Jayda Fransen will face two trials in Northern Ireland

Jayda Fransen – who gained notoriety when her messages were retweeted by Donald Trump – faces two trials in Northern Ireland for allegedly stirring up religious hatred

The deputy leader of Britain First who was once retweeted by the US President hit out at ‘trumped up’ charges as she arrived in Northern Ireland today.

Jayda Fransen, three of whose messages were sent out by Donald Trump, will face two separate trials in Belfast over claims she attempted to stir up religious hatred.

The first set of charges against the 31-year-old relate to a ‘Northern Ireland Against Terrorism’ rally at Belfast City Hall on August 6 last year.

But she also faces trial for posting a video online which was filmed at a peace wall in Belfast when she attended her last court hearing in the country.

Before a appearance before magistrates in today, she wrote online: ‘En route to Belfast, I’m due to appear in court for the second time for simply making a speech and posting a video about a peace wall! Three more trumped up charges from the corrupt British establishment!’

In court, the 31-year-old was told that the she will face trial over the first set of allegations on April 6 this year.

She was surrounded by followers as she entered and left Belfast Magistrates Court today

She was surrounded by followers as she entered and left Belfast Magistrates Court today

Defence counsel Richard McConkey confirmed his client is pleading not guilty to both sets of charges.

Around a dozen of her followers gathered in the public gallery, while five police officers provided security outside.

District Judge Fiona Bagnall agreed to set aside a day for the trial over Fransen’s alleged comments on August 6 last year.

She ushered into the building by a man in a green bomber jacket this morning

She ushered into the building by a man in a green bomber jacket this morning

Demonstrators had gathered on the same day as a republican march organised to mark the use of internment without trial by the British Army at the height of the Troubles in 1971.

Fransen faces two counts of behaviour intended to or likely to stir up hatred in connection with her attendance at that rally.

Britain First leader, Paul Golding, is due to appear in court on similar charges arising from the same event.

The charges include using threatening language or behaviour with intent to stir up hatred or provoke a breach of the peace, and sending menacing or grossly offensive messages by a public electronic communications network.

Police claim she made anti-Islamic comments by urged people to ‘rise up against the biggest threat to the entire world’ in an incident posted on Britain First’s Facebook page.

Fransen, who is currently banned from being within 500 metres of any demonstration or procession as part of bail conditions, will face a separate trial over those allegations.

In a message posted online before the hearing, she said the charges were 'trumped up'

In a message posted online before the hearing, she said the charges were ‘trumped up’

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