albanese’s popularity as the nation’s preferred prime minister also slipped. He’s pictured with his dog Toto at Kirribilli House on  Saturday

Thirty seven per cent of voters were satisfied with Mr Dutton’s performance as opposition leader while his dissatisfaction rating of 50 per cent was lower than the prime minister’s for the first time.

The opposition is launching attacks against the government over its handling of the cost of living.

Liberal MPs were seeking to tie the government’s handling of the economy to another potential interest rate rise on Tuesday as the Reserve Bank works to tame inflation.

‘They’ve had two budgets now, and yet Australians are feeling cost of living pressures worse than ever and feeling the pressure of a potential further interest rate increase,’ senior Liberal frontbencher Simon Birmingham told Sky News on Monday.

‘So, it’s little wonder that there are real concerns coming from many, many Australians about the policy approach of the Albanese Labor government.’

Liberal senator Hollie Hughes pressed Labor minister Don Farrell in the Senate over why inflation remained high and wage growth was failing to keep up.

Senator Farrell defended the government’s record, saying a range of issues was contributing to cost of living pressures, including petrol price hikes as a result of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

Pushed by Senator Hughes on why inflation remained higher in Australia than other international economies, Senator Farrell said it was ‘due to the mess you left this economy in’.

His comment was met by audible groans from the opposition benches.

‘What’s happened since the change of government is for the first time you have got a government that’s serious about looking after working people in this country,’ he said.

Nationals senator Bridget McKenzie also tied Labor’s drop in the polls to ‘the fact that (Mr Albanese) really doesn’t have everyday Australians’ interests at heart’.

‘What the referendum exposed is the triteness of the prime minister,’ she said.

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