JANA HOCKING: I’m sorry, but these are the signs your Christmas is ‘bogan’: Supermarket roast chooks, Jatz crackers on a platter, ‘snags’ and tacky ‘fast fashion’ presents

Bogans, frightful creatures!

Just joking, they are my favourite part of Christmas. Why? Because they really embrace the day and come out to play.

You see, when I think of Christmas I think of a Champagne breakfast, prawns and mango salad, and backyard cricket. But what brings me real joy is watching how others spent it during the 5pm news highlight packages. I usually do this while rubbing my pavlova-filled belly and ignoring family members’ post-lunch snores.

You know what I’m talking about. There’s usually some young rookie reporter who has been given the Christmas shift and forced to travel to our favourite parks and camp grounds to film Aussie bogans at play. 

Now to be fair, the news package usually shows a variety of Australians and how they spent their Chrissy day. But let’s be honest, the real reason to watch is for the array of glorious bogans giving zero f**ks on this holy of days.

Whether they are belching at the Christmas table surrounded by their nearest and dearest or diving in the local river fully clothed in a Santa suit, they bring great entertainment and remind me why we celebrate this day in the best country in the world.

Here are a few examples of behaviours I believe classify someone as a bogan on Christmas day.

Bogans, frightful creatures! Just joking, they are my favourite part of Christmas . Why? Because they really embrace the day and come out to play (Jana in her ‘bogan’ novelty apron)

1. Serving roast chook straight from a ‘bachelor’s handbag’ for Christmas lunch

If you haven’t heard of the term ‘bachelor’s handbag’ already, let me quote it to you from the Macquarie Dictionary (it won term of the year in 2022 FYI).

 ‘A takeaway supermarket roast chicken packaged in a small plastic bag with a handle, resembling a handbag. A popular buy favoured by single men.’ 

Why spend hours trying to put the 12 ingredients Jamie Oliver requires for his roast chicken together when you can swing by the supermarket and nab yourself a decent chook for under $10? That’s bogan math at its finest.

Why spend hours trying to put the 12 ingredients Jamie Oliver requires for his roast chicken together when you can swing by the supermarket and nab yourself a decent chook for under $10?

Why spend hours trying to put the 12 ingredients Jamie Oliver requires for his roast chicken together when you can swing by the supermarket and nab yourself a decent chook for under $10?

2. Shirts off at the Christmas table 

Unless you have at least one outlawed uncle sporting his finest beer belly shirt-free at the Christmas table, did you even have a Christmas? Extra points for a hairy chest.

3. Trifle made with store-bought jam rolls and port wine flavoured packet jelly

If you give Nigella a rhetorical middle finger with her fancy pants trifle made with rosewater cream, amaretto-soaked biscotti and lemon curd – and choose to concoct yours with store bought jam rolls, a tin of two-fruits, a generous serving of port wine flavoured packet jelly, dollops of custard straight from a carton, and a good soaking of sherry you have just whipped yourself up a bodacious bogan treat. 

I wouldn’t turn down either if I’m being honest.

When I think of the word 'snags' it conjures up the voice of a nasal sheila really going hard on the 'a'. As in 'Darl, can you pass the snaaaaaaags. Thanks pet'

When I think of the word ‘snags’ it conjures up the voice of a nasal sheila really going hard on the ‘a’. As in ‘Darl, can you pass the snaaaaaaags. Thanks pet’

4. A trip to the emergency ward

If I could, I would happily sit in the emergency ward on Christmas Day with a giant bag of popcorn watching all the drama play out in all its bogan goodness. 

Mums screaming at dads for choosing to drink beer instead of watching little Freddy navigate his first pair of rollerblades. At least one adult family member looking blurry eyed after attempting a backflip in the blow up pool despite a serious lack of coordination. 

Cousin John’s hopeless attempt at opening a beer bottle with his teeth. Or in one instance (so I’ve been told by a friendly doctor) a candy cane getting stuck in an unimaginable orifice. 

The emergency ward is a haven for naughty Christmas bogans. Stay safe people.

5. Calling sausages ‘snags’ 

When I think of the word ‘snags’ it conjures up the voice of a nasal sheila really going hard on the ‘a’. As in ‘Darl, can you pass the snaaaaaaags. Thanks pet.’ It’s got me hankering for a Bunnings sausage sizzle just thinking about it.

6. Chain-smoking grandpas

These glorious grey-haired bandits will rant on about ‘back in my day there was no such thing as lung cancer’ while lighting up a durry and cracking open a tinnie of VB. Oh Grandpa it just isn’t Christmas without your tobacco scent filling the already overheated dining room at lunch.

7. Budget cheese platters

Jatz biscuits, pickled onions (such an underrated delicacy), salami bought from a supermarket, French onion dip (served in its plastic tub with the foil simply folded back), and cubed cheese. 

I’m not going to lie, I would hoover this up in thirty seconds – but if you didn’t branch out and purchase at least one nice chunk of camembert then wear your bogan badge with pride.

Bogan: Jatz biscuits, pickled onions (such an underrated delicacy), salami bought from a supermarket, French onion dip (served in its plastic tub with the foil simply folded back), and cubed cheese

Bogan: Jatz biscuits, pickled onions (such an underrated delicacy), salami bought from a supermarket, French onion dip (served in its plastic tub with the foil simply folded back), and cubed cheese

Cubed cheese, especially on picks, is a bogan delicacy at Christmas

Cubed cheese, especially on picks, is a bogan delicacy at Christmas

8. Gifting ‘fast fashion’ presents 

There are hundreds of online fashion stores currently replicating recent trends and mass-producing them at a low cost, usually making them in large overseas warehouses and paying their employees very low wages. Highly frowned upon, and yet very popular. 

The upper class amongst us are now embracing sustainable fashion – gifting fine vintage clothing. The bogans amongst us are waiting by the post for their ‘three tops for $20’ delivery.

9. Wine from a box 

Just because it’s Christmas doesn’t mean Aussies will crack open the good stuff, oh no. Have you not heard of the cost-of-living crisis?! If you’re dropping by Aldi to pick up one of their finest goon bags then you dear reader are a bonified bogan. 

Extra points if you finish it all by yourself. Santa’s already shared the presents, no need for you to as well.

If you're dropping by Aldi to pick up one of their finest goon bags then you dear reader are a bonified bogan

If you’re dropping by Aldi to pick up one of their finest goon bags then you dear reader are a bonified bogan

10. Backyard cricket with no shoes on 

If you’re wearing a loafer during the annual family cricket match, you’re a little bit too fancy! And dare I say, deserve to be rightly roasted. Bindis be damned, real Aussie bogans go shoe free and deal with the consequences later.

11. Novelty aprons 

Oh I am guilty as charged for this one! If you have an apron with a witty (yet slightly cringe) statement like ‘Dear Santa, Is it too late to be good?’ or ‘GIN-gle all the way’ or ‘Merry Christmas ya filthy animal’ you won’t be making the best-dressed list this year. I award myself extra bogan points for posing in it nude and shamelessly posting it to Instagram. No YOU’RE a bogan! *Sob*

12. Tacky decorations

Tinsel in any colour other than gold or red. If your Christmas tree looks like a rainbow has thrown up on it, then the style jury finds you GUILTY of bad bogan taste. A fancy Christmas tree sticks to a colour scheme of strictly gold and/or red. Perhaps silver at a stretch. Your loungeroom should resemble a David Jones store front. If you go outside this strict style guildeline then hang your bogan head in shame. 

And finally… may I introduce you to our fine bogan Christmas tradition: a Santa and reindeer made from the hay bales that have been rotting at our family’s back shed for far too long. Spotting it as I drive down the driveway reminds me that Christmas in indeed upon us and I think our local farmers will all agree. You Kardashians can keep your over-the-top bougie decorations. Give me a hay bale with a few sticks and Kmart baubles hanging out of it any day.

Now crack open a cold one, let out a good belch and let’s all embrace our inner bogan this Christmas. They sure seem to have the most fun.

Oh, and a very Merry Christmas. If Santa has read any of my articles this year, I think it’s safe to assume I will be on the Naughty List but here’s hoping he has turned a blind eye to the rest of you.

And finally… may I introduce you to our fine bogan Christmas tradition: a Santa and reindeer made from the hay bales that have been rotting at our family's back shed for far too long

And finally… may I introduce you to our fine bogan Christmas tradition: a Santa and reindeer made from the hay bales that have been rotting at our family’s back shed for far too long

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