James Comey supports FBI in Twitter rant

Former FBI Director James Comey lashed out at unnamed ‘weasels and liars’ in a Twitter rant Thursday evening, as he backed the FBI for speaking up against the publication of a controversial memo. 

‘All should appreciate the FBI speaking up. I wish more of our leaders would,’ Comey wrote on Twitter. ‘But take heart: American history shows that, in the long run, weasels and liars never hold the field, so long as good people stand up.’ 

‘Not a lot of schools or streets named for Joe McCarthy,’ Comey continued, referring to the Wisconsin senator who claimed high-ranking government officials were Soviet spies in the 1950s. 

Former FBI Director James Comey lashed out at unnamed ‘weasels and liars’ in a Twitter rant Thursday evening, as he backed the FBI for speaking up against the publication of a wiretap memo

'All should appreciate the FBI speaking up. I wish more of our leaders would,' Comey wrote on Twitter. 'But take heart: American history shows that, in the long run, weasels and liars never hold the field, so long as good people stand up'

‘All should appreciate the FBI speaking up. I wish more of our leaders would,’ Comey wrote on Twitter. ‘But take heart: American history shows that, in the long run, weasels and liars never hold the field, so long as good people stand up’

On Monday, Comey tweeted: 'Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months, when small people were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on'

On Monday, Comey tweeted: ‘Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months, when small people were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on’

Comey, who was fired by Trump in May 2017, also defended recently removed FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. 

On Monday, Comey tweeted: ‘Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months, when small people were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on. 

‘He served with distinction for two decades. I wish Andy well. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI. America needs you.’  

President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans have been attacking the FBI and the Justice Department. 

Trump is expected to clear the way soon for the publication of a classified memo that Republicans say shows improper use of surveillance by the FBI in its investigation of potential ties between Russia and Trump’s 2016 campaign.  

The Justice Department and Democrats say the memo could harm national security and mislead the public.

President Donald Trump arrives at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on Thursday

White House aides are fearful FBI Director Christopher Wray (pictured) will quit his post if Trump orders the release of a controversial classified memo

President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans have been attacking the FBI and the Justice Department and White House aides are fearful FBI Director Christopher Wray (right) will quit his post if Trump orders the release of a controversial classified memo

According to the Associated Press, Trump has told confidants in recent days that he believes the document will validate his concerns that the FBI and Justice Department conspired against him and bolster his claim that the collusion accusations are false and part of a conspiracy to discredit his election. 

It was also reported on Thursday that White House aides are fearful current FBI Director Christopher Wray will quit his post in the standoff over the release of the controversial memo about the Russia probe – leading to yet another tumultuous turnover in the administration.

Wray has raised pointed concerns about the release of the memo, drafted by Rep Devin Nunes and staff for the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee. 

The FBI released an unusual public statement warning of ‘grave concerns’ about its release.

But Trump is poised to cast those doubts aside and release the memo. A senior administration official told reporters that Trump is ‘okay with it’.

That could push Wray to the resign, although he has not threatened to do so, CNN reported, citing multiple aides concerned Wray may walk over the blowup.

But within minutes after speculation about Wray’s future burst forward, NBC reported that the FBI director has no intention of quitting.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk